LibreOffice 5.0 Release Notes

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    About this page

    KLAD - moet vertaald !

    This is an in-progress scratch-pad of notes to build release notes from as and when we release. Please do not list features that are to be shipped already in the 4.4 release! Please do not add wish-list features that you hope will be implemented, but only what actually is implemented already.

    What does a good feature look like here:

    • It has a short description, and a way for a busy reviewer to find and play with the feature. Target someone who is extremely busy, and knows little-to-nothing about the product. So if a user interface element is key to the feature, be very explicit about where it is, e.g. using a menu path that leads to it: Format ▸ Character ▸ Position [tab] ▸ ‘90 degrees’.
    • It credits the main authors who did the work (add them in parentheses after the feature description) and references the relevant Bugzilla ticket.
    • If the feature can be shown off with a sample file – particularly for new import-able features, it would be wonderful to have a link to a test file that we can use to show that feature off to best effect. That really helps us to make good screenshots to show off the features, and allows reviewers to do their testing.

    For more details, see the guidelines.

    Thanks in advance for your help filling this out!


    Emoji and in-word replacement support

    Modern graphical operating systems have default Unicode 6 support with several Emojis and other useful special characters. LibreOffice 5 has got a new AutoCorrect extension to simplify Emoji and other Unicode character input using de facto standard Emoji shortcodes, and other keywords surrounded by colons. For example: :keyboard: will be replaced by ⌨ (U+2328), :camera: by 📷 (U+1F4F7), :alpha: by α. See the full shortcode list in Tools ▸ AutoCorrect Options… ▸ Replace (only in en-US in LibreOffice RC versions):

    AutoCorrect dialog window with default Emoji short names and Unicode Emoji characters (using standard Windows Segoe UI Emoji font)

    The colon-separated names are handled specially by AutoCorrect feature of LibreOffice: they are replaced immediately within words, too (no need to press space after words). This is useful to add custom character replacements for typography, phonology, etc. Some of the them are there in the default replacements:

    :-: → − (minus, U+2212)
    :--: → – (n-dash, U+2013)
    :---: → — (m-dash, U+2014)
    :x: → × (times, U+00D7)
    :': → ’ (apostrophe, U+2019)
    :inch: → ″ inch (U+2033)

    Or for repeated replacements:

    :alpha::<=::sum::Phi::_i: → α≤∑Φᵢ

    The shortcodes will be localized for the final version of LibreOffice 5.0 (see more).

    Voorbeeld van Opmaakprofielen in de Zijbalk

    Het paneel Stijlen en opmaak van de Zijbalk geeft nu een voorbeeld van de beschikbare opmaakprofielen. ca95307638207db5d662059aa61594151a13e927 (Tomaž Vajngerl, Collabora)

    LO 4.4-5.0 Sidebar Style.jpeg

    Word-compatibile tekstmarkering

    • Zowel markeringen als schaduwen worden behouden, tijdens import/export van Microsoft Word-documenten. tdf#64490 (Tamás Zolnai)
    • Nieuwe compatibiliteitsoptie om aan te geven hoe LibreOffice de achtergrond van tekens naar Microsoft Office-bestandsformaten moet exporteren: als markering of als schaduw. tdf#64490 (Tamás Zolnai)
    Om deze optie te gebruiken, ga naar Extra ▸ Opties ▸ Laden/Opslaan ▸ Microsoft Office. Bekijk voor meer informatie deze blog
    Nieuwe Microsoft Office compatibiliteitsoptie

    Afbeelding bijsnijden

    Het is nu mogelijk om een afbeelding met gebruik van de muis bij te snijden. De actie is bereikbaar via het contextmenu: Afbeelding bijsnijden, menu Opmaak ▸ Afbeelding ▸ Bijsnijden en werkbalk Afbeelding. tdf#34555 (Philippe Jung)

    Standaard gedrag:

