QA/Projects/Bug Triage Contest
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Bug Triage Contest
What is the Bug Triage Contest
The bug triage contest is a 14 day event open to everyone aimed to encourage triaging (confirming & prioritizing) unconfirmed bugs. In general we encourage any triaging against UNCONFIRMED bugs but we hope to focus on bugs in the following order:
- Bugs Reported Against 4.1
- Unconfirmed bugs against 4.0 (regression)
- Unconfirmed bugs against 4.0 (not regression)
- All other unconfirmed bugs.
Each triaged bug will count as a point for the triager. Prizes will be awarded approximately 1 month after the end of the contest - during which time the QA team will be analyzing the data to ensure that the right people get awarded prizes.
How to Join
While we try to avoid adding barriers, in order for us to accurately track the triage contest we have to have a list of individuals involved. To sign up you can do 1 of 2 things:
- Add name to table below
- Email QA mailing list with subject "Join Triage Contest" - info should include your name and FreeDesktop email address (List of LibreOffice Mailing Lists)
Full Name | Name on FDO if Different | Current LibreOffice Status | Shirt Status |
Joel Madero | Joel Madero | QA Volunteer | |
Brenda Granados | Brenda Granados | QA Volunteer | |
Joren De Cuyper | JorenDC | QA Volunteer | |
Arnaud Versini | Arnaud Versini | Developer | |
Florian Reisinger | Florian Reisinger | QA Volunteer | |
Robinson Tryon | qubit | QA Volunteer | |
Steve Bell | SteveBell | QA Volunteer | |
Thomas v.d Meulen | pje335_NL | QA Volunteer | |
Cor Nouws | cornouws | QA Volunteer | |
Hannes Michalek | Hannes ? | User | Free Shirt |
Jean-Baptiste Faure | Jean-Baptiste Faure | QA Volunteer | |
Michael Münch | michael at m06 org | user | Free Shirt |
Michael Chen | Michael Chen | user | Free Shirt |
Joan G. | Wilhelm | user | Free Shirt |
Ken Biondi | Ken Biondi | user | Free Shirt |
Thomas Hackert | thackert | OLH/UI translater, sometimes QA ... ;) | |
Joe Lee | user | Free Shirt | |
Jan Koberstein | Jan Koberstein | user | |
Tim Passingham | Tim Passingham | user | |
Ahitagni Mandal | Ahitagni Mandal | user | |
Zoltan Laszlo | zrlaszlo at | user | |
Ralph Aichinger | ralph at | user | |
Example | Example | User |
Useful Things to Do Before Contest
None of these are mandatory but they will be useful for you and help speed up the process.
- Bugzilla - this is where all triaging will happen, the sooner you join, the sooner you can get comfortable with how it works.
- Get Comfortable with FDO Searches - FreeDesktop is relatively easy to use but it's good to get used to the interface, we recommend clicking on this link and "practicing" with it. Remember we are only going to be looking at LibreOffice UNCONFIRMED bugs. In order to do this make sure to set Product to "LibreOffice" and Status to "UNCONFIRMED".
- Triage Instructions - Review our wiki on how to triage and prioritize bugs. If you do not do this, there is a chance that your triaging efforts will be wasted.
- Priotization Flowchart -- review flowchart to get an idea of how to prioritize, can be a useful reference when triaging bugs.
- IRC QA Channel -- Join the QA channel and get comfortable using IRC. This is where we routinely meet and talk about quality assurance. Moderators will be available often to help new users get involved with contest.
Bug Triage Contest Details
The competition will last for 14 days between the dates:
This date range has been chosen to coincide with the first release candidate of Version 4.1 which will be available for download: Pre-Release Download Page
The rules are pretty straight forward, you will be rewarded apoint for every triaged bug that fulfill the below requirements, the top 5 individuals will receive some cool LibreOffice gear :)
How Points are Counted
- A full triage is required in order for a point to be counted, a full triage consists of:
- Leaving a helpful comment either:
- Requesting More Information -- be as specific as possible or
- Acknowleging that bug has been confirmed or
- Stating that bug cannot be reproduced &
- EVERY COMMENT SHOULD LIST YOUR OPERATING SYSTEM & LIBREOFFICE VERSION: Version info of LibreOffice can be found under Help - About LibreOffice (example for a heading for every comment: "Operating System: Ubuntu 12.04, LibO Version: release" or "OS: Windows 7, LibO Version: rc, Last worked in: rc")
- Set Status
- NEEDINFO (if more info is needed, make sure to comment!)
- NEW (confirmed)
- WORKSFORME (be very careful about this one, only set it if you're using same or newer version of LibreOffice plus are using same platform as reporter)
- Attempt to prioritize
- Do your best to prioritize the bug using the following flowchart: Bug Prioritization Flowchart
- Check additional information
- Check the additional information on the bug, including architecture, title of bug, etc... alter if needed
- Leaving a helpful comment either:
- Counting the Bug
- Again, this is the only way your triage will count as we are using this field to track our contest, if you forget to add it there is no way for us to accurately track the contest
- Cheating, etc... If you are caught cheating (not doing your part to triage but still adding relates to bug, purposely and innacurately triaging, etc...) you might be:
- Untrusted by the TDF community
- Banned from this contest as well as future contests
- Suspended from
Of course we don't think anyone will be in this situation but we wanted to be up front about the consequences.
Announcing Winners, Tracking Progress
The judges listed on this page will be responsible for monitoring progress during the contest. We will be keeping a daily record of points and will do our best to make these public either on a blog or through mailing lists (maybe even both). At the end of the contest the judges will carefully look at the records for the top 5 contestants, barring any complications, we should b eable to announce a winner within 14 days.
You've Won, Now What?
If you are in the top 5 you will receive an email requesting your mailing address and preferred size for gear :) After this point we will be ordering the gear direct and having it shipped to you.
Contact Joel Madero directly via email (you can find his email address on FDO) or on QA IRC Channel (#libreoffice-qa on freenode)
1st Place - 5th Place: LibreOffice t-shirt
Shirts will be ordered after winners announced to ensure sizes are right. Expect to receive t-shirt 4-8 weeks after end of contest.
Here's what the shirts look like (sorry, the ray-gun mug doesn't come with):
Front | Back |
![]() |
![]() |
Because there is a set standard for how we are counting points, in general judges will only confirm the result of the winners. We will be checking for any "foul play" (ie. cheating), throughout the contest. Judges will also certify the winners. In order to avoid the perception of judges cheating, any judges participating in the contest will be banned from certifying themselves if they end up in the top 5. List of judges can be found below:
Name | Experience | Nick |
Joel Madero | QA Volunteer, TDF Member | jmadero |
Joren De Cuyper | QA Volunteer, TDF Member | jorendc |
Robinson Tyrone | QA & Ask Volunteer | colonolqubit |
Below is a list of moderators who will be available on IRC throughout the competition. Any contestant can ping these moderators at any time to ask a question. Moderators not be requested to reproduce a bug that you are working on, instead they should only be asked about policies or in some cases can be asked about priortization if there is a question after bug is confirmed. List of moderators and IRC name is below:
Nam | IRC Nick |
Joel Madero | jmadero |
Joren De Cuyper | Jorendc |
Useful Links
LibreOffice 4.1.0 pre-release downloads
- The Document Foundation (for Windows, macOS, Linux):
- Ubuntu (for Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy):