
    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    Hi, everyone I need to translate this page. There is no Trasnlate link. I tried to create a Spanish page and then translate the code there. I believe you erased it. Please set the Translate link here! LobaLuna 2020-08-15T03:12:08 (UTC)

    You can do it. Please see, how I narrowed things down in
    Follow the general instructions in TDF_Wiki/Multilingual#Content_with_global_focus
    --Beluga (talk) 2020-08-15T05:47:30 (UTC)

    One row has columns interchanged

    Hi, community, Beluga, and FuzzyBot

    The row with 'Calling Python|Basic script' has its columns misplaced. I already tried to change them, but I suppose you noted that I did something wrong… So now it's up to you ;D;D;D