TDF/Membership Committee

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    This page is intended to document the work of the Membership Committee

    General Information

    The role of the Membership Committee is defined in the Community Bylaws. The mission of the MC is to administer membership applications and renewals, following the criteria defined in the Membership section of the Community Bylaws

    Policies issued by the Membership Committee

    Membership Committee Members

    2022 - 2024 Term

    Final results as declared by the BoD on 2022-09-17

    Current members of the Committee

    • Members: (5)
      • Marina Latini
      • Miklos Vajna
      • Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco
      • Gabriele Ponzo
      • Uwe Altmann
    • Substitute members: (3 and not 4 because there were just 8 candidates)
      • Shinji Enoki
      • Balázs Varga
      • Ahmad Haris

    2020 - 2022 Term

    Final results as declared by the BoD on 2020-09-16

    • Members: (5)
      • Marina Latini
      • Muhammet Kara
      • Gabriele Ponzo
      • Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco
      • Ahmad Haris
    • Substitute members: (4)
      • Shinji Enoki
      • Uwe Altmann
      • Dennis Roczek
      • Jona Azizaj

    2018 - 2020 Term

    as decided by the MC on 2019-10-15 according to Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn resignation on 2019-09-21

    • Members: (5)
      • Gabriele Ponzo (chairman, as per MC decision)
      • Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco
      • Jona Azizaj
      • Dennis Roczek
      • Ilmari Lauhakangas
    • Substitute members: (2)
      • Muhammet Kara
      • Ahmad Haris

    On 2019-11-04 our beloved friend Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn sadly passed away.
    It's been a huge loss for our Community and especially for MC.
    We'll never forget his kindness and sensibility!

    as declared by the BoD on 2018-09-18, when Miklos Vajna stepped down

    • Members: (5)
      • Gabriele Ponzo (chairman, as per MC decision)
      • Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn (resigned on 2019-09-21)
      • Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco
      • Jona Azizaj
      • Dennis Roczek
    • Substitute members: (3)
      • Ilmari Lauhakangas
      • Muhammet Kara
      • Ahmad Haris

    The vote preliminary results were in conflict with § 8 IV of our statutes, with both Miklos Vajna and Jona Azizaj having the same affiliation. To resolve the conflict Miklos decided to step down in favour of Jona.

    Prelimnary result as on 2018-09-11

    • Members: (5)
      • Miklos Vajna
      • Gabriele Ponzo
      • Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn
      • Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco
      • Jona Azizaj
    • Substitute members: (4)
      • Dennis Roczek
      • Ilmari Lauhakangas
      • Muhammet Kara
      • Ahmad Haris

    The above preliminary results are in conflict with § 8 IV of our statutes, with both Miklos and Jona having the same affiliation.

    2016 - 2018 Term

    as per MC decision on 2017-08-22, change on 2017-12-29 when Cor Nouws resigned

    • Members: (5)
      • Gabriele Ponzo (chairman)
      • Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco
      • Miklos Vajna
      • Stephan Bergmann
      • Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn
    • Substitute members: (2)
      • Charles-H. Schulz
      • Antonio Faccioli

    as per MC decision on 2017-08-22

    • Members: (5)
      • Cor Nouws (chairman until 2017-10-30, as per MC decision)
      • Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco
      • Gabriele Ponzo (chairman since 2017-10-30, as per MC decision)
      • Miklos Vajna
      • Stephan Bergmann
    • Substitute members: (3)
      • Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn
      • Charles-H. Schulz
      • Antonio Faccioli

    as declared by the BoD on 2016-09-19

    • Members: (5)
      • Katarína Behrens
      • Cor Nouws (chairman)
      • Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco
      • Gabriele Ponzo
      • Miklos Vajna
    • Substitute members: (4)
      • Stephan Bergmann
      • Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn
      • Charles-H. Schulz
      • Antonio Faccioli

    2014 - 2016 Term

    as appointed by the BoD on 2014-09-18, change on 2016-01-25 when Jan Holesovsky resigned

    • Members: (5)
      • David Emmerich Jourdain
      • Cor Nouws
      • Charles-H. Schulz
      • Gabriele Ponzo
      • Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn
    • Substitute members: (1)
      • Andras Timar

    as appointed by the BoD on 2014-09-18, untill a change on 2016-01-25

    • Members: (5)
      • David Emmerich Jourdain
      • Jan Holesovsky
      • Cor Nouws
      • Charles-H. Schulz
      • Gabriele Ponzo
    • Substitute members: (2)
      • Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn
      • Andras Timar

    2012 - 2014 Term

    as appointed by the BoD on 2012-09-21

    • Members: (4)
      • Sophie Gautier
      • Cor Nouws (Chairman since 2013-11-29)
      • Jean Weber
      • Leif Lodahl (member since 2013-11-29, deputy before)
    • Substitute members: (1)
      • Simon Phipps

    as appointed by the BoD on 2012-09-21

      • Eike Rathke (chairman from October 2013 to November 2013 resigned 2013-11-28)
      • Fridrich Štrba (chairman from .. to October 2013, resigned 2013-10-21)

    2010 - 2012 Term

    as appointed by the BoD on 2011-11-09

    • Members: (5)
    • Substitute members: (2)
      • Cor Nouws
      • Drew Jensen

    (as appointed by the SC on 2011-01-13):

    • Sophie Gautier
      • Deputy: Cor Nouws (as per voting concluded on March 22 2011)
    • Fridrich Strba
      • Deputy until 2011-11-02: Thorsten Behrens (as approved by SC on 2011-04-21)
    • André Schnabel

    Regular Work of the Committee

    The Membership Committee will have regular meetings (either on IRC, phone or face-to-face) to work on its tasks. These meetings will be held every two weeks (but committee members may agree to have additional meetings or skip meetings for periods with higher or lower workload).