    • slepen vanuit het midden van een rand, snijdt alleen verticaal of horizontaal bij,
    • slepen vanuit een hoek, snijdt bij naar waar de muisaanwijzer zich bevindt,
    • slepen met ⇧ Shift ingedrukt, forceert een rechthoekige bijsnijding, die proportioneel is ten opzichte van de oorspronkelijke afmeting van de afbeelding.
    • bijsnijden is mogelijk tijdens het aanpassen van de afmetingen van de afbeelding,
    • de modus bijsnijden stopt als u op Esc drukt of ergens buiten de bijgesneden afbeelding klikt.
    Een afbeelding bijsnijden in Writer

    Betere berekening van het getoonde paginanummer

    Een ander probleem die van is geërfd - de statusbalk van Writer geeft, tijdens het scrollen, het verkeerde paginanummer weer - is in LibreOffice opgelost. Writer zal nu de pagina-indicator bijwerken, als er minder dan 43% van een pagina op het scherm zichtbaar is. tdf#90150 i#80672 Met dank aan: Hamidi Massinissa.


    • Invoegen van rijen of kolommen wordt beïnvloed door preselectie van de gebruiker, vergelijkbaar met Calc. tdf#90883 (Philippe Jung)
    • Mogelijkheid om rijen en kolommen vóór de huidige positie van de cursor toe te voegen, door middel van het contextmenu. tdf#90882 (Philippe Jung, Yousuf Philips)

    Verbeteringen aan werkbalken

    Aanvullende verbeteringen zijn gemaakt aan de werkbalken “Standaard”, “Opmaak”, “Tekening” en contextuele werkbalken, om gebruikers van veelgebruikte opdrachten te voorzien. tdf#81475 (Yousuf Philips)


    Import van geannoteerde tekstgebieden van binaire DOC-formaat was al geruime tijd een probleem, nu moet het zo goed zijn als het altijd was in de ODT/DOCX/RTF-filter. i#93570 blog (Miklós Vajna, Collabora)

    Overlappende DOC-notities worden correct geïmporteerd.

    OOXML improvements

    Improved support for the arcTo command in OOXML shapes described using drawingML. tdf#87448 blog entry (Miklós Vajna, Collabora)

    arcto drawingML commands now rendered correctly.

    RTF improvements

    • Import of old-style (pre-2010 for RTF, pre-2007 for DOCX) math equations embedded into text documents should be now imported as editable embedded math objects. blog entry (Miklós Vajna, Collabora)
    MathType blob embedded inside RTF can now be edited as a Math object.

    Afbeeldingen slepen en neerzetten

    Het slepen en neerzetten van afbeeldingen werkt nu in Writer op macOS. tdf#44621 (Manik Malhotra)

    Optional RSIDs

    In case RSIDs are not useful in a workflow, they can now be disabled in Tools ▸ Options ▸ Writer ▸ Comparison. tdf#68183 (Miklós Vajna, Collabora)

    New disable RSIDs option


    • Itemlabels in Draaitabellen kunnen nu worden herhaald. Dit is optioneel. Als u een Draaitabel maakt, dubbelklik op het gewenste veld in de lijst "Rijvelden". Klik, in het dialoogvenster Gegevensveld, op de knop Opties. Selecteer, in het volgende dialoogvenster "Herhaal itemlabels". Klik op OK. tdf#87972 (Deena Francis) Schermafdruk

    Voorwaardelijke opmaak

    • UI voor gegevensbalken met een vaste achtergrond. (feature zonder UI is al vanaf 3.6 beschikbaar) tdf#87356 (Katarina Behrens)
    Links met kleurverloop, tot versie 5.0, rechts met vaste kleur, in versie 5.0
    • UI voor gegevensbalken zonder de onderliggende waarden te tonen. (feature zonder UI is al vanaf 3.6 beschikbaar) tdf#89199 (Katarina Behrens)
    Links met waarden, rechts zonder waarden
    • Minimale en maximale balklengtes voor gegevensbalken (beschikbaar voor verticale assen, ingesteld op Midden of Geen) tdf#90197 (Benjamin Ni and Markus Mohrhard)
    Gegevensbalk met maximale bovenlengte van 50%, gegevensbalk met maximale onderlengte van 100%
    • Exporteren van de opmaak van voorwaardelijke opmaak naar XLSX is gerepareerd. (Markus Mohrhard)
    • Import van gegevensbalken en kleuren voor kleurschaling kan met themakleuren omgaan. tdf#90511 (Markus Mohrhard)
    • Import en export van definities van gebruikergedefinieerde pictogrammensets (bevat MSO extensies naar OOXML) (geen UI) (Markus Mohrhard)
    • Additionele pictogrammensets: 3 driehoeken, 3 sterren, 5 vakken (Markus Mohrhard)

