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LibreOffice-Box adalah padanan untuk DVD dalam bahasa lain, berisi installer multiplatform dan materi lain yang berhubungan.
Website: libreofficebox.org
Brasilian Wiki page: LibreOffice-Box/pt-br
Brasilian Website: brasil.libreofficebox.org
German Wiki page: LibreOffice-Box/de
German Website: de.libreofficebox.org
North-American Community DVD Project's Website: libreoffice-na.us
The DVD project's concept is simple - you get a DVD full of the install files for LibreOffice and as much bonus/extra information/documentation, add-ons to LibreOffice, and extra packages, that a new user might want or need for his/hers first time using this wonderful office suite.
The online portal shows our DVD as an online version for your "testing". This online version has the same format and files as the physical media and/or the .iso file, except it is updated between the production of the different versions of the .iso file and physical media. The ISO file[s] can be downloaded from LibreOffice's "CD/DVD images with installers for all platforms" link from their web page at https://www.libreoffice.org/download/?type=box
The current DVD .iso file is about 4 GB in size and includes Windows [and portable], Linux [deb and rpm], macOS [PPC and Intel/x86] install files, language and/or help files for 8 languages, over 180 .oxt dictionaries to add on, extensions, templates, image/galleries, and other bonus extras that include other open-source and/or free software packages that might be useful to our users. The DVD also includes includes the latest available documentation for LibreOffice, with the online portal version has its documentation page updated as soon as the new/updated documentation becomes available.