
    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    The following macros can be used in at least two modules of LibreOffice.

    LibreOffice Basic Python JavaScript
    Running Python Interactive Console n/a
    Getting Session information n/a
    Identifying the operating system n/a
    Screen I/O Functions Input/Output to Screen
    Note pin.svg

    Display a message box … thread [1] describes how to display a message using either Beanshell, Java, JavaScript or Python.

    Opening a Dialog with Basic Opening a Dialog with Python n/a
    Creating Event Listeners n/a
    Monitoring Document Events
    Download .ODS file with Python listener included, .ODT file with Basic listener included.
    Creating a Dialog Handler n/a
    Disabling menu commands at runtime
    Download .ODT file with Python disabler/enabler included.
    tbd - Open a document with its default application - in french tbd n/a
    tbd - Use LibreOffice icons - in french tbd n/a
    tbd - Copy a data range from clipboard - in french tbd n/a
    Delete unused styles tbd n/a
    tdb - Change size or font for all formulas inside a document - in french tbd n/a
    tdb - Copy without the clipboard - in french tbd n/a
    Display the date & time a file was created or last modified tbd n/a
    How to export as hybrid PDF tbd n/a
    Download To File tbd n/a
    Get unformatted text from clipboard tbd n/a
    Calling a Python script Calling a Basic macro n/a
    Loading Basic libraries Importing Python modules n/a
    tbd - Screen I/O localisation - cf. InfoBar example n/a

    LibreOffice Basic

    Refer to LibreOffice Basic Help for using Basic as a macro language.


    Refer to Python Scripts Help for an introduction to Python as a macro language.


    Refer to JavaScript macros - xlated from japanese - for an introduction to JavaScript as a macro language.
