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QAとは、品質保証(Quality Assurance)の略です。 QAは、ユーザーが、良いソフトウェアを入手できるように、最新のLibreOfficeをテストして改善することです。これは開発フェーズから最終的なリリースまでいつでも行われています。
私たちの最初のゴールは、最も厄介で緊急のバグを発見・確認して、それらを解決するために開発者に引き渡すことです。 そのため、私たちはエンドユーザーと開発者との橋渡し、ユーザ体験を向上させるために、各バグ報告を適切な解決に導くよう試みます。私たちはバグを再現し、それに正しい優先順位を与え、重複をみつけ、修正の検証を行います。
- 直近1ヶ月の未確認バグをこのクエリで開く (機能拡張の要望は意図的に除外しており、その他のものもフィルターされています)
- 気になるバグを選ぶ
- 重複を探す
- バグが重複しておらず、説明が不十分なものはステータスを NEEDINFO に設定する
- 安定版とマスタービルドで再現確認しようとした後、 ステータスを NEW にするか、 UNCONFIRMED のままにする
These steps intentionally describe incomplete triaging, because beginners should not feel overwhelmed by all the myriad details one has to take into account when aiming for the "perfect" triage result. After a beginner gets comfortable with this simple routine, they should start moving into more complete triaging. It is not efficient to leave the completion of triaging to others.
Everyone has their own path when getting into LibreOffice QA. However, some people are more motivated by a clear framework of what they are expected to do. Here we present a proposal for QA career evolution.
- クイックスタートガイドにある軽いトリアージのルーチンを未確認バグに対して50件まで実施する
with a daily master build of LibreOffice.
- Learn about the most important keywords and start using them: accessibility, bibisectRequest, dataLoss, filter:x, needUITest, perf, regression, text:x, wantBacktrace.
- Install a bunch of old versions and do regression testing for 100 unconfirmed bugs.
- Learn about priority and severity and request access to the contributors group from a Bugzilla admin.
- Learn how to get various traces and apply what you learned to reports with wantBacktrace or perf keywords (with no existing traces attached).
- Install a different operating system into a virtual machine, so you can do a wider variety of testing and tracing.
- Start critically evaluating enhancement requests while feeding them to the design team with needsUXEval keyword.
- Start doing bibisects. Do the tutorial first and move to reports with bibisectRequest keyword.
- Learn Python and start creating UI tests.
- Create Python unit tests.
- Learn C++ and create cppunit tests.
- オペレーティングシステム別:
- 時間別:
Unconfirmed reports without comments
In order to speed up the triage of unconfirmed reports, we automatically tag them with QA:needsComment in the whiteboard if the report follows these conditions:
- Inactive for more than 2 weeks
- No comments from a third person
Below you will find boilerplate comments for some common scenarios. For more suggestions on how to comment in reports and browser tools to make commenting efficient, see our Pre-Written Responses.
- もしバグが再現できたなら、バグステータスを NEW にセットしてコメントを追加してください:
Thank you for reporting the bug. I can confirm that the bug is present in
[the LibreOffice version details you tested with (can be copied from the ]
▸ dialog)
- もしバグを再現することができないならば、ステータスを UNCONFIRMED のままにしてコメントを追加してください:
Thank you for reporting the bug. I can not reproduce the bug in
[the LibreOffice version details you tested with (can be copied from the ]
▸ dialog)
- If the bug report description is too difficult to understand set the bug status to NEEDINFO and add the following comment:
Thank you for reporting the bug. Unfortunately without clear steps to reproduce it, we cannot track down the origin of the problem. Please provide a clearer set of step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the problem. I have set the bug's status to 'NEEDINFO'. Please change it back to 'UNCONFIRMED' once the requested information is provided.
- もしバグを確かめるためにドキュメントが必要であるならば、ステータスを NEEDINFO にセットしてコメントを追加してください:
Thank you for reporting the bug. Please attach a sample document, as this makes it easier for us to verify the bug. I have set the bug's status to 'NEEDINFO'. Please change it back to 'UNCONFIRMED' once the requested document is provided. (Note that the attachment will be public, remove any sensitive information before attaching it. See <> for further detail.)
- In case the bug Summary is not clear enough, update it so it better explains the real/main problem being addressed and makes it easier to find duplicates.
- The Component field can also be updated to better specify which component the problem found in or originates from.
- Enhancement bug reports requesting the addition of new features need to be first evaluated by the UX team to determine whether it should be implemented or not, so simply set the bug status to NEW, set the Component field to ‘LibreOffice’ and add ‘needsUXEval’ to the Keywords field.
- Check if the bug is a regression.
Follow the Current development of unconfirmed bugs and see the detailed bug triage instructions for more details.
- Download the latest daily build (make sure the Date is recent)
- Install it. (Note that it will not replace your actual installation — this is a development version that will not install as a production version.)
- Test it. Check the Release Notes to see what's new in this release.
- If you find a bug, please report it here providing all the information available (steps to reproduce the issue, the document affected, detailed description, OS...)
Note: For help, please join #libreoffice-qa IRC:// IRC.
- Download the lastest pre-release version (LibreOffice 6.4 Aplha 1)
- Linux (64-bit)
Note: For help, please join #libreoffice-qa IRC:// IRC.
Every day we ping bugs untouched for more than a year to check whether they may have been fixed in the meantime. More information can be found in the AutomatedTasks article.
- 今日投稿されたバグ:
- この7日間で投稿されたバグ:
- この1ヶ月間で投稿されたバグ:
- この3ヶ月間で投稿されたバグ:
- この半年間で投稿されたバグ:
If the bug is present in the latest version of LibreOffice, put the following comment with the LibreOffice version details you tested with (can be copied from the
▸ dialog).This bug is still present in
[the LibreOffice version details you tested with (can be copied from the ]
▸ dialog)
If the bug is not present and you are sure you followed the bug steps correctly, change the status to RESOLVED WORKSFORME and put the following comment:
Thank you for reporting the bug. I can confirm that the bug is present in [the older LibreOffice version details you tested/reproduced with (can be copied from the ] This bug is no longer reproducible in [ ▸ dialog)the LibreOffice "latest" version details you tested with (can be copied from the ] Changing status to RESOLVED WORKSFORME ▸ dialog)
- バージョン欄を更新する
- バグトラッカーにそのままリプライする代わりに、Eメール経由でリプライする
- ある特定のコミットで問題が修正された時だけに使用されるステータスの RESOLVED - FIXED にバグのステータス欄をセットする
- バグが リグレッションではないかチェックしてください
- freenodeのIRC #libreoffice-qa IRC://
- QA メーリングリスト