Dostopnost za razvijalce

    From The Document Foundation Wiki
    This page is a translated version of the page Accessibility/Accessibility-dev and the translation is 38% complete.
    Outdated translations are marked like this.

    LibreOffice vsebuje podpore za različne vidike dostopnosti: krmarjenje s tipkovnico, sheme, podpora za pomožne tehnologije (AT) ter veliko drugega. Podrobnosti najdete tukaj:

    LibreOffice is designed with great attention to accessibility, to make the suite convenient and comfortable to use, and to cater to users with special needs. If you find shortcomings or gaps in the features or the information provided, please consider helping to improve it, by telling us via our mailing list or by considering getting involved as a contributor to the project.

    Keyboard Navigation

    Full Keyboard Navigation and Control

    Full keyboard navigation gives the users the ability to perform all input via a keyboard, without using a mouse or other pointing device.

    The features that most notably enhance accessibility include:

    • Comprehensive definitions of keyboard shortcuts in the different applications;
    • Full keyboard access to toolbars;
    • Keyboard-enabled switching between document windows, menus, toolbars, modeless dialogs and floating windows;
    • Enhanced keyboard navigation in text documents and online help to navigate and activate hyperlinks;
    • Menu and toolbar items for accessing functions which where only accessible via mouse device;
    • Disabled menu items are displayed by default;
    • You can access help tips via keyboard;
    • You can set the duration for the display of help tips;
    • Keyboard access for Drawing Objects:
      • Drawing objects can be inserted via toolbar with default position and size;
      • Each handle of a drawing object can be selected and controlled via keyboard separately, so even polygon manipulation is possible;
    • Particular attention has been given to accessibility in dialog boxes, including:
      • the toolbar customization dialog;
      • extensive CSV import control for spreadsheets.

    Colors and Fonts

    Use of System Color Schemes, High Contrast

    LibreOffice adapts to the color schemes and contrast display settings of the operating system.

    In addition, LibreOffice offers additional settings for colors which are not specified in any system color schemes, as well as the possibility to overwrite colors from the current color scheme. You can also create and store your own color schemes in LibreOffice.

    The help system respects the colors from the current color scheme, but also provides different predefined styles. Users can customize the formatting of the help content via the XSL transformation file, as well as via the custom style sheet file located in the help directory.

    Automatic Text Color

    All LibreOffice applications support automatic text color for documents and use this by default, so the text is always distinguishable from the background color.

    The text will be displayed in the system text color. If this leads to dark text on a dark background, or bright text on a bright background, the text will switch to black or white (according to whichever provides better contrast).

    For reading old or imported documents which use hard-formatted text colors, you can use the option "Use automatic font color for screen display". All text content as well as table borders and some other elements will be displayed in the automatic font color.

    Icons and Bitmaps

    LibreOffice has icon sets for small and large toolbar icons in normal and in high contrast mode, so the icons are more easily identifiable in the different modes.

    All UI elements displaying a graphic offer an alternative graphic for high contrast mode.

    LibreOffice automatically chooses the set of icons and graphics appropriate for the current system settings.

    High Contrast Mode for Impress and Draw

    Impress and Draw offer a high-contrast mode, in which objects are displayed without fill colors or text colors.

    This mode will automatically be used when high contrast is chosen in the system settings. You can turn off this automatic detection in the LibreOffice options under �Accessibility �.

    System Font

    LibreOffice can use the operating system font for the user interface, so that LibreOffice appears in the same font as your other applications and can be manipulated via the system settings.

    There is special handling to ensure that dialogs do not become larger than the screen when schemes with large fonts are chosen.

    Other Legibility Features

    • Highlighted toolbar and menu items are easily perceptible;
    • There is distinct highlighting of current column and row in spreadsheets;
    • You can turn on/off animations for graphics and text.

    Assistive Technology

    API for Supporting Assistive Technologies

    Assistive Technology (AT) tools such as screen readers and magnifiers, as well as other tools, connect to LibreOffice using the native accessibility APIs of the corresponding platform (Microsoft Active Accessibility API (MSAA)/IAccessible2 on Windows, AT-SPI2 on GNU/Linux, NSAccessibility on macOS).

