
    From The Document Foundation Wiki
    This page is a translated version of the page ReleaseNotes/24.2 and the translation is 34% complete.


    • "Lovlig" ordnet listenummerering: få et givet listeniveau til at bruge arabisk nummerering for alle dets nummerdele. tdf#150408 (Mike Kaganski, Collabora)
    • Kommentarer kan nu bruge typografier, hvor "Kommentar"-afsnitsformatet er standard. Dette gør det nemmere at ændre formateringen af ​​alle kommentarer på én gang eller visuelt at kategorisere forskellige typer kommentarer. tdf#103064 (Maxim Monastirsky)

    • Forbedre sidehoveder/sidefødder på første side OOXML-import: Brug egenskaber for første side i den eksisterende sidetypograf i stedet for at oprette en ny sidetypograf kun til den første side. tdf#136472 (Tomaž Vajngerl, Collabora)
    • 24.2.2
      Et nyt afsnit kan indsættes før en indholdsfortegnelse med Alt + ↵ Enter (som for tabeller). tdf#146356 (Oliver Specht, CIB)
    • 24.2.5
      Åbning af dokumenter med indlejrede skrifttyper er ikke længere langsom på macOS. (Patrick Luby) tdf#155212


    • Elementer, der kan linkes, kan nu trækkes og slippes fra Navigator til et tekstvalg for at bruge markeringen som hyperlinktekst. tdf#156111 (Jim Raykowski)
    • Indlejrede sektioner kan nu skjules ligesom overskrifter (tdf#158103) og kan skjules eller gøres synlige fra deres kontekstmenu (tdf#157681). (Jim Raykowski)

    • Kommentarer i en tråd er nu grupperet i Navigator. tdf#157729 (Jim Raykowski)

    Flydende tabeller på flere sider

    Understøttelse af flydende tabeller med flere sider blev forbedret i forskellige aspekter:

    • Overlapningskontrol, grænse og fodnoter: blogindlæg (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
    • Indlejring: blogindlæg: (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
    • Indpak på alle sider: blogpost (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
    • UI-forbedringer: blogpost (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)


    • Skabeloner med de nødvendige indstillinger for japansk tekst tilføjet til kategorien Lokalisering. Dette øger interoperabiliteten med Microsoft Word for japanske brugere. tdf#86483, feeb3a46 (Jun Nogata)

    Ny linjeskift-algoritme for interoperabilitet

    Siden 2013 er de ikke-proprietære, metrisk-kompatible alternative skrifttyper ikke længere garanteret det samme afsnitslayout, fordi MS Word 2013 og senere introducerede en ny standard linjeskift-algoritme for berettiget tekst. For at rette op på den tabte interoperabilitet er den samme algoritme blevet implementeret i Writer for at reducere mellemrum inden for berettigede linjer med op til 20 %. tdf#119908 blogindlæg (László Németh, donor: NLnet).

    For eksempel er det 2-siders testdokument i Writer blevet reduceret til én side, ligesom i MS Word, som det kan ses på det følgende sammensatte billede (rød teksttypesæt af MS Word, som dækkes af den sorte teksttypesæt for LibreOffice Writer) . Efter udviklingen er den røde MS Word-tekst kun synlig ved høj forstørrelse ved siden af ​​de sorte Writer-bogstaver, da linjeskiftene allerede er nøjagtig de samme:

    Sammensatte sider indsat af Writer (sort) og MS Word (rød): 2-siders Lorem-tekst i Writer er blevet reduceret til én side, ligesom i MS Word.

    Bemærk: bruges kun til DOCX-interoperabilitet i øjeblikket (inklusive til ODT-filer, som er konverteret fra nye DOCX-filer med **pladskrympning**), men er planlagt til at være standard **begrundelses** algoritmen for de næste større versioner af LibreOffice.


    • Nyt søgefelt i Sidepanel Funktioner tdf#122718 (Rafael Lima)

    • Talformat: videnskabeligt format understøtter og gemmer nu følgende koder i ODF (tdf#153993 og tdf#156449 Laurent Balland):
      • indlejret tekst med talformat såsom ###.000 E0
      • små bogstaver for eksponent med talformat såsom ###.000e0
      • eksponent med blank '?' i stedet for '0' med talformat såsom 0.00E+?0
    • Skrifttypen vises i realtid igen: den anvendes midlertidigt på den eller de valgte celler ved at holde musen over eller navigere i rullemenuen for skrifttyper (sidepanel eller værktøjslinje). tdf#158320 (Caolán McNamara, Collabora)
    • Genveje til at skifte ark fungerer nu til at skifte fra sidste til første (Ctrl + Tab ↹ eller Ctrl + Page Down; ⌘ Cmd + Tab ↹ eller ⌘ Cmd + Page Down) og omvendt (Ctrl + ⇧ Skift + Tab ↹ eller Ctrl + Page Up; ⌘ Cmd + ⇧ Skift + Tab ↹ eller ⌘ Cmd + Side op;). tdf#156311 (Denis Sorotnik)
    • Kolonne/rækkefremhævning af aktiv celle (Sahil Gautam) tdf#33201
      • Tilgængelig via Værktøjer ▸ Indstillinger ▸ LibreOffice Calc ▸ Vis eller gennem menupunktet Vis ▸ Kolonne/Række-fremhævning
        Skærmbillede af hele rækken og kolonnens aktiv cellehøjde

    • Når du kopierer formler, der er gjort synlige med Vis  ▸ Vis formel (genvej: Ctrl + `), vil formlerne blive vist, hvis du indsætter dem i en almindelig teksteditor (i stedet for resultaterne). De kan også indsættes i Writer ved hjælp af Rediger ▸ Indsæt speciel ▸ Uformateret tekst. tdf#156357 (Heiko Tietze, TDF)

    • 24.2.5
      Funktionerne SUM.HVIS og MIDDEL.HVIS fungerer nu altid korrekt på et forespørgselsarray (uden at skulle bruge den tredje valgfri parameter). tdf#158789 (Eike Rathke, Red Hat)
    • 24.2.4
      XLS-filer med mange betingede formateringsregler er nu hurtigere at åbne (Noel Grandin, Collabora) tdf#160706


    Indstillinger for diasshow

    • Indstillingen "Vis navigationspanel" i Diasshow ▸ Diasshowsindstillinger... vil nu blive gemt til lokal konfiguration. tdf#157788 (Amin Irgaliev, Vladislav Tarakanov)
    • Flyttede indstillinger for præsentationskonsol og fjernbetjening fra Funktioner ▸ Indstillinger ▸ LibreOffice Impress til Diasshow ▸ Indstillinger for diasshow.... Derudover er etiketterne og dialogens layout blevet forbedret. tdf#135089 7ca9c5bd (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia)
    • Derudover er der et nyt afkrydsningsfelt, så Bluetooth-fjernbetjeningsserveren kan aktiveres uden også at aktivere den (i øjeblikket usikre) WiFi-server. aee059ff (Michael Stahl, allotropia)


    • Rettede Impress-skabeloner, hvor forkerte skrifttyper blev valgt til CJK og CTL. 3adf0 (Jun Nogata)

    • Talrige forbedringer og rettelser til skabeloner (Laurent Balland, med bidrag fra Jérôme Bouat):


    • Draw importerer nu flersidede TIFF-filer (dvs. en TIFF-fil med flere underfiler) og placerer ét billede pr. side. tdf#155444 (Rashesh Padia, Collabora)


    • Automatisk tilføjet primær nøgle (f.eks. når brugeren accepterer Wizards forslag om at tilføje en manglende primær nøgle ved afslutning) aktiverer nu AutoValue tdf#108057. (Mike Kaganski, Collabora)
    • Understøttelse af generiske/ukendte indlejrede databaser i ny databaseguide (fx i Fil ▸ Ny ▸ Database ▸ Opret en ny database). tdf#156471 (Pierre Vacher)



    • Understøtte indstilling og gengivelse af en formels højre-til-venstre retning. tdf#134193 (Khaled Hosny, TDF)
      Matematik med to arabiske matematiske ligninger efter to forskellige typesætningskonventioner

    • Understøtte arabiske og persiske operatører og symboler. tdf#111705 (Khaled Hosny, TDF)
    • Math-skrifttypen kan nu ændres i Format ▸ Skrifttyper... (standard er OpenSymbol). tdf#101174 (Khaled Hosny, TDF)
      Math font sat til Nagwa TK Math font, variabler og andre fonte sat til Nagwa TK Text font.

    • sFunktioner ▸ Specialtegn... er nu tilgængelig i Formel-editoren. tdf#32418 (Khaled Hosny, TDF)
    • Inline (visuel) formel-redigeringstilstand er nu aktiveret som standard, gradueret fra eksperimentel tilstandsfunktion 2d47c824 (Khaled Hosny, TDF)

    Kerne / Generelt

    • Et nyt kalenderbaseret nummereringsskema (YY.M. Lappe) er introduceret siden denne udgivelse. Dette vil hjælpe brugerne til lettere at se, hvor aktuel deres installerede version af LibreOffice er.
    • Ændringer i automatisk lagring af dokumenter: "Gem autogendannelsesoplysninger" er slået til som standard, såvel som "Altid oprette sikkerhedskopier". Sikkerhedskopier akkumuleres i mappen angivet af Funktioner ▸ Indstillinger ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Stier. Begge indstillinger kan slås fra i Funktioner ▸ Indstillinger ▸ Indlæs/Gem ▸ Generelt ▸ Gem. tdf#152463 (Bogdan Buzea)
    • Rettede mange AutoRecovery-begrænsninger og genaktiverede AutoSave UI. Tilføjet "Placer sikkerhedskopi i samme mappe som dokument". tdf#65509 tdf#68565 tdf#57414 (Mike Kaganski / Justin Luth, Collabora)
    • Rettede forskellige papirudskæringer i Notebookbar: masser af menuforbedringer, bedre understøttelse af forhåndsvisning af udskrift, korrekt nulstilling af tilpasset layout, bedre brug af radioknapper, færre "spring" tilbage til fanen Hjem, går ikke længere i stykker efter genindlæsning af fil eller forhåndsvisning eller mastervisning. tdf#126006 tdf#125504 tdf#122270 tdf#141136 tdf#148121 (Justin Luth)
    • Hjælp ▸ Søgekommandoer matcher nu også undermenunavne for at returnere mere relevante resultater. tdf#157114 (Dung Saga)
    • Added search functionality to Tools ▸ Options. tdf#49895 (Bayram Çiçek)

    • Automatically switching to dark app colors and a dark icon theme when a dark color scheme is configured in the desktop settings now also works for the Qt-based UI variants used e.g. by default on KDE Plasma. tdf#156894 tdf#149611 (Michael Weghorn)
    • Expert config now shows explanatory text to the config items in a tooltip tdf#157431 (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia)

    • Expert config can now be filtered by modified values. Modified values are displayed in bold text. tdf#157432 (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia)
    • Improved editing capabilities in Expert config dialog: (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia)
      • Proper input type validation
      • Editing lists in an own dialog
    • Sometimes spell checker algorithms send 2 lists for the same part of the sentence. One of the lists is sometimes empty. Now the non-empty list is shown on right click. (Gökay Şatır, Collabora Productivity)
    • Null pointer issue in password-dialog / libreofficeKit is fixed. (Gökay Şatır, Collabora Productivity)
    • Duden corrector encoded text issue is fixed. (Gökay Şatır, Collabora Productivity)
    • In experimental mode, made the MAR-based automatic update available on TDF Windows 64-bit builds, see Tools ▸ Options ▸ Online Update ▸ Automatic Update. (Stephan Bergmann, allotropia)
    • On Windows, Alt + NumPad codes support had been enhanced to allow full Unicode range. Note that this interferes with shortcut handling; Alt + Number shortcuts now only work with main keyboard area numbers on Windows, not with NumPad numbers. Also note, that this enhancement does not include Windows' EnableHexNumpad registry setting support. tdf#156443 (Mike Kaganski, Collabora)
    • Introduced additional editable metadata fields Contributor, Coverage, Identifier, Publisher, Relation, Rights, Source, Type. See File ▸ Properties... ▸ Description. tdf#138792 (Sarper Akdemir, allotropia)
    Properties dialog

    LibreOffice Help

    Continuation of LibreOffice Help to describe access to commands from several interfaces: Menus, tabbed interface, keyboard, toolbars, status bar and more.

    Help pages describe several ways to access commands

    Help contents updates and fixes:


    Orcus-based filters

    The following improvements derive primarily from the 0.19 release of the orcus library (Kohei Yoshida, allotropia).

    • Overhauled the Gnumeric import filter to fix bugs and add missing features. Most notable feature additions are:
      • cell styles
      • rich-text strings
      • named ranges
      • row heights and column widths
      • merged cells
    • Added support for importing rich-text strings in the Excel 2003 XML format.

    Import of "Drawing Canvas" from docx-documents

    Word has an object called "Drawing Canvas" where you draw shapes on it. They are combined into one object, similar as grouping them. This drawing canvas has to be used in Word, if the drawing contains connector shapes. Word writes this object in two flavors to the file. One is the original drawing canvas in DrawingML markup and the other is a fallback with reduced properties in VML markup. Previous LibreOffice versions could only read the VML fallback. Now the DrawingML is read. That gives you these new import features:

    • The drawing canvas background is imported.
    • Connectors are no longer imported as simple shapes but as true connectors, attached to the start and end shape.
    • Primitive shapes like ellipses are imported as ooxml-shape and thus text inside the shape can wrap now.
    • Shapes can use multicolor gradients, theme colors and glow effects.


    ODF Wholesome Encryption

    A new mode of password-based ODF encryption has been implemented, with the following advantages:

    • more performant due to deriving a key only once per package
    • more tamper-resistant with authenticated encryption (AES-GCM)
    • better hiding of metadata to reduce information leaks
    • higher resistance to brute forcing using memory-hard Argon2id key derivation function

    You will need LibreOffice 24.2 to open these encrypted files. For this reason, by default the pre-existing standard ODF encryption is used.

    This is available if Experimental Features are enabled in Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Advanced. tdf#105844 (Michael Stahl, allotropia)

    SVG support

    • 24.2.2
      Support for SVG styles parameters: style="overflow:notset", ...:hidden" and ...:visible". (Xisco Fauli, TDF) tdf#159968

    • 24.2.3
      Translations stored in <switch> elements are now selected based on the system locale's language tag. (Xisco Fauli, TDF) tdf#160386

    OOXML SVG support

    • Support SVG OOXML extension ( namespace)
    • Import the SVG image (svgBlip element) instead of the fallback PNG.
    • Export the SVG image in addition to fallback PNG image, which is used if the svgBlip element is not supported (older MS Office versions). tdf#51510, tdf#126084 (Tomaž Vajngerl, Collabora)


    • Fix displaying images with size of EOF other than 3. tdf#155887 (Bartosz Kosiorek)


    • The Insert Special Characters dropdown now shows a character description for the selected character (and in tooltip on hovering). tdf#156538 (Jim Raykowski)

    • The save with password dialog now features a password strength meter that utilizes zxcvbn-c to determine the password strength. tdf#157518 (Sarper Akdemir, allotropia)

    • Turn Security Warnings popup windows into infobars to avoid annoying blocker warning dialogs. tdf#157482 (Balázs Varga, allotropia) - In the previous implementation, if the appropriate configuration options are enabled, a warning was issued and/or the personal information have been removed each time the document is saved. These Security Warnings popup windows have been turned into individual infobar warnings at the top of the page. The infobar can be displayed both for hidden and for personal information. In this way, the user receives a hint without significantly disrupting the workflow. A button on the banner could additionally open a dialog in which individual pieces of information can be removed.

