Documentation/Calc Functions/COT

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    Returnerer cotangensen af den givne vinkel (i radianer).




    Returnerer den (trigonometriske) togensens af tallet. vinklen i radianer. Den resulterende værdi spænder fra -∞ til +∞, dvs. (-∞,+∞).


    Tallet er det reelle tal, eller en reference til en celle, der indeholder tallet, som er vinklen i radianer, hvis cotangens-værdi skal beregnes.

    • Hvis tallet tallet er et multiplum af PI eller π, dvs. {......-2π,-π,0,+π,+2π.....}, er coth-værdi udefineret, hvorfor funktionen returnerer en numerisk (#NUM!) fejlværdi.
    • If Number is equal to 0, then COT reports a #NUM! error.

    Yderligere oplysninger:

    If your angle is expressed in degrees, either multiply by PI()/180 or use the RADIANER function to convert to radians.

    • Cotangensen af en vinkel svarer til 1 divideret med tangensen af vinklen.
    • For at indsætte vinkeln i grader, multiplicerer vinklen med PI()/180

    eller bruger funktionen RADIANER til konvertere at konvertere vinklen til radianer.

    [math]\displaystyle{ \cot (x)~=~ \frac{1}{\tan(x)} ~=~\frac{\cos(x)}{\sin(x)} }[/math]

    Mathematically, the cotangent of any integer multiple of π, i.e. {......-2π, -π, 0, π, 2π.....} is undefined. For this reason, COT reports an error when its argument is equal to 0. However, because of the inherent inaccuracy in representing π numerically, COT does not report errors for other argument values. You should be aware that COT will return large positive or negative results for non-zero integer values of π.

    Figuren herunder illustrerer funktionen COT.

    Funktionen COT


    Formula Description Returns
    =COT(1) Trigonometric cotangent of 1 radian. 0,642092615934331
    =COT(D1) where cell D1 contains the number -0.5. Trigonometric cotangent of -½ radian. −1,83048772171245
    =COT(PI()/4) Trigonometric cotangent of π/4 radians. 1
    =COT(RADIANER(60)) Trigonometric cotangent of 60°, after first converting the angle from degrees to radians. 0,577350269189626
    =GRADER(ARCCOT(COT(RADIANER(60))) An angle of 60° is converted to radians, its cotangent is taken, then the inverse cotangent of that value is calculated, and finally the result is converted back to degrees. 60

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    COT since v.2013.