LibreOffice Conference Kit
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Resources Available for Conferences
This page lists different elements that should/could be considered for completion in preparation for a conference. Consultation with any other appropriate LibreOffice group may be necessary. (Italo: Marketing communiqués; Design team) |
Booth Resources
Event/Conference Catalogue Text (samples): Text that could be used on conference website listing/catalogues
LibreOffice 3-Fold Pamphlet: A4 and Letter formats
LibreOffice Flyer: See Gallery Flyers for flyers created in Draw (and translations)
LibreOffice Business Card (TBA)
LibreOffice Marketing PostCards: LibreOffice Postcards in different sizes and Examples of LibreOffice postcards for specific events
LibreOffice Stickers (TBA)
- Example of German stickers 'prepared by the German team for CeBIT2011 in Hannover
LibreOffice Appeal for Funding Poster (TBA)
- Example of German appeal for funding poster prepared by the German team for CeBIT2011 in Hannover
LibreOffice Booth Banners: Horizontal and vertical banners used at conferences
Clothing and Promotional Items (SWAG)
LibreOffice T-Shirts: Various size T-Shirts available for sale (not available on LibreOffice Store as of yet) and examples of T-Shirts made for specific events
LibreOffice Promotional Items: Promotional items available at conferences (pens, lanyards, bags ...) and examples of items made for specific events
Branding Guidelines: Branding material and information to ensure both consistent and fresh appearance; OFFICIAL logos are found on this page
Miscellaneous Logos:
- Third Party Logos: Weblinks to official 3rd party logo pages: ODF, PDF, SVC; CC; LGPL; W3 conformance;
- Logo proposals for Paris Conference October 2011
Marketing Material: Official marketing material for both The Document Foundation and LibreOffice
LibreOffice Wallpapers: LibreOffice wallpapers and LibreOffice wallpapers made for specific events.
LibreOffice Website Banners: Banners for official or external website use or for special projects (i.e. funding drives)
LibreOffice Presentations (.odp):
- Presentation by Florian Effenberger @ OpenSuse Conference October 22 2010
- File:Introducing LibreOffice.odp by user:kinshuksunil at OSScamp Lucknow 11.03, March 26 2010
LibreOffice Videos: (TBA)
LibreOffice DVD
LibreOffice DVD/Jewel Case Cover: no official English DVD ISO disk is available as of yet (TBA)
- LibreOffice Box DVD by German Team is available in German language
- Examples of DVD/Jewel Case Covers: an exhaustive list of DVD/DVD Content proposals and designs
- Example of
provided by OpenSourcePress
- North American DVD project: DVD project including countries: Canada, USA.'
Miscellaneous Resources
Quick Reference Cards: Tri-fold reference cards for keyboard shortcuts in LibreOffice Applications
Paper AirPlane: Paper airplane with LibreOffice marketing related message(s)
LibreOffice in Print: a copy of some printed LibreOffice manuals could be displayed at the booth/table. Available from Lulu
Calc ScoreSheet Examples: illustrate the use of a LibreOffice Calc file as a personal sports scoresheet
Best Practices
Organizing your own conference
The location needs to be accessible with a wheelchair.
In the vicinity of the conference location, set up signs that guide to the location. Inside the location, set up signs that guide to the conference rooms. Beside the door to each room, attach the time table for the talks scheduled to happen inside.
On the conference website, include instructions on how to arrive at the location using public transportation.
When picking the location, pay attention to the acoustics. Do not choose a location with rooms that make it impossible to follow presentations due to strong reverb. Make sure microphone logistics are solved for audience questions as well.
The seats should be accompanied by tables and preferably integrated power sockets.
Conference package
Every participant should get a printed leaflet of the conference program.
Make sure the conference name badge is either two-sided or equipped with a clip mechanism that keeps the side with name of the participant visible.
Child care
Make preparations to have child care on the conference site, if needed.
Recording of the presentations
Recording conference presentations on video is not trivial. You must practice the workflow on-site from start to finished end product before the conference begins. The ideal situation is that you are able to capture the video signal from the presenter's computer and freely mix it with the presentation recording in the editing phase. Working sound is, again, crucial. Watching presentation videos with poor sound is torture.
Participating in a conference organized by another entity
Booth Layout
- larger banners hung in different directions, so that they can be seen from anywhere, some of the small banners directed towards the outside
- Example of booth layout at FOSDEM 2011 and some others here
- can offer some green coloured sweets
- a "booth emergency pack" should contain: tape (different types), a knife, twine, flipchart pens (different colors), cough drops (very important for events > 1 day)
- cashbox if items are for sale - make sure you have enough currency for resolving cash purchases
- donation box
Booth Services
- offer to copy LibreOffice media onto flash drives to conference attendees
- depending on conference, show LibreOffice on different platforms. Requirement of multiple computers at the booth
- computer showing what's new in this version
- maybe one computer running the build process
- cards summarizing the project and telling people where to get support locally
Sponshorship and Funding
- LibreOffice funds
- Corporate sponsorship (Italo -- LibreOffice marketing guru -- should be kept informed)
- sales of LibreOffice marketing items
- donations