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This page is a collection of initial thoughts about election rules and processes for a future foundation.
Initial thoughts
Random notes on what members could be
One class of members - full, or voting members. Members are individuals. To encourage corporate participation - individual employees of corporations, that work on TDF projects, are eligible as members. Furtheron, corporate sponsors that donate more than X 10^4 $ per year are eligible for a seat in the advisory board.
Membership will be determined on a case-by-case basis, at the sole discretion of the Board (the board is free to delegate this decision to a membership committee, appointed by the board)
Precondition for a membership application is significant contribution to a foundation project. Contribution can be code, documentation, translations, maintenance of project-wide resources, or other non-trivial activities which benefit the foundation activities.
Contributions as an employee are considered, and will be ascribed to the individual, not to the sponsoring corporation.
Honorary members - the board may appoint certain persons as "honorary members". Honarary members have no voting rights, or other responsibilities.
Duration of membership: membership lasts for 2 years, and then needs renewal
See also TDF/Membership for discussion on membership.
- Members - one member, one vote
- elect board of directors out of all members
- voting: every member can vote for at utmost one candidate. elected directors are those 5-9 members with the most votes.
- Check membership status before membership meeting
- Invite current members by email at least 90 days in advance
- Convene membership meeting, preferrably at the annual conference
- Voting takes place in person. voting rights cannot be transferred to other members (is that achievable? see also quorum requirements below. other foundations permit voting by email)
- Every member has exactly one vote (this includes abstention)
- Quorum 1/2? Quorum
- Or use Single Transferable Vote
- Board - 5-9 directors, elected for one year. Every member is eligible for being elected. Board members can serve for a maximum of three terms. Members can nominate themselves.
- board administers the foundation, and its assets. the board may appoint committees, consisting of members (including directors), and delegate responsibilities to them. This includes, but is not limited to, decision on membership applications and / or renewals.
- Board decisions are by simple majority - quorum 2/3rd?