    • Options dialog pages behaved inconsistently when options are locked down. Several of the UI elements do not reflect this by becoming disabled and displaying a lock icon on their left. By the end all the Options pages will work consistently when options are locked down. tdf#157698 (Balázs Varga, allotropia)

    • Clarify the options dialog text around macro security settings, to specify exactly what is permitted, and what is prevented. tdf#157588 (Gábor Kelemen, allotropia)

    • It is now possible to reset the cropping for an image. tdf#86628 (Andrea Rosetti)


    • Tree views like the one in the Expert Configuration Dialog (reachable via Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Advanced ▸ Open Expert Configuration) are now correctly exposed via accessibility APIs, so the table content is announced by screen readers. tdf#99609 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • A system setting to reduce/disable animations is now honoured by LibreOffice to disable the "marching ants" animation when copying cells in Calc. (This is new in LibreOffice 24.2 for Windows and Linux; for macOS, this is already included in LibreOffice 7.6.) tdf#155414 (Patrick Luby; Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • Issues in the handling of mouse positions in the Windows-specific accessibility implementation were fixed, so that the NVDA screen reader can announce the text of a Calc cell under the mouse pointer correctly. tdf#156679 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • Various popup menus like the border line style control (e.g. used in Writer: Format ▸ Paragraph ▸ Borders ▸ Line ▸ Style) or the font color chooser (e.g. used in Writer: Format ▸ Character ▸ Font Effect ▸ Font Color) are now correctly announced by the NVDA screen reader on Windows. tdf#101886 tdf#141101 tdf#156561 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • The UNO grid control is now properly exposed to the accessibility layer and can therefore be announced by the NVDA screen reader. tdf#156473 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • The multi line edit (e.g. used in the Help ▸ Check for Updates...) dialog now supports the accessible Text interface, which allows screen readers to announce its text content. tdf#104833 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • An active-descendant-changed accessible events no longer gets incorrectly sent when a combobox value changes without the combobox being focused, which was causing confusing behavior with the NVDA screen reader in the print dialog. tdf#157137 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • On Windows, the IAccessible2 role is now reported for frames, instead of reporting them as dialogs. dd0a0ecb839df1289693d4b2f862e3942a80345d (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • Status bars in dialogs are now reported with the correct accessible role, so screen readers can find and report them accordingly. tdf#157639 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • The content of the Tools ▸ Word Count... dialog is now announced by the NVDA screen reader on Windows when the dialog opens. tdf#157633 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • On Windows, text attributes are now reported on the accessibility layer according to the IAccessible2 text attributes and object attributes specifications, no longer by using custom attribute names and values. Invalid spelling is now also reported via the corresponding text attribute. Together with a corresponding change in version 2024.1 of the NVDA screen reader, this makes announcement of misspelled words work when reading a line of text in Writer. tdf#157696 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • On Windows, text alignment is now reported via the corresponding IAccessible2 object attribute, which makes it possible for assistive technology like the NVDA screen reader to announce it. tdf#135922 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • Checkboxes in the spelling dialog can now be toggled using the space key tdf#135921 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • Writer paragraphs using the "Block Quotation" paragraph style now also use the block quote accessibility role, which makes it possible for screen readers to announce them as block quotes. tdf#135586 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • The VoiceOver screen reader on macOS no longer unhelpfully says "collapsed" when a Writer paragraph or toolbar button receives focus. 64d7bb1917c38ad8e256a482778df647904f5502 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • Toggle buttons can now be toggled using the corresponding accessible action, which e.g. allows screen readers to do so. tdf#112661 tdf#112662 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • The label for row and column headers in Calc is now reported via the "rowindextext" and "colindextext" object attributes as specified in the ARIA specification. The Orca screen reader makes use of these for the announcement of cells. tdf#158030 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • The Orca screen reader on Linux now announces the current status of the underline toolbar button, i.e. it indicates whether underlining is currently active or not. tdf#123864 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)