    Scientific Format and Number Format

    (Laurent Balland-Poirier and Eike Rathke)

    • Engineering notation: tdf#30716
      • enable exponent multiple of 3 (or other value) with format ##0.00E+00: set the number of digits (# or 0) before decimal separator.
      • add format ##0.00E+00 to scientific format list in UI dialog Format ▸ Cells ▸ Numbers ▸ Scientific for all localizations.
      • replace Thousands separator checkbox with Engineering notation for scientific formats. tdf#90258
    New Engineering notation option
    • General format using scientific, and default scientific format, keep 2 minimum digits (instead of 3) in exponent for all localizations. tdf#88835
    • Trend line equation with 1 minimum digit in exponent (instead of 3). tdf#88835
    • Add/remove decimal digits of scientific format: with buttons Add Decimal Place/Delete Decimal Place tdf#88960; with Sidebar: Properties ▸ Number Format ▸ Decimal places tdf#88999; with UI dialog Format ▸ Cells ▸ Numbers ▸ Decimal places. tdf#88999
    • Allow variable decimal with format 0.0##E+00 for scientific numbers and 0.0## for numbers (decimal part can contain some 0 and then some #). This format is now correctly saved in ODF files. tdf#90133
    • Sign of exponent can be skipped for positive exponent with format 0.00E00 (remove sign after E). This format is now correctly saved in ODF files. tdf#90133

    Formula engine

    Table structured references

    tdf#85063 (Eike Rathke)

    • Table structured references in spreadsheet formula expressions are imported from OOXML spreadsheet documents.
    • Usable with defined database ranges, which OOXML tables (content of <table> elements) are imported to.
    • The following restrictions apply:
      • The column names must be present as cell content in the table's header row; column-header-less tables are not supported.
      • Saving to ODF or OOXML, structured references are not written, but transformed to A1 style reference notation instead. The references continue to work, but the table context is lost on export.
      • Saving to OOXML, the defined database ranges are not exported as <table> elements.
      • Saving to binary .xls (Microsoft Excel 97-2003 Format), formulas using table structured references are lost.

    New spreadsheet functions

    • Changes related to FLOOR and CEILING spreadsheet functions. tdf#69552 (Winfried Donkers and Eike Rathke)
      • The second parameter of FLOOR and CEILING is now optional, as defined by OpenFormula (ODFF).
      • Additional FLOOR.XCL and CEILING.XCL functions were introduced that expect only two parameters and both parameters have to be specified. When importing Microsoft Excel documents, their old FLOOR and CEILING functions are imported as FLOOR.XCL and CEILING.XCL
      • New functions FLOOR.MATH and CEILING.MATH were added for Microsoft Excel interoperability. tdf#87342 (Winfried Donkers)
      • Exporting to Microsoft Excel file formats, Calc FLOOR and CEILING are written as Excel FLOOR.MATH and CEILING.MATH, and Calc FLOOR.XCL and CEILING.XCL are written as Excel FLOOR and CEILING
    • Added ENCODEURL spreadsheet function for Microsoft Excel interoperability. tdf#76870 (Winfried Donkers)
    • Added ERROR.TYPE spreadsheet function according to OpenFormula (ODFF) and for Microsoft Excel interoperability. (Winfried Donkers)

    A:A / 1:1 entire column/row references

    tdf#44419 (Eike Rathke)

