Design Team
Web page design
- The Bug Submission Assistant is a form that a libreoffice user can fill when (s)he finds a bug. It is designed to be simple and user friendly. It needs a nice look so that the user is encouraged to contribute by spending a few minutes of her/his time to fill the form and submit a useful bug report.
Mostly finished, has gone live
Design Team
Design Team
Cooperation and Collaboration
- Decide on collaboration between the artwork people (e.g. propose additional mailing list)
- Main idea: "a home for visual design, artwork, user experience topics"
- Artwork mailing list has been proposed to the Design team --> well received at the moment, not yet proposed to the SC
- First ideas for "LibreOffice Design Team" have been mentioned at the mailing list
2011-01-30: LibreOffice Design Team Kick-Off has been started ...
2011-10-28: Starting a list to describe Collaboration
In Work
Design Team
Design Team
Cooperation with other FLOSS projects
- Propose cooperation with other FLOSS projects (e.g. OpenUsability.org, Linux Distributions, LibreGraphics, ...)
- David Nelson asked for collaboration with artists from different Linux distributions
- TDF members had some first contact with Novell, Fedora, ...
- Christoph intends to contact guys from other FLOSS usability projects (OpenUsability.org, Fedora, KDE, ...). David adds: the Fedora Design Team (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design) has been suggested as a very good group to approach for artwork collaboration, on bases similar to Ubuntu Artwork.
2010-11-29: Christoph sent an invitation mail to people who may be interested in UX work (not shared for privacy reasons).
2010-01-30: Postponed due to Design Team Kick-Off
Design Team
Create / Refine Branding Roadmap
- Refine roadmap for TDF and LibreOffice branding (e.g. collect community goals, ...)
- Prepare the kick-off of the "Community Branding" initative
- Coordinate proposals / branding ideas that are already "there"
Currently proposed roadmap:
- For LibO 3.3: Use the branding material what is available and refine it according to the feedback that is available until now. We might be able to provide essential and stable information for the other teams (artwork, presentation material, portable LibO version). --> let's call that "initial branding"
- From LibO 3.3. to 3.4: Finalize the branding stuff for "initial branding" and further refine it (e.g. create missing MIME icons etc.) and use it for the software. More important, start working on the "community branding" (e.g. brainstorming, community values, demos, agreement, ...). Draft of a vision/mission statement, draft of a visual identity/logo briefing.
- After LibO 3.5: Use the "community branding" and for both the software and also for the web presence etc.
2010-01-30: Set to "Agreed" according proposal by Ivan
Design Team, Marketing Team
Finalize and Publish Product Artwork
- Create the product branding artwork for LibO 3.3 Final
- Request change of the splash screen progress bar configuration (position)
- Publish the artwork files in the wiki (on a separate page, link from branding page)
- Discuss collaboration with the BrOffice team (derived product branding)
- The initial product branding artwork has been created by Christoph and needs to be finalized and to be cleaned up (still some personal data within the files).
- Product branding artwork: splash screen, start center (left, middle, right), about box header, Windows Installer Icon, Windows Installer Extraction Banner, Windows Installer First Page Graphic, Windows Installer Header, Windows macOS install background
- Not planned: LibreOffice icons, MIME type icons
2010-11-25: File:LibreOffice-Initial-Artwork-Package.zip
- LibreOffice Initial Artwork Package containing both the source (SVG) and the final files (PNG, BMP, ICO) for the LibreOffice 3.3 and BrOffice 3.3 product branding.
- Note: In comparison to the Beta1 ... Beta 3 splashscreens, the recent splashscreen was moved by X:-20px, Y:-20px)
- Document not yet sent to development (development just stole it from here ;-P)
Todo 2010-12-04, Christoph: High Contrast graphics required, e.g. for the StartCenter ...
- See reference, and development thread.
- Andrew provided first HC versions (seem to be based on the PNG graphic files).
- Christoph: Work started on HC visuals, but support required from accessibility experts. Will be asked for on new mailing list ...
Todo 2011-01-09, Christoph: Cleaning up artwork names to match files in source code repository
In Work
Christoph, Design Team, Development Team
Create and Publish Website Artwork
- Clean up and publish the graphics files of the recent website
- Publish the logos used on the various websites
- Create missing logos for the websites / services (e.g. QATrack)
Todo 2010-11-14: Missing logos: QATrack, request by Per Eriksson 2010-10-09 (Height: 30 px, Format: png, no white pixels in the margin), ...
2010-12-07: The initial website artwork is temporarily available here: File:TDF-Website-Initial-Design-Package.zip (Note: The colors do not correspond (any longer) with the current LibreOffice branding guidelines.)
2010-12-12: As requested in a private mail, here is a pixel perfect version of the LibO logo in 100px heightFile:LibreOffice-Silverstripe-Website-Initial-Design-Package.zip
2011-11-29: The source is now defaulting to TDF-tagline-less artwork, uploaded corresponding svg here: Media:2011-11-20 LibreOffice External Artwork.svg
In Work
Design Team, Website Team
Finalize and Announce "LibreOffice Initial Branding"
- Refer to the branding page open points list
- Request agreement by Steering Committee (iterate, if required)
- Announce the "LibreOffice Initial Branding" to all the teams
- 2010-12-04: Bernhard, Ivan, and Christoph started discussion whether MIME type icons can be provided.
- 2011-01-09: See wiki page Initial MIME Icons
In Work
Design Team, SC
Marketing Material
Official Presentation Template
- Create standard presentation template for TDF and / or LibreOffice topics (consistent branding)
- Publish the presentation template and announce it to the teams
- The presentation template has "beta" status and has already been used by several presenters, waiting for further feedback
- The file and further documentation (issues, problems) is available at the Marketing ideas wiki page
In Work
Design Team
Design Team Management
Provide Design Documentation
Design Team
Design Team Workflows
Provide UX Workflows to Website Team
- Describe common UX workflows / tools for website team
- This is a placeholder at the moment - missing important references like the work by Thorsten (explaining artwork workflows), or Michael/Marc (requesting these workflows).
Design Team, Website Team