Videos/Brevfletning i Writer

    From The Document Foundation Wiki
    This page is a translated version of the page Videos/Mail Merge in Writer and the translation is 2% complete.
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    The video "Serienbrief in Writer" links to this page here, which contains more detailed information.

    This description here refers to the LibreOffice versions.

    This page describes how to create a form letter.

    The basis is the Online-Help.

    Link to the Video

    Link to the Video (in German [DE]):

    Brevfletning i Writer – LibreOffice

    Create the Mail Merge

    To create a mail merge letter, you need a text document that you make the source document for your mail merge letters.

    Note pin.svg

    An Outgoing document is created by merging a Text document with the Address data.

    To do this, open the "202110_Musterbrief".

    Open the [[Media:202110_Menu Tools Mail Merge Wizard.png|{bc|Tools|Mail Merge Wizard…}}] menu.

    The Mail Merge Wizard dialog appears in which you can define the Outgoing document of the Mail Merge.

    If your address data source is not registered yet, you will receive a message.

    Step 1 - Select Starting document

    At "Select Starting Document - Step 1", select "Use the current document" and click Next >.

    Step 2 - Select Document type

    At "Select Document Type - Step 2", select "Letter" and click the Next > button.

    Step 3 - Insert Address Block


    At "Insert Address Block - Step 3", select the "Musteradressen" via "Select Address List…" and click OK.

    Note pin.svg

    The button appears as Select address list… if no address list has been selected yet.
    The button appears as Select other address list… if an address list was already selected.


    With the selection More… you have four Address forms to choose from, but leave it at the default.


    Click the Match Fields… Button.

    Matches to field and click OK.

    In our example, the assignments of the fields correspond to this table:

    Title = Anrede

    Forename = Vorname
    Surname = Nachname
    Address Line 1 = Strasse
    Postcode = PLZ
    Post Town = Wohnort
    alle anderen = [Keine]


    "Bottom - at Step 3.4" you can see if all assigned address fields are displayed.

    Outgoing document

    When all the fields are displayed as desired, click the Next > button.

    Step 4 - Create letter salutation

    In the dialog "Create a Salutation - Step 4", check "This document should contain a salutation" and "Insert personalised salutation".

    Add "Field name" and "Field value" as shown in the screenshot.

    Right below the "Preview" you can jump to the next documents to see the corresponding preview.

    Click Next >.

    Step 5 - Adjust Layout of Adress Block and Salutation

    At "Adjust Layout of Adress Block and Salutation - Step 5", the position for the address block in the letter is displayed.

    You can adjust the position of the address field according to your needs.

    You exit the Mail Merge Wizard and click Finish.

    You can now still manually intervene in the layout if necessary.

    Save Outgoing document

    Save the Outgoing document in the File ▸ Save menu.

    Further procedure via the "Mail merge" toolbar

    The further control or the process is done via the "Mail Merge" Toolbar, via View ▸ Toolbars ▸ Mail Merge menu.

    Prepare Outgoing document

    The Outgoing document contains the address fields and the resulting triple salutation and now shows the salutation possibilities (!) for for the individual documents.

    Note pin.svg

    Please, this leave absolutely so! It is correctly assigned in the form letter.

    Personalize Mail Merge documents

    "Mail Merge" Toolbar

    Via the toolbar: "Mail Merge" Toolbar Edit individual Documents… you will get the individual mail merge letters in a new window.

    In the individual document (Example) you can now make corrections if necessary.

    If all individual mail merge letters are as you want them, you can save the complete mail merge document, which is now still called "Untitled 1", as a document with File ▸ Save or File ▸ Save as… and enter a Document name, e.g. "Mail merge letter -finished-".

    Save, print, send

    Via the toolbar: "Mail Merge" Toolbar you can furthermore

    • "Save Merged Documents"
    • "Print Merged Documents"
    • "Send Email Messages".

    To save, click Save Merged Documents and enter a document name, e.g. "Mail Merge -finished-", and click Save.

    Alternatively, click "Print Merged Documents" or "Send Email Messages".

    Exchange Database

    You can exchange the database for your Outgoing document.

    Select Edit ▸ Exchange Database… in the menu.

    In the "Exchange database" dialog click on the Browse… button.

    In the "Open" dialog, select the desired database and click Open.

    In the "Exchange database" dialog, select the previously selected database.

    Click the Define button.

    Further Informations

    Register Data sources

    If your data source for addresses has not been registered yet, you must register the data source now.

    See also: Database Overview

    Work files

    Creating a mail merge in Writer - Version 5.2

    Documentation / Manuals

    Here you will find the Documentation / Manuals:

    Any questions?

    For questions on this topic go to:

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