    • It is now possible to specify references to entire columns or rows using the A:A or 1:1 notation instead of A1:A1048576 or A1:AMJ1
      • Such references will be saved as A$1:A$1048576 or $A1:$AMJ1 to maintain interoperability with earlier releases and other applications reading ODF spreadsheet documents.
      • When reading from a document, A$1:A$1048576 or $A1:$AMJ1 are converted to A:A or 1:1 notation.
        • Note that for entire column references both row anchors have to be either absolute or relative, and for entire row references both column anchors have to be either absolute or relative to have the reference converted into A:A or 1:1 notation. Mixed absolute/relative anchors lead to a full range notation being displayed, e.g. A$1:A1048576 or A1:A$1048576 because Calc assumes the user did that on purpose.
      • Inserting rows/columns to or deleting rows/columns from entire column/row references keeps the anchored other axis' endpoints, in particular inserting rows in a column reference will not produce a #REF! error and deleting rows in a column reference will not move the last referenced row that number of rows up, contrary to the standard A1:A1048576 reference behaviour.
      • Standard absolute/relative reference addressing can be used, i.e. A:B, A:$B, $A:B and $A:$B are all valid references and imply the same different reference update mechanisms when copy&paste, fill, move and other spreadsheet editing operations affecting cell formula references are applied.

    Een afbeelding bijsnijden, aanpassen en opslaan

    tdf#34555 (Philippe Jung)

    • Het is nu mogelijk om vanuit het menu Opmaak ▸ Afbeelding, vanuit contextuele menu's en vanaf de werkbalk Afbeelding, een afbeelding met behulp van de muis bij te snijden, een afbeelding op te slaan en het door een andere afbeelding vanaf de schijf te vervangen.
    • Deze functies gedragen zich hetzelfde als die in Impress of Writer.
    • menu Opmaak is als volgt bijgewerkt: er is nu
      • menu-item Opmaak ▸ Object met Positie en grootte, Lijn, Vlak en Tekstattributen,
      • menu-item Opmaak ▸ Afbeelding met Afbeelding bijsnijden, Bewerken met extern gereedschap, Afbeelding wijzigen, Afbeelding comprimeren en Afbeelding opslaan.
    Een afbeelding bijsnijden in Calc

    Verbeteringen aan werkbalken

    Aanvullende verbeteringen zijn gemaakt aan de werkbalken “Standaard”, “Opmaak”, “Tekening” en contextuele werkbalken, om gebruikers van veelgebruikte opdrachten te voorzien. tdf#85594 (Yousuf Philips)

    Impress en Draw

    • Herindeling van werkbalken in Impress Uitbreiden, dit is een vage zin! tdf#87676 (Yousuf Philips)
    • Herindeling van werkbalken in Draw Uitbreiden, dit is een vage zin! tdf#90090 (Yousuf Philips)
    • Contextmenu's voor Afbeelding en vorm zijn verbeterd door minder belangrijke items er uit te verwijderen. tdf#86614 (Yousuf Philips)
    • Het openklapvak voor Vulkleur is nu in de kleurselector in Impress en Draw geïmplementeerd. Blog entry (Caolán McNamara, Red Hat)
    Nieuwe kleurselector in Draw en Impress
    • Achtergrondkleur voor tekst in tekstvakken in Draw/Impress (GSoC 2014, Matteo Campanelli) (blog post) kan nu in de UI met een knop op een werkbalk of in de Zijbalk ingesteld worden. tdf#88276 (Katarina Behrens, CIB)
    Knop op de werkbalk om de achtergrondkleur voor tekst in een tekstvak in Draw/Impress in te stellen


    See also: Feature removal / deprecation




    • Force Intercept option is now also available for exponential trendlines. tdf#72361 (Laurent Balland-Poirier)


    PDF export supports Time-Stamp Protocol

    • Export to PDF now supports the Time-Stamp Protocol (IETF standard RFC:3161). The address of a Time-Stamp Authority can be specified in the security settings of PDF options tdf#84881 (Tor Lillqvist, Collabora sponsored by Wilhelm Tux crowd-funding)
    Time-Stamp options in PDF digital signatures tab
    Adding a new Time-Stamp Authority

    Adobe Swatch Exchange (.ase) support

    • Support for reading Adobe Swatch Exchange (.ase) color palettes. Handles CMYK, RGB, and grayscale color models. LAB colors are not yet supported, and are replaced by black during import. (tdf#84002, sponsored by LibreOffice users through (Chris Laplante)

    Maintaining invisible content in Emails

    • Option added to preserve document invisible content when sending a document by email. tdf#87441 (Stephan Bergmann)


