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This is the dedicated page for marketing related information and material. It is currently under construction.
- Slogan by Oxford Dictionaries, Oxford University Press, April 2010 (accessed November 13, 2010)
- Slogan by Wikipedia
: "A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a political, commercial, religious and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose. The word slogan is derived from slogorn which was an Anglicisation of the Scottish Gaelic sluagh-ghairm (sluagh "army", "host" + gairm "cry"). Slogans vary from the written and the visual to the chanted and the vulgar. Often their simple rhetorical nature leaves little room for detail, and as such they serve perhaps more as a social expression of unified purpose, rather than a projection for an intended audience."
- Little Caesars - Pizza! Pizza!
- Intel - Intel Inside
- Beef - Beef. It's whats for dinner.
- Remington - I liked it so much I bought the company.
- eBay - The world’s online marketplace
- Old Spice - The mark of a man
- Ford - Quality is job one
- FTD - Say it with flowers
- Ivory Soap - 99.44% pure
- CNN - The most trusted name in news
- E. F. Hutton - When E. F. Hutton Talks, People Listen
Points to ponder
The official name of our most favourite office suite is: LibreOffice. No abbreviated form has been adopted and the abbreviated form will be best decided by its popular usage by the LibO/LO members and users.Only the official name should be used for the slogan. (Suggested by Marc Paré) Please keep in mind the LibreOffice branding guidelines. (Suggested by Volker Merschmann)
About the localisation of the slogan: One slogan, loosely translated into languages, would seem best to me. In other words, not a literal translation, but same idea translated. (Suggested by Brenden Seibel) Most of the slogans don't translate easily. But we should try to find a common central conclusion. (Suggested by Bernhard Dippold) We can also use an old proverb or famous quotation. Instead of translating into multiple languages, how about sticking to one of the old ones? Like Latin or Greek? (Suggested by sunk8)
On suggestions: I think the main slogan should remind people that LibreOffice is a series of programs that help one to write, draw, calculate... Maybe I am paranoid, but I think we should avoid: names that remind one of competitive software. (Suggested by Michel Gagnon) As well, avoid any negatives. (Suggested by Marc Paré)
My idea is that the slogan should capture the idea of what the suite could do for the user, instead of what WE DID. The idea of writing, drawing, calculating efficiently and freely should come to the mind of the person reading the slogan. Keep in mind that the average user may not be, and most likely will not be, versed in the open source/commercial difference. Open file formats versus commercial formats don't matter as much as what the software does, how it does it, and what it costs! (Suggested by Brenden Seibel)
Suggested LibreOffice Slogan
(Be creative, add some of your own.) (These are not in any specific order).
- LibreOffice - The New Opened Office (Shunesburg69)
- "LibreOffice, a suite deal."
- "LibreOffice "Tools for real Life!" (DaveFilms)
- "Memories brought to you by LibreOffice"
- "Take note, with LibreOffice."—not good because of OneNote and Lotus Notes
- "Penmanship begins with LibreOffice."
- "There was the calamus, the ballpoint pen. LibreOffice, the evolution continues."—comment-too lengthy for a slogan, IMO. An shorter alternative would be something like this "The calamus. The ballpoint. Libreoffice." This would leave some parts understood.
- "LibreOffice, your creation, your company, your trust."
- "LibreOffice ... we are all free to live."
- LibreOffice, we dared and we conquered."
- "We conquered space, we created LibreOffice. Dare to imagine and you will succeed"—Comment: We conquered space... too far away; Play on words: space
- "LibreOffice ... Freedom to Live!"
- "Liberate Your Life"
- "LibreOffice. Do what you want." / "LibreOffice. Fais ce que tu veux.", "LibreOffice. Realises ce que tu veux." / "LibreOffice. Mach was du willst." / "LibreOffice. Haz lo que quieras." / "LibreOffice. Fai quello che vuoi." <-- David Nelson
- "LibreOffice. Your Office." Similar to the above, even simpler to localise.
- "With LibreOffice, you really are in control of your documents" (i.e. reference to open file formats)
- "LibreOffice: your documents, you're in control!"
