使用 Testlink 对 LibreOffice 进行人工测试
长期以来,我们一直使用 MozTrap 进行人工测试(在这之前使用的是 Litmus)。MozTrap 是由 Mozilla 团队开发的,目前已经停止更新,并且其本身不支持界面及测试过程的本地化。我们已决定转向 TestLink,它本身已经支持几种语言,并可以对多个 locale 进行管理。
TestLink 是一个基于网页的程序,用于对人工测试案例及软件生命周期进行管理。测试案例可以是很简单的步骤,也可以是很复杂的过程,但每个过程都会提供简单的可供遵循的步骤。
使用 TestLink, 不需要高超的计算机技能。
在 LDAP 上注册一个账户。
登录 TestLink。
TestLink 入门
我们编写了几章入门指南,以帮你步入 TestLink 的精彩世界。
- TestLink 用户指南:适合于想要在 testlink 上执行测试案例、更新或创建测试案例的用户。
- TestLink 管理员指南:适合于需要维护及优化 Testlink、组织协调测试流程的管理员。
TBD: testcase organization and process
TestLink 本地化
To be able to translate tests, you need first to login and select the language instance you want to work in, i.e at the top right of the site, select your language in the drop down list in front of Test Project. You need to either have the senior tester or test designer role to be able to edit the tests to translate.
If there is no Test Project in your language, request for its creation on the QA/Mailing_List or the #libreoffice-qa IRC:// irc channel, one of the admin of TestLink will create it and import the current set of English tests to it.
- click on Test Specification link under the Test Specification area on the bottom left of the page
- click on the first test under LibreOffice OO, it is now displayed on the right part of the page
- click on the small gray spin wheel at the top in front of the title of the test
- click on the Edit button
You will first translate the title, description and prerequisites of the test. Select the corresponding Keyword and assign it to the test by clicking on the blue arrow in the middle. Then click on Save.
Now click on each step to be able to translate it. Click on Save button once done. Repeat for each test you still see in English.