    LibreOffice UI elements and documents expose all the information about themselves and their contents via those accessibility APIs.

    An enormous effort has been made to have UI elements and document contents fully support the accessibility interfaces; for example: providing text with attributes and character bounds information, and sending all the necessary notifications and providing names and descriptions of controls.

    Some AT tools send key events to the applications, or simply control the mouse, so it makes no difference for the application if the input comes from a user or from an AT tool.

    This way, a lot of AT tools such as simple on-screen keyboards, head mice, eye tracking devices and single switches can be used with LibreOffice.

    Support for Comfortable Reading of Read-Only Documents

    Screen reader users sometimes have difficulty reading read-only documents because they cannot navigate with the cursor through the document.

    For this, there is the feature "Use text selection cursor in read-only text documents".

    Other AT features

    • Floating windows, dialogs and menus are system windows;
    • Every individual drawing object can have a name;
    • All sample documents and templates are enhanced to provide names and descriptions for drawing objects.


    Accessible Documentation

    All user documentation is provided in ODT and PDF formats so users can use screen readers and magnifiers to read the documentation. For more information about user documentation, please visit the Documentation site, or the Documentation page on our wiki.

    All keyboard shortcuts are documented in the online help.

    Accessible Online Help

    The online help provides information on how to use all the accessibility features in LibreOffice.

    The online help is accessible itself. Users can access it using screen readers, magnifiers and on-screen keyboards.

    More Accessibility Features

    Other features helpful for accessibility are also available:

    • Zoom in or zoom out in a document;
    • Position mouse to default button or center in dialogs;
    • Configuration:
      • Assign a shortcut key to a command;
      • Show all commands on menus;
      • Change the size of toolbar buttons;
      • Customize menus and toolbars;
      • Display or hide a toolbar;
      • Create a custom toolbar;
    • Task automation:
      • Correct misspelled words as you type;
      • Quickly set AutoCorrect and Paste options;
      • Add AutoCorrect entries for misspellings and typing errors;
      • Use AutoComplete;
      • Automatically make AutoText entries for frequently-used text.

    Prehod Java Accessibility

    Podpora pomožnim tehnologijam na sistemih Windows ni več odvisna od prehoda Java Accesibility Bridge do izvajalnega programa Java, saj smo implementirali domorodni prehod na osnovi IAccessible2 (v1.3).

    Dopisni seznam

    Na voljo je dopisni seznam (, ki ga lahko uporabite za uporabniška vprašanja in komentarje, kot tudi za teme, ki zanimajo razvijalce.

    • Naročite se tako, da pošljete prazno e-sporočilo na naslov
    • ali obiščete arhive.

    Podpora LibreOffice AT

    LibreOffice razkrije svoje podatke pomožnim tehnologijam prek API-ja IAccessible2 na sistemih Windows, prek API-ja GNOME Accessibility (ATK) na sistemih Linux z namizjem GNOME ter prek NSAccessibility na sistemih Apple macOS. Na ta način bi moral biti LibreOffice dostopen s pomožnimi tehnilogijami, ki podpirajo MSAA/IAccessible, ATK oz. NSAccessibility.


    Ko zaženete LibreOffice in so pomožne tehnologije zaznane v uporabi, bodo dogodki dostopnosti zaznani in podani kod dogodki MSAA/IAccessible brez kakršnega koli potrebnega dodatnega dejanja uporabnika. Dodatne prilagoditve vedenja pomožnih tehnologij lahko opravite v pogovornem oknu Orodja ▸ Možnosti ▸ Dostopnost, le nekatere pa so v pogovornem oknu Orodja ▸ Možnosti ▸ Napredno v podoknu Strokovna prilagoditev.


    Vse, kar potrebujete, je že vključeno v sodobne izdaje okolja GNOME.

    Aktivirajte splošno podporo AT: Nastavitve/Dostopnost/Podpora pomožnim tehnologijam, potrdite "Omogoči pomožne tehnologije". Več o tem preberite tukaj:

    Accessibility/TextAttributes izpiše preslikavo med lastnostmi besedila LibreOffice in atributi besedila ATK.


