Marketing/US/Meetings/2014/June 25
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![]() | |
Meeting of the US Community | |
Date and Time Poll | (n/a)
(Click the 'English' button in the lower-right) |
Date and Time | 2014-06-25 20:30 EST/EDT (click for your time zone) |
Chair | Robinson Tryon |
Started |
8:44 |
Adjourned |
9:40 |
Participants |
Joel, Algot, Charlie, Robinson
IRC (Freenode) | #libreoffice-us IRC:// |
Video Chat (WebRTC) (Firefox unsupported) | |
Etherpad | libreoffice-us |
- Our next meeting will be a videochat using WebRTC (video optional)
- Remember: Use Chromium for WebRTC (Firefox doesn't support those functions yet)
- We'll also try to find a permanent time so we don't need to have a poll each month
- Remember to ping Joel/Charlie/Marketing list after we get definite date and time set
Put start time and attendees list in the table
- How is everyone?
- Introductions
- Immanuel wants to add to the agenda: 'Promotion to "local civic hacking groups" and "local Linux clubs" '
- People are well!
- Continue what we've been doing so far w/LUGs, etc..
Completed Action Items
Outstanding Action Items
- ACTION: Robinson will ask Design Team for help w/icons for TDF, LO, and DLP (including guidelines)
- Asked for help; only heard back from K-J
- ACTION: Algot/Robinson will refresh our existing designs and the DFD "open standards" leaflet in preparation for printing
- TODO: Check-in w/Algot (Inkscape/SVG troubles)
File:Lo-document-freedom.pdf draft remake of DocumentFreedomDay flier.
Editable SVG (Inkscape)
- ACTION: Check with local librarians abt. LO on computers (For all to do).
- April 18 - Checked w/a couple Librarians. They didn't even know about it -- gave them pamphlet and stickers. (Robinson)
- TODO: Move this ACTION item to a general methods of outreach list/wiki page.
- We need to build-up our Design Team
- Anyone who is interested in joining
- Possibility of mentoring? (Robinson)
- Not sure about mentoring (Joel)
- We should make sure new contributors feel welcome and appreciated (Joel)
- Possibility of mentoring? (Robinson)
- We have a state-by-state roster of our team members
- Please add your name/contact info so we can get in touch
- Having local contacts makes outreach possible
- No newcomers
- ACTION: Robinson and Morgan will set up Facebook and
G+ accountsfor LibreOffice US Community- Joel will hopefully be setting the G+ page up right after the June 9 meeting
- ACTION: Morgan will take point on social media presence/alerts
- After setting-up, go to user list to build-up a presence
- [DONE] ACTION: Ping cloph about testing Redmine for todo items (Robinson)
- Entered into Redmine as redmine#506
- What's new since last month?
- Still not up:
- Website:
- Algot offered to help
- Update on website: Plan for content
- Website:
- Feel free to hang out on the #libreoffice-us IRC:// IRC channel
- G+ page is set up (Joel)
- Need to ping Morgan again re: other social media (Robinson)
- [Chatted with him after the meeting :-) ]
- Current status
[1/2] Shirts -> Immanuel for PorcFest
Sample Talks/Videos
- ACTION: Immanuel/Robinson (w/help from Italo/Charles) will prepare basic talks (Slides, Talking points) and a couple of example videos
- These will be helpful for people doing outreach, giving short talks, etc.
- ACTION: Charlie will proof/review these talks/materials
- Started to work on slides for multiple talks
Events Box
- ACTION: Joel/Robinson will assemble the parts for v1.0 of the US Events Box
- Joel: "might be doing a large order of pamphlets for something else" -- ping him
- Thanks to K-J we now have Improved pen designs, and we can order soon
- DLP - Working on sticker design
- LibreOffice - Need to resize sticker design
- Would love more ideas/designs for shirts :-)
- Examining projectors; will check out Best Buy for in-person test (Robinson)
- [DONE] ACTION: Robinson will submit a talk to All Things Open + FOSSCON
- All Things Open was no longer accepting talks, but I did submit a 'Tools and Tips' talk to Fosscon
Texas Linux Fest (Austin, TX) - June 13-14 (Fri-Sat)- Recap of Texas Linux Fest
- Possible Hackfests
- Seattle, WA - After SeaGL in October 2014 (Some developer interest)
- Austin, TX - Possibly spring of 2015 (Interested sponsors and venue)
- Portland, OR - Sometime in 2015 ( sponsoring CLS this year -- perhaps hackfest in 2015?)
