Smart font optional features for Graphite and OpenType fonts

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    This table displays the supported features in OpenType and Graphite fonts
    It is a compilation by users and not an official document by the Document Foundation.
    Please feel free to improve this page. Last update to this table was made at 24.03.2023

    LibreOffice supports optional font features for the smart font technologies SIL Graphite and OpenType. In LibreOffice, users can access the optional font features by setting extended font names in the fonts dialog. You need to enter IDs from below table after the font name. A user interface for setting the features is implemented in version 6.2 (tdf#58941).


    For example for the font "Linux Libertine G":

    • Linux Libertine G:smcp=1 (small caps)

    or a combination of features:

    • Linux Libertine G:pnum=1&onum=1 (proportional old style numbers)
    Example to set extended font name for small caps in the fonts dialog. The preview displays the result

    Please note that most fonts only support a subset of following optional features!


    Limitations of the current support is that there is no support for optional OpenType features in the OOXML export. Also, the ODF 1.2 standard does not yet provide OpenType optional features support. This feature is scheduled for the standard revision ODF 1.3.

    On Graphite fonts

    For Graphite fonts, please see following HowTo for the font features of Linux Libertine G and Linux Biolinum G and SIL Graphite fonts.

    Smart fonts bundled with LibreOffice

    On Linux, MS Windows and Apple macOS, a large number of smart fonts are installed by the operating system or other applications. Additionally, each LibreOffice installation bundles following smart fonts:

    Please cross-check whether following fonts lists are correct!!

    • Linux Biolinum G
    • Linux Libertine Display G
    • Linux Libertine G
    • Noto Sans
    • Noto Serif
    • Source Code Pro
    • Source Sans Pro
    • Source Serif Pro

    Following bundled fonts do not support optional smart font features: Caladea, Carlito, DejaVu Sans, DejaVu Sans Condensed, DejaVu Sans Mono, DejaVu Serif, DejaVu Serif Condensed, Gentium Basic, Gentium Book Basic, Liberation Mono, Liberation Sans, Liberation Sans Narrow, Liberation Serif, Noto font family other than Noto Sans and Noto Serif.

    List of optional smart font features and their ID

    Note: All Graphite font feature IDs are font specific, depending on which font you are used.

    ID Description Further information and examples
    aalt Access all alternates
    abvf Above-base forms
    abvm Above-base mark positioning
    abvs Above-base substitutions
    afrc Alternative fractions
    akhn Akhands
    algn Right-aligned numbers or footnote numbering signs only available in Graphite
    arti Definitive article only available in Graphite
    blwf Below-base forms
    blwm Below-base mark positioning
    blws Below-base substitutions
    c2pc Capitals to petite capitals
    c2sc Capitals to small capitals
    calt Contextual alternates
    caps Capitalized forms only available in Graphite
    case Case-sensitive forms
    ccmp Glyph composition/decomposition
    cfar Conjunct form after Ro
    circ Enclosed alphanumerics only available in Graphite
    cjct Conjunct forms
    clig Contextual ligatures
    cpct Centered CJK punctuation
    cpsp Capital spacing
    cswh Contextual swash
    curs Cursive positioning
    cv01-cv99 Character variants
    dash N-dash correction only available in Graphite
    dbls Double-stroke letters only available in Graphite
    dist Distances
    dlig Discretionary ligatures
    dnom Denominators
    dtls Dotless forms
    expt Expert forms
    falt Final glyph on line alternates
    fin2 Terminal forms #2
    fin3 Terminal forms #3
    fina Terminal forms
    flac Flattened accent forms
    foot Footnote numbering signs only available in Graphite
    frac Fractions (diagonal fractions)
    frsp French spacing only available in Graphite
    fwid Full widths
    grkn Numbers to Greek small letters only available in Graphite
    hang Hanging punctuation only available in Graphite
    half Half forms
    haln Halant forms
    halt Alternate half widths
    hist Historical forms
    hkna Horizontal Kana alternates
    hlig Historical ligatures
    hngl Hangul
    hojo Hojo Kanji forms (JIS X 0212-1990 Kanji Forms)
    hwid Half widths
    init Initial forms
    ingl Single substitution only available in Graphite
    isol Isolated forms
    ital Italics
    itlc Italic correction only available in Graphite
    jalt Justification alternates
    jp04 JIS2004 forms
    jp78 JIS78 forms
    jp83 JIS83 forms
    jp90 JIS90 forms
    kern Kerning
    lfbd Left bounds
    liga Standard ligatures
    ligc Ligature correction at hyphenation only available in Graphite
    lith Extra switch for “Th” ligature only available in Graphite
    litt Extra switch for “tt” ligature only available in Graphite
    ljmo Leading Jamo forms
    lnum Lining Figures
    locl Localized forms in Latin
    ltra Left-to-right alternates
    ltrm Left-to-right mirrored forms
    mark Mark positioning
    med2 Medial forms #2
    medi Medial forms
    mgrk Mathematical Greek
    minu True minus sign only available in Graphite
    mkmk Mark to mark positioning
    mset Mark positioning via substitution
    name Number to number names only available in Graphite
    nalt Alternate annotation forms
    nfsp Non French spacing: greater spaces between sentences only available in Graphite
    nlck NLC Kanji forms
    nukt Nukta forms
    numr Numerators
    onum Oldstyle numbers / Text figures / Non-lining figures Text figures
    opbd Optical bounds
    ordn Ordinals
    ornm Ornaments
    palt Proportional alternate widths
    para Regular parenthesis in Italic only available in Graphite
    pcap Petite capitals
    pkna Proportional Kana
    pnum Proportional numbers
    pref Pre-base forms
    pres Pre-base substitutions
    pstf Post-base forms
    psts Post-base substitutions
    pwid Proportional widths
    quot Quotation mark correction only available in Graphite
    qwid Quarter widths
    rand Randomize
    rand Required contextual alternates
    rkrf Rakar forms
    rlig Required ligatures
    rphf Reph forms
    rtbd Right bounds
    rtla Right-to-left alternates
    rtlm Right-to-left mirrored forms
    ruby Ruby notation forms
    rvrn Required variation alternates
    sa01-99 for single salt items only available in Graphite
    salt Stylistic alternatives
    sinf Scientific inferiors
    size Optical size
    smcp Small capitals
    smpl Simplified forms
    ss01-20 Stylistic set 1 to 20
    ssty Math script style alternates
    stch Stretching glyph decomposition
    subs Subscript
    sups Superscript
    swsh Swash
    texm TeX-mode only available in Graphite
    thou Thousand separation only available in Graphite
    titl Titling
    tjmo Trailing Jamo forms
    tnam Traditional name forms
    tnum Tabular figures
    trad Traditional forms
    twid Third widths
    unic Unicase
    valt Alternate vertical metrics
    vari Variant only available in Graphite
    vatu Vattu variants
    vert Vertical writing
    vhal Alternate vertical half metrics
    vjmo Vowel Jamo forms
    vkna Vertical Kana alternates
    vkrn Vertical kerning
    vpal Proportional alternate vertical metrics
    vrt2 Vertical alternates and rotation
    vrtr Vertical alternates for rotation
    zero Slashed zero

    See also