    LibreOffice se generalno dobro sporazumeva z bralnikom zaslona VoiceOver, ki je vgrajen v OS X/macOS. Omogočite bralnik zaslona s kombinacijo tipk Command-F5 in nastavite možnosti s Control-Option-F8. LibreOffice dobro sprejema krmarjenje VoiceOver in večinoma so možnosti na voljo v zaslonskem bralniku. Do nekaterih možnosti ni mogoče dostopati s krmarjenjem prek bralnika zaslona.

    Pomožne tehnologije, ki delujejo

    • Windows, bralnik zaslona
      • ZoomText 7.11, 8.12, 9.x
      • JAWS 6.2, 7.x
      • NVDA (odprto-kodni!)
    • Windows, lupa
      • ZoomText 7.11, 8.12, 9.x
    • Windows, zaslonska tipkovnica
      • Najbrž vse, ker zgolj pošiljajo sporočila Windows
    • GNOME, bralnik zaslona
      • Orca
    • GNOME, lupa
      • Universal Access ▸ Zoom
    • GNOME, zaslonska tipkovnica
      • Universal Access ▸ Screen Keyboard
    • macOS
      • VoiceOver


    Da bi LibreOffice spregovoril prek grafičnega bralnika zaslona (, ni nujno, da zaženete gnome-session v GNU/Linux. Nastavitev in izvoz naslednjih spremenljivk v lupini pove ukazu soffice, da naj uporabi most atk-spi v GTK.

    export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk3 GTK_MODULES="gail:atk-bridge"
    orca & # če še ni zagnano
    soffice file.odt

    Ko je Orca zagnana, so vse menijske funkcije LibreOffice dostopne z govorom in brajico ob uporabi leve izmenjalke (tipke "Alt") ali desne tipke Menu skupaj s krmilnimi funkcijami, ki jih ponuja Orca s svojimi hitrimi tipkami (običajno Scroll_Lock z eno ali več tipkami).

    Podpora pomožnim tehnologijam med izvajanjem predstavitve

    Medtem ko običajni način (urejanja) za predstavitve dobro deluje z AT, sama projekcija ne izpostavlja veliko informacij. Razlog je v tem, da ima projekcija samo elemente, optimizirane za projekcijo, in ne pozna dejanskih predmetov v dokumentu predstavitve. Tudi ob poznavanju dejanskih predmetov ni jasno, kako najbolje izpostaviti vsebino, glede na to, da ne boste videli celotne vsebine hkrati, vendar številni učinki prehodov povzročijo številne spremembe tega, kar je videti na zaslonu.

    Da bi bile projekcije dostopne, je potrebno uporabiti Upravljalni zaslon govorca (upoštevajte, da razširitev morda ni dostopna - posodobitev je izšla v času izdaje 3.2).

    Glejte tudi opis Upravljalni zaslon govorca na wikiju OOo za podrobnejši opis razširitve.

    V upravljalnem zaslonu so kritične informacije izpostavljene AT: trenutna prosojnica in njene opombe.

    Verjamemo, da prosojnice predstavitve niso dober vir zbiranja kritičnih informacij, ko imate predstavitev v živo in da bi večina postavila potrebne podatke v opombe.

    Glejte Tipke za bližnjice Upravljalnega zaslona govorca na wikiju OOo, kjer je seznam podpornih tipk za bližnjice.

    Podpora za DAISY v LibreOffice

    Na voljo je posebna razširitev za izvažanje datotek ODT v DAISY / DTBOOK:

    Razširitev odt2dtbook za LibreOffice

    Podpora NVDA

    NV Access ponuja prosti in odprto-kodni bralnik zaslona NVDA Assistive Technology za uporabnike sistemov Windows prek svojega spletišča

    Dokumentacija NVDA in storitvene agencije tretjih oseb, ki zagotavljajo usposabljanje in podporo, so na voljo prek razvojnih projektov, ki gostujejo na githubu. Od tam so povezave za objavo poročil o napakah, prošnje za funkcije ali pomoč pri razvoju

    Dopisni seznami skupnosti NVDA se nahajajo na in so dostopni na naslovu


    Posebna stran o dostopnosti za razvijalce beleži tekoče delo.