    New import filters

    • Writer can now import Apple Pages files (Pages '09 and older), via libetonyek. (David Tardon)
    Sample document opened in Pages '09
    Sample document opened in LibreOffice 5.0
    • Calc can now import Apple Numbers files (Numbers '09 and older), via libetonyek. (Anurag Kanungo, GSoC 2015)
      • This is only a preview. It is a loss of time to report bugs.
    • Draw can now import ClarisDraw and MacDraft (v. 1) files, via libmwaw. (Laurent Alonso)
    • Calc can now import Lotus 123 (wk3, wk4) and Quattro Pro files (wq1, wq2), via libwps. (Laurent Alonso)

    Improvements in OOXML filter

    • Support for handling differences between OOXML written by MSO 2007 and the specification. (Markus Mohrhard)
    • Chart streams support MSO 2007 and OOXML conforming input now. (Markus Mohrhard)
    • Chart streams are exported according to OOXML spec and no longer according to MSO 2007 format. (Markus Mohrhard)

    Improvements in MediaWiki export filter

    Robert Buj made the following improvements to our MediaWiki export component:

    • Replace <text>&#10;</text> with <value-of select="$NL"/>
    • Add the alternative text in a image
    • Add support for image align with wrap='none'
    • Replace
    • Add support for background-color and font-color
    • Cell
      • Use align element
      • Add support for background-color and font-color
      • If all cells have the same style then specify that in the row section
    • Table
      • Add support for table align and table width
    • Row
      • Fix new line at the end of the row
    • Header
      • Treat the header like the row
    • Add support for background-color and font-color

    Improvements in Keynote import filter

    • Correctly set text language. (David Tardon)
    • Import links. (David Tardon)
    • Fix import of tab stops. (David Tardon)
    • Fix import of simple cell text content, which was ignored previously. (David Tardon)
    • Import more text and paragraph formatting properties. (David Tardon)
    • Import document metadata. (David Tardon)
    • Fix a typo that caused all shapes being dropped from output. (David Tardon)
    • Import table borders. (Anurag Kanungo)

    Improvements in MS Works import filter

    • Ask for text encoding if it cannot be determined. tdf#87222 (Laurent Alonso)

    Improvements in Freehand import filter

    • Drastically improve import of fills, strokes, embedded images, and embedded text. (Fridrich Strba)
    • Fix positioning of visible objects on the canvas. (Fridrich Strba)
    • Cover formats from Freehand 3.0 to Freehand 11. (Fridrich Strba)


    General UI changes

    • Impress's user interface was improved to provide more space to the slide by hiding the text, shape and image formatting contextual toolbars. tdf#87676 tdf#87822 (Yousuf Philips, Philippe Jung)
    LibreOffice Impress New UI.png
    • Draw's user interface was improved by hiding formatting contextual toolbars, aligning the shapes toolbar to the left to resemble other drawing applications, and with an expanded sidebar to provide access to formatting options. tdf#90090 (Yousuf Philips; Jan Holešovský, Collabora)
    LibreOffice Draw New UI.png
    • The design of the display-toggling button in pane dividers has been updated to increase its visibility. tdf#83527 (Tomaž Vajngerl)
    The previous appearance is shown in the bottom-left corner for comparison.

    Wijzigingen in de Zijbalk

    • Het gedeelte Diawissel in de Zijbalk van Impress is herschikt om beter gebruik van de ruimte te maken. tdf#87862 (Katarina Behrens, Rishabh Kumar, Yousuf Philips)
    • De knoppen in de Zijbalk in Impress zijn in de volgende volgorde herschikt - Eigenschappen, Diawissel, Aangepaste animatie, Hoofdpagina's. tdf#87904 (Yousuf Philips)
    • Secties van het paneel Eigenschappen in Calc zijn heringericht om onnodige features te verwijderen en het passend te maken op schermen met lagere resolutie. tdf#90888 (Rishabh Kumar, Yousuf Philips)
    • De knoppen inspringing vergroten en verlagen zijn aan het gedeelte Inspringingen in Impress en Draw toegevoegd. tdf#91944 (Maxim Monastirsky, Yousuf Philips)
    • De knoppen voor randen zijn aan de Zijbalk in Impress en Draw toegevoegd. tdf#87651 (Maxim Monastirsky)