    Planning the MC meeting - FOSDEM 2019

    Regular meeting

    The meetings will have a generic agenda which is dereived from the regular and special tasks of the committee.

    1. define duties for next period (write minutes, update members list, send out mails for approved/rejected/deferred applications, process incoming applications)
    2. general discussion items
    3. process open applications
      • collect the list of applications that came in since last meeting (check mail alias
      • identify members who need to affirm membership (all members after one year of membership approval or last affirmation plus members that are inactive for more than three months without giving explanation)
      • assign one MC-member to each application or affirmation who will review the application and process the affirmation (this should be based on the work area of the applicant. e.g. one might review developer's applications, another UX, design, work in locale teams, and yet another does l10n, QA, website ...)
      • each application or affirmation should have been reviewed as defined in the last meeting ago. Based on this review MC decides to approve, reject or defer (if there are questions) the application (or to affirm / revoke membership).
    4. other topics / information
      • check if there have been revokation requests (check mail alias and forward those to the BoD with us commenting (we should take care about this, but actually the BoD is in charge)
      • check if there have been resignation mails (check mail alias According to the bylaws a resignation has immediate effect. Therefore we should remove the member from the website, but ask for confirmation.

    Logs, minutes and information flow

    • To protect applicants personal information full meeting logs (irc log, call recordings) and detailed minutes will be stored at a non-public place (accessible for MC members, BoD and people appointed by the BoD). MC will publish minutes without personal data only (usually this will mean, we pulish minutes with statistical data only)
    • Applicants will get information via private mail about the status of their application (application received, in review, deferred, confirmed or rejected).
    • In case we miss a membership request (e.g. applicant does not a mail after the meeting following his application) the applicant should contact the membership committee (send a mail to membershiprequest -at- If the MC does not react, the BoD should be contacted.
    • If a applicant does not agree to the MC's decision, this should be brought to the MC's attention first (send a mail to membershiprequest -at- If no agrement can be reached, the issue should be escalated to the BoD.

    Information to start working with the mcm-database and mcm application

    This documentation is provided for the management of the member database on gerrit. Each member application is created in gerrit as a patch. Then, approval, disapproval or delay are dealt via the gerrit voting system. In order to be able to vote on gerrit, you need :

    • to create an account on gerrit
    • to register your public ssh key via gerrit
    • then send you gpg public key to a gerrit admin (Norbert for example)
    • then access to the project:mcm-database

    To be able to work in the mcm-database and handle applications, you need to downloaded and install the mcm package (more) For this and other details, see this detailed information).

    Working with gerrit

    • Only give a +1 when you reply for voting. +2 is the chairman's job.
    • Is it possible in gerrit to get information on which I already voted on?

    Try these operators/values in the Search field:

    project:mcm-database status:open reviewer:self

    to get the applications which you already voted

    project:mcm-database status:open -reviewer:self

    to get the applications which you not voted yet

    status:open project:mcm-database NOT label:Code-Review>=0,self

    to get all patches you don't give a +1

    If you go to your Settings, you can create new entries in you menu "My" (in 'Preferences' section) using these URLs:


    to get the applications which you already voted


    to get the applications which you not voted yet

    #/q/status:open+project:mcm-database+reviewer:self+NOT label:Code-Review>0

    to get the application which you don't voted with a +1

    How to apply for membership

    A form is available on the TDF website to fill the application which, then will be sent to the Membership Committee mailing list.

    The form contains those fields to be filled primarily in English if possible.

    • Full name
    • Permanent e-mail address
    • Username(s) at TDF infrastucture (e.g. git, wiki, TDF Weblate) if any


    Please provide a description of all your past and present contributions including a rough timeline to help the Membership Committee determine your eligibility to join the Foundation. Remember that any contribution made for The Document Foundation is valid so either if you do e.g. code development, packaging, design or support on the list, you will be definitely welcome to join The Document Foundation. Note that by applying you also make a moral commitment to at least six month activity (not counting the first three months of fulfilment qualification).

    Contacts Information

    Please list at least two contacts who can confirm your contributions or indicate to the Membership Committee the best way to verify your contributions. You should provide their name, a valid e-mail address to contact them and a brief description of their role as a reference. Two contacts is good but only one is mandatory.

    Other Comments

    Please feel free to include any additional information you believe the Membership Committee should consider while reviewing your application.

    Renew Option

    If you are an existing Foundation member and would like to renew your application, just indicate it in the form but fill out the application form again (just a few details are usually fine, no need to be verbose).

    Once a (re)new application is received, it's possible to profit of MC Template Messages if more info are required from applicant.

    Note: there is this explanation on the role of members.