
    From The Document Foundation Wiki
    This page is a translated version of the page Language/WeblateGuide and the translation is 20% complete.

    Weblate - це інструмент, який команди перекладачів використовують для перекладу LibreOffice та інших проектів. Кожен проект містить певну кількість файлів, які містять рядки для перекладу. За замовчуванням у кожному проекті є переклади спільних рядків, які поширюються на інші файли в межах проекту.

    Без створення облікового запису можна лише переглядати проекти та вносити пропозиції. Щоб мати змогу зберігати переклади потрібно створити обліковий запис і авторизуватися.


    1. Заповніть реєстраційну форму
    2. Активуйте реєстрацію, перейшовши за посиланням в отриманому листі

    Профіль користувача

    Після того, як ви увійшли в систему, вгорі праворуч ви знайдете свій профіль. Натиснувши на іконку, ви отримаєте доступ до меню, що містить кілька пунктів:

    • Профіль: ця частина містить кілька статистичних даних про вашу активність у різних проектах, до яких ви долучилися. Якщо у вас є пропозиції, які перебувають на розгляді, ви зможете переглянути їх звідси
    • Пам'ять перекладів: ця частина містить кількість записів, які ви зробили в ПП. Ви також можете експортувати або імпортувати файл ПП звідси
    • Налаштування: натиснувши на цей запис, ви отримаєте вікно з кількома вкладками вгорі.


    • Мови інтерфейсу: виберіть мову, якою ви хочете відображати інтерфейс користувача
    • Мови перекладу: виберіть мову, на яку ви перекладаєте
    • Вторинна мова: поруч з вихідним рядком буде показано вторинну мову, щоб допомогти вам, якщо це мова, якою ви вільніше володієте.

    Натисніть кнопку Зберегти, щоб зберегти ваші налаштування.

    Налаштування: у цій частині ви можете встановити макет редактора перекладів за замовчуванням. Ви також можете додати спеціальні символи, які ви будете використовувати в перекладі, вони будуть показані на панелі інструментів редактора. Закінчивши, натисніть кнопку "Зберегти".

    Сповіщення: переглянуті проекти: вибраний проект буде показано на вашій інформаційній панелі за замовчуванням.

    Notification settings: here you should select the notifications you want to receive ant their frequency. Those notifications are related to your watched projects.

    Account: this is where you managed your name, mail addresses and password.

    Profile: it contains your translation statistics and this is where you set your avatar.

    Licenses: list the licenses of the files in the projects.

    Audit log: list the activity on your account

    API access: list your personal API key


    When we were using Pootle, each language team had an administrator who was able to manage team's roles. In Weblate, it is currently not possible, you need to ask either on the l10n mailing list or ask Sophi directly.


    • manage glossary
    • same rights as reviewer above


    • post comments
    • accept/add/delete suggestions
    • edit string when suggestions are enforced
    • ignore failing checks
    • edit/review strings
    • overwrite existing strings with upload
    • upload translations


    • post comments
    • accept/add suggestions
    • ignore failing checks
    • edit strings
    • overwrite existing strings with upload
    • upload translations


    As said above depending on your settings, the dashboard will display the watched translations crossed referenced with your preferred language. You can display then per project or per language. At the top of the screen you always have the path of what you selected.


    If you click on Languages and choose the language you want to translate to, you have the projects listed on the left and then the state of the translation:

    • Translated: displays the translation percentage or a green check when translation is complete
    • Strings of total: displays the percentage of strings translated or a green check if complete
    • Untranslated: displays the number of untranslated strings
    • Untranslated words: self describing :)
    • Checks: number of failing checks
    • Suggestions: displays the number of suggestions
    • Comments: displays the number of comments that concerns the translation or the source.

    At the top several tabs are displayed, Projects is the default view, then

    • Information: displays information on the language and language rules
    • History: gives the history of the language changes
    • Activity: gives several statistics on translations
    • Glossaries: lists the glossaries present per project
    • Tools: let you browse the strings by failing checks or ignored checks.

    By clicking on one of the projects, the files inside that project are listed. The same type of information as in previous screen are displayed

    Editor area

    Weblate Editor

    You access this area by clicking on the Translate button of a file that has strings to translate. At the top, there is a bar indicating the number of strings left to translate, you can navigate to the previous or next strings via this bar. The editor area is divided in several parts:


    • at the top right, this icon is to copy a permalink of the string
    • source string comment: usually contains the KeyID of the string, but it can also contains comments for translators
    • English: contains the source string and at the right, an icon to copy the source to the clipboard
    • Context: give you a piece of context on the string
    • [Language]: the language in which you translate. At the far right, there is an editing toolbar which contains special characters to be inserted in your translation
    • Needs editing: is a checkbox indicating fuzzy strings
    • Buttons: then you have three big buttons indicating: Save Suggest Skip

    Below this area, there is a toolbar containing six buttons:

    • Nearby strings: show you the strings around the string you are currently translating in the file. It contains translated and non translated strings.
    • Other occurrences: display other occurrences of the string in this file or in other contexts in the same source or different sources.
    • Comments: let you add comments or review comments. You can add comments on the current translations or on the sources by selecting the right one in the drop down list. Comments on sources will appear in all languages.
    • Machine translation: displays the translation memory we maintain on Amagama server.
    • Translation memory: not in used currently
    • Other languages: displays how it is translated or not yet translated in other languages. It is useful if you work on several languages
    • History: displays the translation history of the string


    If you have uploaded a glossary for your project, it will appear at the top left of the editor's area. There you also have the possibility to add a new word to the glossary along with your translation work at the bottom of the list. On the top right, an icon allow you to edit the glossary to manage it.

    Source information

    • Screenshot context: allows to add screenshot to give context on the string. This is currently a work in progress which will be available soon.
    • Context, flag, source sting location: will give you some context base on the source code. It may be helpful to read the strings located in the same file and have an overview of the dialog.
    • Source string age: gives the age of the source string
    • Translation file: gives the path of the translation file and the position of the string in the .po file.

    Zen View

    This type of display will remove most of the areas around the editor area. You can switch between the two modes by clicking on the top right icon in the area. You can define to display the Zen view in your profile's preferences.


    Making suggestions is available to all, even if you're not logged in. They appear at several levels in the UI. They are available in the overview of the components when you navigate by your translation language. Then clicking on one component containing suggestions, will allow you to click on the suggestion number listed there and then navigate through the file by suggestions.

    Suggestions also appear on the UI under Strings needing actions and as Thing to check at the top right of the editing area.

    If you have translator role, you can accept or edit the suggestion and if you have reviewer role, in addition you can delete the suggestion.


    As it was in Pootle, Weblate will perform several checks on the translated strings. These checks are script run on the .po files. To browse the files by checks, click on the number displayed in the Check column. The failing check will appear at the top right of the Editor area.

    For more information on the checks performed, please read the Checks and Fixups page on Weblate documentation.



    Offline translation

    To translate offline, you can proceed file by file or use the Weblate command-line client for bash processing of files.

    Processing file by file

    Go under a project component and from there, under Files, it's possible to download a whole component. Once the translation done, you'll have to upload file by file under the corresponding sub-component to upload it.

    Processing of bash translations

    Please follow the instructions here to install and use the Weblate command-line client. Check for the download and upload options.