Videos/Create color palette
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The basis for this page is the LibreOffice documentation.
Link to the Video
Link to the Video (in German [DE]):
Eine Farbpalette erstellen in LibreOffice
Colors and Color palettes
Colors are set in Color palettes in LibreOffice.
The term "Color palette" is used analogously to "Color table" and "Color list".
LibreOffice is by default equipped with a so-called "standard" Color palette.
You can also create your own custom Color palettes.
When a color palette is selected, in addition to the colors of the Color palette,
you can also create (s) within a Color palette.
Color palettes in LibreOffice
Color palettes are stored as files and have the extension "SOC".
These are just standard text files.
If you open these files, you'll see that they start with the line
<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">.
Example of gray values from black to white in the standard palette.
On Windows 10 / 11, these "SOC" files are stored in the following location and they are for all users:
C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\share\palette\
On Linux, these "SOC" files are stored in the following location and they are for all users:
(This one is for LibreOffice 7.1)
When working within LibreOffice, the selection of Color palettes also works.
Color palettes created by the user
Color palettes are stored as files and have the extension "SOC".
User-created Color palettes are stored in the so-called user profile of LibreOffice, ...
on Windows, you can find these "SOC" files in :
On Linux, you can find these "SOC" files in :
Create a New Color palette File
So each user can create his own custom Color palettes.
Create a new Color palette file by resaving the "standard" Color palette under a different name.
Copy standard.soc to your LibreOffice user folder.
On Windows, standard.soc is located in
C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\share\palette\
On Linux, standard.soc is located in
(This one is for LibreOffice 7.1)
The LibreOffice user folder is located at
On Windows,
On Linux,
You need give the file a new name.
Rename it to Custom.soc if you want.
Or you take one of the two sample files below and modify them.
Scroll further down in this document to see the links to My_palette 01.soc and My_palette 02.soc.
To create your own colors, you need to change the color values and color names in the file.
You can open and change the file with a simple text editor, such as Notepad, Kate or whatever your OS provides.
When you open the SOC file, you will see lines such as these:
<draw:color draw:name="C-red 1" draw:color="#FF2424"/> <draw:color draw:name="C-red 2" draw:color="#FC4242"/> <draw:color draw:name="C-red 3" draw:color="#F58162"/>
Each line represents a color in the color palette.
You are free to change the color name and the actual color to your liking.
The colors are expressed in a hexadecimal code format.
If there are already colors with the same name but a different hex code, the name might not be displayed correctly.
In the example of the three lines above, "C-" was prefixed.
If you are not sure which colors you want to use, check out "More Info:"
Your new color palette is only available for selection in LibreOffice when LibreOffice is restarted.
Add a color in the Custom color palette
Example: Writer, paragraph style, Custom color palette.
- Right-click on the "Default Paragraph Style" and choose
Click on the tab "Area" and choose the button .
. - At "Colours | New" select the desired color via RGB or Hex value or via the
Click on the button at "Custom Palette".
In the "Name" dialog, enter a name for your new color and click . Button.
Step 2. repeat for other colors you want.
When you have entered all the colors you want click
.The new Custom colors are now available.
See also: Colors
Exporter for the custom palette
Export all colors from the custom palette into a new extension in order to easily share palettes.
The menu entry "Export Custom Palette…" is then added to the Tools menu.
You can choose a name for the palette, identifier and version, set publisher's name and link, and last but not least the name of the extension file.
Here you can download the extension.
Color selection variants
The HSB colour space
Explains the HSV (HSB) color space (in German).
The RGB color space
Explains the RGB-Farbraum (in German).
The CMYK colour model
Explains the CMYK-Farbmodell (in German).
Further Information
Examples of self-created soc files
When downloading the files have the extension ODT !
Contains predominantly very light pastel colors, which are well suited for backgrounds.
Contains tonal values adjusted for different colors.
With Colors from: Design/Branding
My-Palette_01 | My-Palette_02 | 75LO AppColors | LO_ColorTable |
Select color in the LibreOffice Components
The new color palette is of course available in all Components after restarting LibreOffice.
In the individual Components of LibreOffice, the new color palettes and colors can now be selected.
See also: Use Colors in LibreOffice
Selecting a color with displayed color values
Three color tables (examples) from the Internet with the corresponding RGB values are also a good aid here.
You find these under:
Here you can select colours as desired or take over the corresponding RGB values.
Documentation / Manuals
Here you will find the Documentation / Manuals:
Any questions?
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