Documentation/Calc Functions/ACOS/pt-br
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Nome da função:
Retorna o arco cosseno (inverso do cosseno trigonométrico) de um número. A função calcula o valor principal.
Essa função retorna o cosseno trigonométrico inverso (arco cosseno) de Número, isto é, o ângulo (em radianos) cujo cosseno é Número. O ângulo retornado está entre 0 e PI [0,π].
Number is a real number in the range [-1, 1], or a reference to a cell containing that number, whose inverse trigonometric cosine is to be calculated.
- If Number is non-numeric, then ACOS reports a #VALOR! error.
- If Number lies outside the range [-1, 1], then ACOS reports a #NÚM! error.
Additional details:
- To return the angle in degrees, use the GRAUS function.
- Alternatively multiply by 180/PI() to convert the result from radians to degrees.
The formula for the inverse trigonometric cosine of x is:
[math]\displaystyle{ \arccos(x) ~=~ \frac {\pi} {2} ~-~ \sum_{n=0}^{\infty } \left ( \frac{(2n)!}{2^{2n}(n!)^2(2n+1)} \right )x^{2n+1} }[/math]
Formula | Description | Returns |
=ACOS(-1) | Inverse trigonometric cosine of -1. | 3,14159265358979 (π) |
=ACOS(D1) where cell D1 contains the number 0.5. | Inverse trigonometric cosine of 0.5. | 1,0471975511966 (π/3) |
=GRAUS(ACOS(0,5)) | Inverse trigonometric cosine of 0.5, converted to degrees. | 60 |
=ACOS(-0,5)*180/PI() | Inverse trigonometric cosine of -0.5, converted to degrees. | 120 |
=GRAUS(ACOS(COS(RADIANOS(60))) | An angle of 60° is converted to radians, its cosine is taken, then the inverse cosine of that value is calculated, and finally the result is converted back to degrees. | 60 |
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