    Changes in UI strings

    • Language settings was changed to Languages and Locales in options. tdf#157716 (Aswath T)
    • Decimal separator key was changed to Decimal key on the numpad in options. tdf#113478 (Adoche Onaji)
    • Modify was changed to Assign in Customize dialog. tdf#155214 (Aswath T)
    • Scale was changed to As percentage of the parent in Area dialog tdf#154019. (Heiko Tietze, TDF)
    • Description was changed to Alt Text. tdf#155044 (Heiko Tietze / Ilmari Lauhakangas, TDF)
    • Evaluate up to level was changed to Include up to level in index dialog. tdf#157908 (Seth Chaiklin)
    • Add paragraph and table spacing at tops of pages was changed to Add paragraph and table spacing at top of first page and page breaks in options. tdf#141676 (Seth Chaiklin)
    • AutoUpdate changed to Automatic update from document in the Organize tab of Style dialog. tdf#149796 (Seth Chaiklin)
    • Instead of Widow and Orphan controls, the Text Flow tab of Paragraph Style dialog now talks about paragraph splitting. tdf#156795 tdf#156109 Samuel Mehrbrodt (allotropia)


    LibreOffice is now available in Armenian. Armenian is an Indo-European language, spoken by 5–7 million people in the Republic of Armenia and elsewhere in the world. The translation of LibreOffice’s user interface was largely done by Tigran Zargaryan. Read more about this in our blog

    Improvements to proofing tools and language support


    • Slovenian thesaurus was updated (Martin Srebotnjak, OdprtiTezaver).



    • CCur now respects system locale. tdf#128122 (Jonathan Clark)

    The ScriptForge libraries

    An extensible and robust collection of macro scripting resources for LibreOffice to be invoked from user Basic or Python scripts. (Jean-Pierre Ledure)

    The libraries expose a total of 32 services each with a bunch of methods and properties.

    New in LibreOffice 24.2:

    • The (new) Dataset service helps browsing through the data collected with tables, queries or SQL SELECT statements. Getting and updating records data is made easy with the use of dictionaries field name => field value. Binary fields can be extracted to files or updated with the content of files.
    • The Database service supports the transaction mode with in particular the Commit() and Rollback() methods.
    • Use the new filesystem property of the Document service to navigate through the internal file structure of documents like in usual folders and files.
    • The Files() and Subfolders() methods in the FileSystem service provide the list of files and folders present in a folder. They accept now an additional IncludeSubfolders boolean argument.
    • The UserData property of the Platform service gives access to the content of the equivalent page in the Tools/Options dialog.
    • The Documents service is enriched with a set of functions to manage styles. E.g. suppressing all unused styles can be done in a few lines of code.

    The whole set of services (except when better done by native built-in functions) is made available for Python scripts with identical syntax and behaviour as in Basic.

    The English version of the documentation of the ScriptForge libraries (24.2) is fully integrated in the LibreOffice help pages ( Their translation into other languages is underway. (Alain Romedenne, Rafael Lima)