- "LibreOffice, Your productivity enhanced!"
- "LibreOffice, Liberate your productivity"
- Easy to write "I love you" across a painted heart with LibreOffice; but don't calculate the result; believe in freedom - it is always the right choice . . . --Comment—Are these three lines a slogan?? or should it be with points to ponder?
- "Free Yourself..."
- "Free Yourself...LibreOffice"
- "Be open. Be free. Feel Liberty!"
- "LibreOffice...Be Free!"
- "LibreOffice is... 'Fun', 'Easy'"
- "Free your Office and your life will follow... LibreOffice! The freedom for be creative." --> Dave Johnson
- LibreOffice - Suite Freedom Native
- "LibreOffice...Freedom, documented"
- "LibreOffice...Documents Simplified"
- It's your release.
- LibreOffice: The world's best open source office suite for all your word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and drawing needs. (Short version: "LibreOffice: The world's best open source office suite.")
- LibreOffice... Liberate your documents
- LibreOffice... Free your docs! (suggested by cocofan(Dona Hertel))
- LibreOffice... Freedom to express
- LibreOffice... Freedom to express, power to inspire
- LibreOffice... Freedom to inspire, power to express
- LibreOffice... By the people, for the people
- LibreOffice... Freedom never tasted so suite
- LibreOffice... Unequivocal expression, indispensable productivity
- LibreOffice... Libre by design
- LibreOffice... Libre by essence
- LibreOffice... Libre by nature
- "LibreOffice...Documents Made Everyday"
- "LibreOffice...Documents Made Daily"
- "LibreOffice...Documents Your Way"
- "LibreOffice...devoted to openness"
- " productive, be free"
- "LibreOffice...The creativity suite"
- "LibreOffice...Get your work done in a good way"
- "LibreOffice...Powerful, creative, open"
- "LibreOffice...A healthy spirit prefers an open office."
- LibreOffice... Free by design
- "LibreOffice ... Made by the people, for the people" (old unofficial OOo slogan).
- "LibreOffice...Documents for People"
- "LibreOffice...Unleash Your Creativity"
- "LibreOffice...simply...innovating" (suggested by Emanuel A. Marcatinco B.)
- "LibreOffice...always innovating" (suggested by Emanuel A. Marcatinco B.)
- "LibreOffice...always innovating in office" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice...always innovating in office suite" (suggested by Emanuel A. Marcatinco B)
- "LibreOffice...innovating in office" (suggested by Emanuel A. Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice...the evolution in office suite" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice...the evolution in office" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice...the evolution arrived at the office" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice...the innovation arrived at the office" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice...the evolution in documents" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice...innovation for documents" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- " innovation" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice is...innovation" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice...innovation in documents" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- " innovation in documents" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice... Productivity with no strings attached" (suggested by sunk8)
- "LibreOffice... birth of the liberal productivity suite" (suggested by sunk8)
- "LibreOffice... the productive productivity suite" (suggested by sunk8)
- "LibreOffice... Suite up!" (suggested by sunk8)
- "Unlike LibreOffice, Liberty comes with a price" (suggested by sunk8)
- "Liberty comes with a price, but LibreOffice is free" (suggested by sunk8)
- "LibreOffice... It is not a suite, it is a solution! (suggested by sunk8)
- "LibreOffice... The common man's uncommon office suite!" (suggested by sunk8)
- "LibreOffice... Productivity suite for the common man" (suggested by sunk8)
- "LibreOffice for kids... Now your dog can't eat your homework!" (suggested by sunk8)
- "LibreOffice... The suite office without restrictions" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice... The suite office without limits" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice... creates documents without restrictions" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "LibreOffice... innovating without limits" (suggested by Emanuel Marcatinco)
- "Acri Opere - Liberos Vivere - LibreOffice" (Slogan would be in Latin - translated to English = Work Smart - Live Free - LibreOffice)
- "LibreOffice: organize your freedom" (suggested by Marco; very few results in Google at the moment)
- "LibreOffice, the document evolution" (Suggested by Michael (Wheatbix) Wheatland as an initial slogan while LibreOffice interface remains as is.)
