How to install LibreOffice extensions

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    Step by step User guide

    NOTE: You install extensions on your own risk! The extensions from the site below have not all been thoroughly reviewed or tested. Further, keep in mind that not all Open Office (OOo) extensions may work with LibreOffice.

    1. Download an extension from LibreOffice Extension Center

    2. Open LibreOffice and go to Tools ▸ Extension Manager ...

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    3. In Extension Manager dialog, click Add....

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    4. In the Add Extension(s) dialogue, find the extension file for LibreOffice (OXT file type).

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    5. Select the extension and click Open to begin installation.

    If this extension it is already installed, you'll be prompted to press OK to confirm you want to overwrite the current version with the new one (select Cancel to stop the installation).

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    6. If you have system administrator rights, you will be asked whether to install the extension only for yourself or for all users. Select the appropriate choice. If you choose Only for me option, the extension will only be stored in your user profile. If you choose For all users, the extension is installed in the LibreOffice installation directory. If you are unsure or do not have admininstrator rights, choose Only for me.

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    7. verify the extension license agreement. Use Scroll down button to read the license agreement. At the end of license text, the Accept button will be enabled.

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    8. Click Accept to proceed the installation. After the installation, the extension will appear in the list of installed extensions.

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    9. To complete the procedure, click Close and close LibreOffice, including quickstarter (if enabled, it appears on the right corner of the program bar and can be closed with the right mouse button).

    10. The next time you open LibreOffice, the extension should be ready for use.

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    • The OXT file type is linked to LibreOffice. Double clicking on the OXT file opens the Extension Manager and starts the installation.
    • You can get more extensions by clicking on the Extension Manager dialogue and Get more extensions online link.

    IT admin automated install concepts

    Extensions can be installed via scripting and the command line. (NOTE: when installing for all users [--shared], please make sure LibreOffice is not already running.) Alternatively, it might be easier just to unzip the files in the correct place (?Program Files\LibreOffice\share\extensions?).

    Windows Powershell shared install example

       if (-not (Test-Path $LO_PROGRAM -PathType Container)) { $LO_PROGRAM="${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\LibreOffice\program" }
       write-host "`nSetting LO system defaults...."
       if (Test-Path "$LO_PROGRAM\" -PathType Leaf ) {
           & "$LO_PROGRAM\"      add   --shared    sample_LO_configuration_extension.oxt

    Linux bash unzip example

       # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       # LibreOffice Extensions - bundle install (for all users) just by unzipping!!!
       # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       if [ -x "${LO_EXTENSION_DIR}/" ]; then
         for EXT_FILE in "${MY_EXTENSIONS_TO_INSTALL_DIR}/"*.oxt ; do
           if [ -f "${EXT_FILE}" ]; then
             LO_EXTENSION=$(basename --suffix=.oxt ${EXT_FILE})
             if [ -e "${LO_EXTENSION_DIR}/${LO_EXTENSION}" ]; then
               echo "  Replacing ${LO_EXTENSION} extension"
               rm -rf "${LO_EXTENSION_DIR}/${LO_EXTENSION}"
               echo "  Adding ${LO_EXTENSION} extension"
             unzip -q -d "${LO_EXTENSION_DIR}/${LO_EXTENSION}" \
             [ "$DEBUG" ] && echo "DEBUG: no .oxt files to install"
         echo "WARNING: could not find LibreOffice install..."