    Improvements in Calc/Draw sheet tab controls

    The following changes were made by Tomaž Vajngerl (Collabora):

    • The scroll buttons in Calc have been reduced to two: First and Last are removed, and Previous and Next can assume the functions of First and Last when pressing the Ctrl key while clicking
    • The Add Sheet and Previous and Next buttons are displayed without borders.
    • The Add Sheet button is now in the left, so that users can click it repeatedly without chasing its changing position.
    • It is now possible to scroll the sheet tabs with the mouse wheel if the number of tabs overflows the bar’s space. tdf#59471
    5.0 Calc tabs.png

    HiDPI changes

    See also: Development/HiDpi
    • Scale menu icons (Tomaž Vajngerl, Collabora).
    • Multiply status bar width depending on DPI scale factor (Tomaž Vajngerl, Collabora) .
    • Scale "add Sheet" button for Calc tabs (Tomaž Vajngerl, Collabora).
    • Scale drag-and-drop indicators in the aforementioned tab bar (Tomaž Vajngerl, Collabora).
    • Scale rulers according to DPI scale factor (Darcy Beurle).

    Mouse cursor improvements in Windows

    • Many hardcoded cursors, drawn back in the StarOffice era to support now-obsolete Windows versions, were dropped in favor of native cursors, which have a more modern look. tdf#53148 tdf#53151 (Rimas Kudelis)


    • Herindeling van het contextmenu voor Afbeelding. Ingaan op de specifieke wijzigingen! tdf#87185 (Yousuf Philips)
    • Herindeling van het contextmenu voor Tabel. Ingaan op de specifieke wijzigingen! tdf#86619 (Yousuf Philips)
    • Alle items voor directe opmaak zijn verwijderd, omdat ze al op werkbalken en in de Zijbalk beschikbaar zijn. tdf#86606 (Yousuf Philips)
    • Plakbordfuncties (Knippen, Kopiëren, Plakken) zijn altijd zichtbaar. tdf#86850 (Trent MacAlpine)
    • Items voor contextmenu's van werkbalken worden met kleine pictogrammen weergegeven. tdf#91953 (Philippe Jung)
    • Contextmenu's voor werkbalken geven de naam van de corresponderen werkbalk weer. tdf#86138 (Philippe Jung)
    Contextmenu van een werkbalk

    Nieuwe pictogrammenset, Breeze

    • Een nieuwe pictogrammenset, Breeze, is aan LibreOffice toegevoegd. Met dank aan: Uri Herrera (Nitrux, S. A.), Andreas Kainz (KDE e. V.), Jonathan Riddell (Kubuntu), Jan Holešovský (Collabora), Yousuf Philips, en Andrew Dent.
    Default Writer toolbar
    Default Calc toolbar
    Default Draw toolbar
    Drawing toolbar in Draw
    Default Impress toolbar
    Drop-down menu New on Standard toolbar

    Updates to the Tango icon set

    New icons by Alexander Wilms, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos and Yousuf Philips have been integrated into the main Tango theme. There are now fewer gaps, in which old-style Industrial icons were displayed.

    Updates to the Sifr icon set

    Cassandra Freund has fixed bugs and increased icon coverage for Sifr.

    Expert Configuration usability improvements

    The following changes were made by Palenik Mihály:

    • The settings are now searchable. 1485acc3
    • The table’s rows are displayed using alternate colors to facilitate scanning. 148e489e
    ExpertConfiguration 5.0+ wSearch.PNG


    A brand new Guarani localization

    LibreOffice’s user interface has been completely translated into Guarani (avañe’ẽ), the native language of the Paraguayan people. This groundbreaking work confirms the innovation pace of the LibreOffice project towards facilitating the use of technology for as many people as possible, which is one of the ethos of The Document Foundation. Special thanks go to Giovanni Caligaris (who is leading this effort), András Tímar (Collabora), Christian Lohmaier, and Eike Rathke (Red Hat).

    New languages/locales with locale data

    Available as default document language and for locale specific formatting.