- "LibreOffice, the document revolution" (Suggested by Michael (Wheatbix) Wheatland as a slogan once we start to really develop a new UI eg. Citrus or another)
- "LibreOffice, "the best way to make your work done"
- "LibreOffice, "the freest way to make your work done"
- "LibreOffice - Open and free."
- "LibreOffice the Document's Foundation"(suggested by Chao)
- "LibreOffice - Work Free" (suggested by Philip Timms)
- LibreOffice... Liberate your office (suggested by albucasis)
- LibreOffice... deploy your freedom! (suggested by albucasis)
- "LibreOffice - Suite for free men" (suggested by Risto Jääskeläinen)
- "LibreOffice - and you like your work" (suggested by Risto Jääskeläinen)
- "LibreOffice - and documents are yours" (suggested by Risto Jääskeläinen)
- "When freedom meets creativity you see LibreOffice" (suggested by Risto Jääskeläinen)
- "LibreOffice - Where freedom meets creativity" (suggested by Rnisto Jääskeläien)
- "LibreOffice... Documents with no strings attached"
- "LibreOffice. Wings for your documents" (suggested by Alexey Doroshenko)
- "LibreOffice. Except fetters" (suggested by Alexey Doroshenko)
- "LibreOffice. The evolution of documents" (suggested by Alexey Doroshenko)
- "LibreOffice. P76Y3-KM4XM-2DYJW-QP6R6-VBVD8 not need anymore" (suggested by Alexey Doroshenko)
- "LibreOffice. My electronic office. And Yours too." (suggested by Vlastimil Ott)
- "LibreOffice. Our office applications." (suggested by Vlastimil Ott)
- "LibreOffice. Office software. Free. For you. " (suggested by Vlastimil Ott)
- "LibreOffice. Office tools. Brought to you by 21th century" (suggested by Vlastimil Ott)
- "LibreOffice. The liberated office(/productivity) suite." (suggested by Martin Srebotnjak)
- "LibreOffice. Set free for eternity." (suggested by Martin Srebotnjak)
- "LibreOffice. The excuse free productivity suite. Go back to work." (suggested by Martin Srebotnjak)
- "LibreOffice - Liberate your office" (Suggested by Andreasek)
- "LibreOffice - your documents." (Suggested by Jean-Luc Grenard)
- "LibreOffice - simply free" (Suggested by Helio Santiago)
- "LibreOffice - An “Open” door to creativity." (Suggested by Anant Verma)
- "LibreOffice - All is said." (Suggested by Pierre-Yves Samyn)
- "LibreOffice - Be Free My Friend" (Suggested by JuanJosePablos)
- "LibreOffice - The Key for your lock-in documents" (Suggested by JuanJosePablos)
- "The Place Where Your Documents Live. LibreOffice" (Lino)
- "LibreOffice - A New Home For Your Documents" (Lino)
- "Get A Life For Your Documents. They Deserve it. LibreOffice" (Lino)
- "LibreOffice - Your Document's First Choice" (Lino)
- "LibreOffice, Because It Works Free For You." (Lino)
- "LibreOffice. At Least, It's Free" (Lino, actually, my a bit bitchy son :)
- "Free your office". Think in short, people! (Aldo Román Nureña)
- "LibreOffice – Today is the day, the best is yet to come"
- "LibreOffice – The definitive office productivity software"
- "LibreOffice – The change you've been waiting for"
- "LibreOffice – The world's best kept secret"
- "LibreOffice – The gold standard office productivity software"
- "Open your office with LibreOffice." (Shunesburg69)
- "LibreOffice - Be liberate." (Shunesburg69)
- "LibreOffice, liberate your office." (Franklin)
- "LibreOffice, LibRerateYou." (Enio Gemmo)
- "Stay productive. Every Platform. Every Format." (OmegaMaster)
- LibreOffice suite - Veni, Vidi, Vici (Wolfgang Rohm)
- LibreOffice suite - Freedom & Productivity wherever, whenever, whatever (Wolfgang Rohm)
- LibreOffice suite - Flawless Productivity, Innovation & Freedom (Wolfgang Rohm)