LibreOffice 5.4: Release Notes

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

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    This is an in-progress scratch-pad of notes to build release notes from as and when we release. Please do not list features that are to be shipped already in the 5.3 release! Please do not add wish-list features that you hope will be implemented, but only what actually is implemented already.

    After you add a release note, please also add this text into the Whiteboard field of the respective Bugzilla report, referencing the appropriate LibreOffice version: inReleaseNotes:xx.y

    What does a good feature look like here:

    • It has a short description, and a way for a busy reviewer to find and play with the feature. Target someone who is extremely busy, and knows little-to-nothing about the product. So if a user interface element is key to the feature, be very explicit about where it is, e.g. using a menu path that leads to it: Format ▸ Character ▸ Position [tab] ▸ ‘90 degrees’.
    • It credits the main authors who did the work (add them in parentheses after the feature description) and references the relevant Bugzilla ticket.
    • If the feature can be shown off with a sample file – particularly for new import-able features, it would be wonderful to have a link to a test file that we can use to show that feature off to best effect. That really helps us to make good screenshots to show off the features, and allows reviewers to do their testing.

    For more details, see the guidelines.

    Thanks in advance for your help filling this out!


    • New "Edit Section" uno command which works if cursor is in a section, has been created and added in context menu. tdf#102132 (Gülşah Köse).


    Impressão e Desenho






    Conteúdos de Ajuda




    Programção e Suporte

    Code Rebuild



    Start Center




    Basic Editor


    New languages/locales with locale data

    Available as default document language and for locale specific formatting.

    Additional languages in the language list

    Available for text attribution.

    • Manchu [mnc-CN]. tdf#105448 (Eike Rathke (Red Hat, Inc.))
    • Sibe [nco-PG]. tdf#105448 (Eike Rathke (Red Hat, Inc.))

    Incorporation of other languages

    Our goal is to support as many languages as possible. We would like to thank the following people for voluntary translation into LibreOffice and helps in preserving their native languages:

    Improvements to proofing tools and language support

    If you speak an endangered language and wants to help us to achieve our goal of providing free tools for every single person on the Earth, thank to join us.

    Feature removal / deprecation


    API changes

    UNO API changes

    SDK changes

    • The salcpprt static library (that could be linked into executables, containing replacements of global operator new/delete forwarding to rtl/alloc.h) is removed. cfd2691e5bf398304d7816227b933e53907b6204
    • On macOS, the OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME path (as auto-determined by setsdkenv_unix) now points at the JDK’s Home sub-directory, for consistency with other platforms. If you have a special setup to reuse a single across multiple versions of the SDK, you will need to adapt that. Also, the Make variable JAVABIN has become unused and was removed from (on all platforms). c306c444bfd3d0984741fd99ed4f29016ef14ee2