Template for Invitation

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    Template for Invitation

    "{in case we don't know each other in person yet} Let me introduce myself first - I'm one of the Libreoffice core developers and I'm also in the membership committee of The Document Foundation. I've notice the great work you've been doing on $(something they work on and do really well) and I can see you're doing pretty awesome job there, all that over extended period of time.

    Therefore I'd like to encourage you to apply for the membership in The Document Foundation. This is a privilege for people who are contributing their time and skills to developing and promoting Libreoffice, so they can have their say in the governance of the foundation and e.g. vote and be voted for in Board and Membership committee elections, bond with other TDF members, request grants from TDF or get a cool you@libreoffice.org address

    It is very simple - fill out this form, summarizing the contributions you've done in past couple of months. You need to list someone who already is a member of TDF as a contact for verification. Feel free to list $(some team buddies that might verify their contributions), or even me, I know what you're working on

    Hope to see your application soon. Should you have any questions, don't hesitate and ask"





    Italian Page