    Feature Removal / Deprecation

    • Drop Impress/Draw's HTML Export wizard. Exporting to HTML from the UI behaves now the same way as using --convert-to html:"impress_html_Export" from the command line, the slides being exported as a single document. tdf#105303 (Xisco Fauli, TDF)
    • Removed FTP protocol support from LibreOffice, following browser vendors and general industry trends. tdf#146386, 4a26dcac (Michael Stahl, allotropia)
    • The following fonts are no longer bundled by default. tdf#159752 (Khaled Hosny, TDF)
      • NotoMono-Regular.ttf
      • NotoNaskhArabicUI-Bold.ttf
      • NotoNaskhArabicUI-Regular.ttf
      • NotoSans-Condensed.ttf
      • NotoSans-CondensedBold.ttf
      • NotoSans-CondensedBoldItalic.ttf
      • NotoSans-CondensedItalic.ttf
      • NotoSans-Light.ttf
      • NotoSans-LightItalic.ttf
      • NotoSansArabicUI-Bold.ttf
      • NotoSansArabicUI-Regular.ttf
      • NotoSerif-Condensed.ttf
      • NotoSerif-CondensedBold.ttf
      • NotoSerif-CondensedBoldItalic.ttf
      • NotoSerif-CondensedItalic.ttf
      • NotoSerif-Light.ttf
      • NotoSerif-LightItalic.ttf

    Platform Compatibility

    • On Windows, text attributes are now reported on the accessibility layer according to the IAccessible2 text attributes and object attributes specifications, no longer by using custom attribute names and values. Assistive Technology that currently only supports the custom LibreOffice attributes needs to be adapted to support attributes according to the IAccessible2 specifications. For the NVDA screen reader, this has been implemented for the upcoming version 2024.1. tdf#157696
    • The minimum requirements for building and running LibreOffice on Linux have been raised from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7/CentOS 7 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8/CentOS 8 (or equivalent). This also means that Qt 5.15 is the minimum supported Qt version for the Qt 5 based "VCL plugins" (qt5/kf5). 02f48a32
    • libxml2 and libxslt are now required to be installed on the system for TDF release builds b20f17ce.

    API Changes

    • The constant group now supports the HIDDEN flag, which allows to hide named ranges from the UI. MSO compatibility with hidden named ranges is now supported as well. tdf#154449 (Rafael Lima)
    • New UNO commands for Writer:
      • .uno:SpotlightParaStyles and .uno:SpotlightCharStyles for the Spotlight feature on Paragraph and Character styles respectively. They are now available in the menu: Format ▸ Spotlight tdf#156114 (Jim Raykowski)
      • .uno:InsertDateFieldVar and .uno:InsertTimeFieldVar for variable date and variable time fields respectively. This allows assigning shortcuts to both fixed and variable variants of the date and time fields. Both variants are now available from the menu: Insert ▸ Field. 6c073a18 (Xisco Fauli, TDF)
    Screenshot of menu that includes the fixed and variable variants of Date and Time fields.

    Configuration Changes

    • A new setting can be used to disable insecure network protocols (such as unencrypted HTTP, SMTP, and TLS versions older than 1.2). If disabled, the WebDAV UCP will automatically attempt to connect via HTTPS instead, while other services will refuse to connect. 5365daf6 8e46dd95 8b0b453e
      • org.openoffice.Office.Security/Net/AllowInsecureProtocols
    • A new setting can be used to disable soffice --accept ec3ffe62
      • org.openoffice.Office.Security/Net/AllowInsecureUNORemoteProtocol
    • The following configuration keys have been deprecated:
      • org.openoffice.Office.Inet::Settings::ooInetFTPProxyName tdf#146386
      • org.openoffice.Office.Inet::Settings::ooInetFTPProxyPort tdf#146386
    • The following deprecated configuration keys have been removed:
      • org.openoffice.Office.Common/InternalMSExport/UseOldExport tdf#154077 (Gabor Kelemen, allotropia)
      • org.openoffice.Office.Histories/HistoryItem/Password (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia)
      • org.openoffice.Office.Linguistic/SpellChecking/IsSpellCapitalization (Samuel Mehrbrodt, allotropia)
    • Customization of start center colors StartCenterThumbnailsHighlightColor and StartCenterThumbnailsHighlightTextColor removed in favor of system defaults tdf#158084 (Heiko Tietze, TDF)

    Android Viewer

    • Initial dark theme support was added tdf#124480 (Michael Weghorn, TDF)
    • Thanks to many translators, support for more user interface languages was added