LibreOffice at FOSDEM 2015

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    FOSDEM 2015
    ← previousnext →
    DatesJanuary 31 - February 1, 2015
    LocationULB Campus Solbosch,
    Brussels, Belgium

    FOSDEM is the premier open source developers conference, and the most significant developers conference for LibreOffice after the annual LibreOffice Conference.

    Stuff in green is from Last Year: remove the color when the section is updated.


    Scheduling Table

    Please add your name to the table below and fill-in the days you will be available

    B Booth (January 31th - February 1st)
    D Open Document Editors DevRoom (January 31th, from 11AM to 07.20PM, Room K.3.201)
    CC Certification Committee Meeting (January 31th, from ? AM to ? PM, Room ? )
    x At the conference
    (blank) Not present
    pre-FOSDEM FOSDEM (Jan 31th - Feb 1st ) UX Hackfest
    Name Reimbursement Friday Saturday Sunday TBD TBD
    Marina Latini yes x D / B x / B See the signup page
    Robinson Tryon yes x B? B?
    Rob Snelders no x D? B?
    Cor Nouws yes x D / B / CC / ? B / ?
    Gabriele Ponzo yes x D / B / CC / ? B / ?
    Enio Gemmo yes x D / CC x

    to add yourself go to: Events/2015/FOSDEM/Participants (includes #Booth and #DevRoom scheduling)


    The Fosdem Booth

    Main-track talk(s)



    Open Document Editors DevRoom Talks at FOSDEM 2015

    Speaker Title Slides URL

    Other Stuff

    Getting involved