My Master Slide in Impress

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    This description refers to the Component Impress in LibreOffice versions.

    The video "My master slide in Impress" shows how to create your own master slide in Impress and links to this page here, which contains further information.

    You can find more detailed information in Chapter 2 - Master slides, format templates, document templates of the Impress guide.

    Link to the video

    Link to the video (in German [DE]):

    Meine Masterfolie in Impress - LibreOffice

    Why do I need a Master Slide and how does it work?

    In the master slide you can define everything that should be visible on all slides and be the same on all slides.

    This can be a background image, a logo, the date and the page number.

    Note pin.svg

    If you want to use different background images on each slide, you can insert them directly on the slides.

    Short description - How does it work?

    Select Master View.

    Click on "New Master".

    Customize the master for your purposes.

    You can rename the Master Slide.

    Select Close Master View.

    You can now select which master slide you want to use for each slide in the sidebar.

    Open Impress

    The "Select a Template" dialog appears when starting Impress.

    If this is not the case, select Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice Impress ▸ General in the menu and check the box “Start with Template Selection” and click OK button.

    "Select a Template" dialog

    The dialog offers ready layouts for a presentation.

    Click on Close to get the simple default template.

    You can now create your own master slide from the standard template and save it as a template.

    In the sidebar at "Properties|Master Slide" the Screen format is set to 16:9 in Landscape mode.

    Master Slide"

    This corresponds to today's templates and the widely used screen standard.

    If a different screen format is selected, the existing fields on the slide should be adjusted as required.

    Select Layout

    In the sidebar, you can choose between different layouts in the normal view.

    different Layouts

    Leave it at the selected layout "Title Slide" Layout.

    "Title Slide" Layout

    Switch on Master view

    In the "Sidebar" at "Properties" there is also the button for the Master View button.

    Click on the Master View button.

    In the master view you can now adjust the format, such as size, font and font color of all elements, such as headline, text and the fields of the footer, which should be visible on all slides of the template.

    Now edit these elements.

    "Master View" toolbar
    "Slide" Context menu

    Create a new Master Slide

    Click on the Master View button.

    Click on the "New Master" icon.

    A new Master Slide "Default 1" will be created.

    Turn on the slide area, it will be mostly on the left side.

    There you can see all Master Slides.

    You can also rename Master Slides.

    Rename Master

    The first step is to select "Rename Master Slide" in the Slide ▸ Rename Slide… menu.

    The "Rename Master Slide" dialog displays "Default" as the Master Slide name.

    "Rename Master Slide" dialog

    Now you can enter an appropriate name, for example "Master Slide LibreOffice" and click OK.

    The renaming is not necessarily required, you can also simply reconfigure the Master Slide "Default".

    However, if multiple Master Slides are used, a distinction in the name is important.

    Customizing the "Title" Presentation Style

    Place the cursor in the heading or select the text.

    Then the "Title" Style is marked in the Sidebar under Presentation Styles.

    Right-click on the Style and select Edit Style….

    In the "Titel" dialog, click the "Font" tab.

    Now select the font size 40 pt at "Size".

    In the "Title" dialog in tab "Font Effects" select 1C71D0 for the "Font Colour|"Custom Colour" ("Hex #:" = hexadecimal).

    "Title" dialog - "Font Effects"

    Click on OK.

    Mark the frame of the heading field and remove the checkmark for "Keep aspect ratio" in the sidebar at "Properties|Position and Size".

    Enter the values: "Width" = 22,00 cm and "Height" = 2,70 cm.

    Note pin.svg

    The following elements can be changed on a master slide:

    • Background (color, gradient, hatching or bitmap)
    • Background objects (for example a logo or decorative graphics)
    • Size and placement of standard frames for slide titles and content

    Since the headline field has been shortened, you can now place a logo to the right of it.

    Choose the 7503xx Impress Symbol BildEinfügen.svg Insert ▸ Image… menu.

    In the "Insert Image" dialog, select the image "202007_LOENHB_Logo Square - LibreOffice.png".

    "202007_LOENHB_Logo Square - LibreOffice.png"

    Click Open.

    The logo is placed centered on the slide.

    If the logo is marked, change the dimensions in "Position and Size" in the Sidebar "Properties".

    "Position-X"= 23,90 cm | "Position-Y" = 0,60 cm | "Width" = 2,70 cm | "Height" = 2,70 cm

    Customize fields of the footer

    Edit Style

    Right-click on <date/time> in the footer and select Edit Style….

    In the "Font" tab, for "Liberation Serif", select the "Liberation Sans" Font.

    In the "Font Effects" tab, select 1C71D0 for the Font Color hexadecimal.

    Klick on OK.

    This change affects the other Footer fields <footer> and <number> at the same time.

    Finished slide in the Master view

    Insert additional field commands

    You can insert additional field commands in the footer.

    Choose Insert ▸ Field Command from the menu.

    From the drop down menu select the field command you wish to insert.

    Field commands

    Close Master View

    Click on the "Close Master View" icon or on the Sidebar the Close Master View Button.

    "Close Master View" icon

    Enter information for Footer

    In the Footer, the <date/time>, <footer> and <number> details are not yet visible.

    Therefore, click Insert ▸ Header and Footer… in the menu.

    In the opening "Header and Footer" dialog you still have to enter the appropriate informations.

    "Header and Footer" dialog

    Here in the example you enter:

    For "Date and Time|Fixed", enter the current date, e.g. the "2023/08/27".

    For footer text, enter, e.g. "Advertising for LibreOffice".

    For "Slide number" checkmark the box.

    Now click on Apply to All.

    Save master slide as a template

    In the menu, click File ▸ Templates ▸ Save as Template….

    In the "Save as Template" dialog, select the category "Presentations".

    Enter the template name, e.g. "202007_Advertising for LibreOffice".

    Click on Save.

    Assign master slide to a presentation slide

    If you have created multiple master slides, you can also assign them per slide.

    Close the master view and select a slide in the slide area.

    You can now open the drop-down list in the sidebar at Properties/Slide in the Master slide field and select an existing master slide.

    With this, the presentation slide has received the desired master slide.

    Further Informations

    Slide Area - until a gray frame appears

    Docking slide area

    There are the following ways to dock the slide area to the left side:

    1. Grab the slide pane with the mouse at the top window frame, click-hold-drag the slide pane to the left until a gray frame appears, and release the mouse button.
    2. Click in the View ▸ Slide Pane menu to hide the Slide Pane. From the View ▸ Slide Pane menu, click so that the Slide Pane is visible and docked.
    3. Ctrl + double-click an empty space, such as the area below the title bar.
    4. Press Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + F10 while the Slide Pane has the input focus.

    Work Files

    Template: "Advertising for LibreOffice":

    202007_Advertising for LibreOffice.otp

    Presentation: "My Presentation":

    German presentation

    (In the presentation, the background images of the slides were removed for the file to be accepted in the wiki system. )


    202007_LOHB_Logo Square - LibreOffice.png


    201907 ENLOHB Web 01.png


    201907 ENLOHB Web 02.png


    201907 ENLOHB Web 03.png

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