Customise Context menu in Writer

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    The video "Customise Context menu in Writer - LibreOffice" links to this page here, which contains more detailed information.

    The video shows how to customise a Context menu in Writer and create a Submenu.

    The Context menu for a table will serve as an example here.

    Step 1 explains how to insert a single icon for the Protect Cells command.

    In step 2, a Submenu is created with the commands for "Align Top", "Align Center" and "Align Bottom".

    The basis of this description is the Online-Help

    Link to the Video

    Link to the Video (in German [DE]):

    Kontextmenü anpassen in Writer – LibreOffice

    Functions of the "Customise" dialog

    Assigned Commands

    In this list are all commands assigned to the Context menu.

    Note that the "Assigned Commands" are not always present in the Context menu, because they are context-sensitive visible or not.

    If you select a command in the "Assigned Commands" lists, you can use the "Left" arrow key to move the command to the "Available Commands" list.

    Available Commands

    In this command list are more commands that can be assigned to the Context menu.

    For example, if you select "Table" for "Category", you will get all available commands for Table.

    But be careful not to overload the Context menu.

    The commands that are frequently used should appear in the Context menu.

    You can also assign commands from any Category to the Context menu.

    "Customise" dialog - "Contex menu" tab - Table


    In the input line at "Search" you can search for terms, e.g. "Table".

    The available commands for the Context menu "Table" are then displayed in the list "Available commands".

    If the term "Table" is clear to you, you can select it directly in the Category.


    In the Category you can select available commands, e.g. by "Table".

    The commands assigned to the category "Table" can then be found in the list "Available Commands".


    In the Scope you specify for what the Context menu change should be valid, e.g. "LibreOffice Writer".


    If you want to change the Context menu for tables, you should of course select "Table" or a Submenu of "Table" here again.

    Insert Button

    The functions of the Insert button, act on the "Assigned Commands" list.

    With the Insert button, you can "Insert Separator" line or a "Insert Sub-menu".

    Modify Button

    A selected command in "Assigned Commands" list can be renamed with it.

    Click on the Modify button and then Rename.

    Defaults Button

    Deletes any changes you have previously made to this menu.

    Buttons with Arrow to the Right or Left

    Click the button with the Right arrow to copy the selected command in the left list to the right list.

    This adds the command to the selected menu.

    Click the button with the Left arrow to remove the selected command from the current menu.

    Buttons with Up or Down arrow

    Click the buttons with the Up or Down arrow on the right to move the selected command up or down in the list of displayed menu commands.

    Note pin.svg

    You can also hold-drag-drop the selected command to the position you want.

    Customise Context menu - Single icon

    Open Writer.

    Select the Tools ▸ Customise… menu.

    In the "Customise" dialog select the "Context Menus" tab.

    For "Category" and "Target" select "Table" respectively.

    In the list "Available Commands" scroll down and select the command "Protect Cells".

    Now select the "Unprotect Cells" command in the "Assigned commands" list on the right.

    Now click on the "Right arrow" located in the center.

    The "Protect cells" command is now in the list of "Assigned Commands".

    With the Up arrow key, now transport the "Protect Cells" command over the "Unprotect Cells" command.

    Note pin.svg

    You can also hold-drag-drop the selected command to the position you want.

    Customise Context menu - Create Submenu

    If you want to add a Submenu to a Context menu, do the following:

    Open Writer.

    Choose the Tools ▸ Customise… menu.

    In the "Customise" dialog, select the "Context Menus" tab.

    For "Category" and "Target" select "Table" respectively.

    In the "Assigned Commands" list, select a command, for example "List", below which you want to place the Submenu.

    Click on the Insert button and select Insert Sub-menu.

    The "Add Sub-menu" dialog opens.

    Enter the name at "Sub-menu name", e.g. "Align".

    On the right side of the dialog, select the new submenu "Align" at "Target".

    The list "Assigned commands" is still empty.

    Mark with the cursor a command in the list "Available Commands", e.g. "Centre".

    Now click the right arrow in the center.

    Repeat this with the commands "Top" and "Bottom".

    Sort still the three commands "Top", "Centre" and "Bottom", as indicated above.

    Click on OK.

    The Context menu now has a new Submenu "Align", with the commands for "Top", "Center" and "Bottom".

    Further Informations

    Customise with Tools CustomizeMenu in Writer

    Customise with Tools Customize Menu in Writer

    Documentation / Manuals

    Here you will find the Documentation / Manuals:

    Documentation / Manuals

    Any questions?

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