    • Added Church Slavic [cu-RU] to language list and locale data. tdf#90802 (Aleksandr Andreev and Eike Rathke)
    • Added Nyanja [ny-MW] locale data. tdf#89395 (Eike Rathke)
    • Added Venetian [vec-IT] to language list and locale data. tdf#91199 (Eike Rathke, data by
    • Added Tigrigna (Ethiopia) [ti-ET] locale data. tdf#91849 (Eike Rathke, data by kinfe)

    Updated language proofing tools

    • The bundled Spanish spelling dictionary pack is updated to version 0.8. (Jacobo Aragunde Pérez)
    • The bundled Portuguese spelling dictionary pack is updated to version (András Tímár)
    • The bundled French spelling dictionary pack is updated to version 5.3.2. (Olivier R.)
    • Several fixes were made to the Czech affix files. (Petr Gajdos and Tomáš Chvátal)

    Other language initiatives

    We aim to support as many languages as possible. We would like to thank the following people for volunteering to translate LibreOffice and help preserving their native tongues:

    • Chechen:
    • Kabyle: Hamidi Massinissa
    • Venetian: Alessandro Mocellin

    If you speak an endangered language and want to help us to achieve our goals of providing libre tools to every person on the planet, please join us.


    Scripting / Basic

    Feature removal / deprecation

    • The obsolete, StarOffice-inherited option “Use system font for user interface” was removed. LibreOffice will always use the system’s font to display its user interface elements. tdf#87016 Thanks to: Julien Nabet and Caolán McNamara (Red Hat).
    • Since the introduction of a new “Elements” docked pane in Math (in version 4.1), it was intended that it would replace the old, OOo-inherited “toolbox”, or floating pane, which was difficult to use and had visual problems in certain UI configurations (such as dark themes). This old element has finally been removed, thus streamlining the UI by removing redundancy. tdf#68871 Thanks to: Julien Nabet and Adolfo Jayme Barrientos.
    • The ability to insert hyperlinks in the news://Wikipedia logo v3.svg, IMAPWikipedia logo v3.svg and POP3Wikipedia logo v3.svg protocols was removed. (6d089a4c, 52417882) Thanks to: Tor Lillqvist (Collabora).
    • Vestigial GopherWikipedia logo v3.svg support was dropped as well. tdf#89361 Thanks to: Adolfo Jayme Barrientos.

    API changes

    C++ UNO language binding and URE libraries

    The following changes were done to the C++ UNO language binding and URE libraries:

    UNO API changes

    The following UNO interfaces and services were changed:


    • New Dispatch commands were created for Inserting in tables:
      • InsertColumsBefore : insert columns before the selected columns. If more than one column is selected, insert as many columns as selected.
      • InsertRowsBefore : insert rows before the selected rows. If more than one row is selected, insert as many rows as selected.
      • InsertColumsAfter : insert columns after the selected columns. If more than one column is selected, insert as many columns as selected.
      • InsertRowsAfter : insert rows after the selected rows. If more than one row is selected, insert as many rows as selected.
      • These commands should be now prefered to uno:InsertColumns and .uno:InsertRows. For compatibility with previous versions, in writer uno:InsertColumns and .uno:InsertRows are equivalent to uno:InsertColumnsAfter and .uno:InsertRowsAfter
    • The following Dispatch commands are now available in Writer:
      • .uno:CompressGraphic
      • .uno:ChangePicture
      • .uno.Crop


    • The following Dispatch commands are now available in Calc:
      • .uno:ChangePicture
      • .uno:SaveGraphic
      • .uno.Crop

    UNO API removals

    The following UNO interfaces and services were removed from the API:

    Platform compatibility


    • A native, 64-bit Windows build is now available.
      • TDF release builds require Windows Vista or later.
      • Outlook and Outlook Express address book access will not be supported until a new maintainable driver is implemented (see tdf#56903 and tdf#56905).
      • The experimental Firebird database driver is not yet available.
      • For development information, look at Development/msvc-x86_64.


    • Added basic editing capabilities. blog entry 1 2 3 4 5 (Miklos Vajna, Tomaz Vajngerl, Siqi Liu, Henry Castro, Kohei Yoshida, Jan Holesovsky - Collabora, sponsored by The Document Foundation and our generous donors)
    Selecting Writer text on Android.
    Selecting Calc cells on Android.