- Event calendar for the US/Help with upcoming events:
(No help needed) Open Source Bridge (Portland, OR) - June 24-27- OSCON 2014 (Portland, OR) - July 20-24 (Sun-Thu) - Have 4 helpers lined-up!
- US Summer Hackfest (Boston, MA) - July 26-27 (Sat-Sun) -
- FOSSCON Philadelphia, PA Saturday, August 9th, 2014 at the Franklin Institute - 222 N 20th St, Philadelphia, PA 19103 -
- Fossetcon (Orlando, FL) - September 11-13 (Thu-Sat) - Could use a couple helpers!
- All Things Open Raleigh, NC - Oct 22 and 23
- SeaGL (Seattle, WA) - October 24-25 (Fri-Sat) -- Could use a couple helpers!
- Texas Linux Fest - Gave talk, met lots of great people and orgs interested in having us back to Austin for a hackfest (Robinson)
- Gave a talk about LibreOffice
- Met a couple of educators interested in more documentation/tutorials (Robinson)
- Perhaps Charlie could take point on some education-related efforts?
- Yes, send them to me (Charlie)
- ACTION: Round-up contact info from educators and get them in touch with Charlie (Robinson)
- Perhaps Charlie could take point on some education-related efforts?
- Do we have an official 2-page introductory guide to LibreOffice? (Charlie)
- We have the manuals, and that's mostly it (Joel)
- It would be great to have a cross-comparison or other basic introductory materials available (Charlie)
- ACTION: Joel will check w/Michael re: tutorials and other pieces for introductory marketing/outreach
- Hackfests - Possibilities
- Feb 27-March 8 Joel could make something
- Please let me know if you have suggestions for additional hackfests in other cities (Robinson)
- Especially if you have connections for a Venue, Funding, cheap Lodging/Food, a contact in a University, or etc...
US Summer Hackfest
This will be our primary US event for the year...
- [DONE] ACTION: Joel will liaise w/the developers to see who will be in the US around the time of the US Summer Hackfest
- ACTION: Robinson/Immanuel/Morgan will work on securing venue (MIT Stata preferred?) before June 25 meeting
- SIPB contacted. Some interest, but nobody stepping up to be the SIPB member in charge;
- Because of summer/term change time, they're concerned about low student turnout.
- Got a suggestion re; some other MIT groups
- SIPB contacted. Some interest, but nobody stepping up to be the SIPB member in charge;
- ACTION: Joel/Robinson/chicken - Arrange for t-shirts for US Summer Hackfest
- June 23 - Have two good designs now. Still interest in contest? (Robinson)
- Hold contest for t-shirt design? Winner gets something special (t-shirt?) (giftcard?)
- Estimate: $290 for 25 single-color; $370 for 25 2-color
- If we order ~100, could be ~$9/shirt
- ACTION: Joel will arrange contest for T-shirt design
- Status of developers? (Robinson)
- Michael Meeks will hopefully be on-site during the event (Joel)
- Markus/Kohei may be available on IRC during the weekend
- Possibly also Michael Stahl
- Hopefully will have final venue decision by end of week (Robinson)
- Will ping Google folks back again
- Do we need to decide on # of colors in T-shirt designs now (and put them in the contest rules)? (Robinson)
- No, we can handle that later/reduce # of colors in design (Joel)
- Recruitment and Growth: Buddy-system: Who are you going to bring to the meeting next time?
- Closing thoughts
- Charlie will have lunch with Phil Shapiro soon -- Social Media Maven w/ (Charlie)
- Really creative. Will invite him to participate with us further.
- Woot! (Robinson)
- Really creative. Will invite him to participate with us further.
- ANNOUNCEMENT: The page for our next meeting is Marketing/US/Meetings/2014/July -- see that page for date/time details.
Put meeting-adjourned time in the table
(Add topics below and reference them as #Example Topic in the Agenda/Minutes above)
Example Topic
IRC Minutes
(Done inline above)