LibreOffice 5.1 发行注记
在之前的版本中,“自动拼写检查”完成后,对话框会自动关闭。新版本中该对话框不再自动关闭,留给用户更多的选择空间。tdf#79312 (Marek Dolezel)
从5.1版本开始,对于新建的Writer文本文档,将默认启用段落的孤行控制和寡行控制(tdf#89714 (SIL)
▸ ▸ ▸ (在邮件合并中嵌入数据源定义
见这篇博客文章) (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
tdf#39080 (Ashod Nakashian, Collabora)
该工具栏项目前默认被隐藏,用户可通过自定义工具栏开启。tdf#95403 (Maxim Monastirsky)
在打印预览界面新增了页码输入框,用户直接输入页码即可跳转到指定的页面。tdf#80657 (Gülşah Köse)
新增了“在下方插入行”和“在右侧插入列“,但是该选项目前被隐藏,用户可通过自定义“标准”工具栏来开启。(Philippe Jung)
快捷键Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + F4用于打开“数据源”,F4用于单元格的绝对引用和相对引用切换
快捷键Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + F4现在已改为用于打开“数据源”对话框,而原来用于打开数据源的快捷键F4现在用于进行单元格引用方式(相对应用和绝对引用)的切换,以同MS Office等其他办公软件保持一致性。tdf#59418 (Dennis Francis)
在函数(公式)向导对话框中的“结构”选项卡中,公式的参数值以及函数的计算结果会时时显示。(Benjamin Ni)
在tdf#74667 be8a5d4495e787e1628bf053be5e3e56e0ea9565 (Tomaz Vajngerl, Collabora)
▸ 菜单中新增了”回归分析“,可进行线性回归、对数回归和幂回归分析。重新组织了工作表行/列的右键菜单
0d7935bda6fb0ee4b63593b07c451b30f52b8598 (Yousuf Philips)
如同Writer和Impress一样,用户可在Calc中将电子表格文档导出为PNG图片(博客文章 (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
▸ 。见这篇搜索已格式化的显示字符
在查找工具栏以及查找与替换对话框中新增了”搜索已格式化的显示字符“选项。见下图示例:tdf#48456 (Dennis Francis)
tdf#92256,tdf#93688 (Katarina Behrens, CIB)
,这里的问号用于对齐小数位但是不显示零)将会被保存在ODF文档中了。tdf#40517 (Laurent BP)
tdf#85063 (Eike Rathke, Red Hat)
- 表格的结构化引用功能早在5.0版本中已引入,但是5.0版本中有一些限制。在新的5.1版本中,以下限制已被解决:
- 列名不再必须作为单元格内容出现在表格的行标头中,现在可以对没有列标头的表格进行结构化引用了。
- 在这种情况下,对于新的数据库区域,若区域中的列标头内容为空,则会生成诸如Column1, Column2, ... 的内部名称。
- 在打开OOXML文档是,内部名称将被导入,并继续用于公式表达式中。
- 保存为OOXML时,结构化引用将会被写入(不再被转换为A1表达方式),并且table context将会被保留。
- 保存为OOXML时,定义的数据库区域将被导出为<table>元素.
- 列名不再必须作为单元格内容出现在表格的行标头中,现在可以对没有列标头的表格进行结构化引用了。
- 当修改表头的单元格内容时,结构化引用中的内部列名称将会随之更新。
- 删除表头的单元格内容时,引用了该表头的公式将会继续有效,并可继续使用原来的表头名称进行编辑。
- 当复制表头单元格内容时,复制后的列名称将会被编号。例如,假设有两个名为FooBar的表头单元格,则列名称将会是FooBar和FooBar2。这将会自动在已有的公式表达式中体现。
- 当在表中插入列时,将会为表头单元格为空的列自动生成列名称,并以当前表的列序号作为标号。例如,在表的第三列之前插入两列,则生成的列名称将会是Column3和Column4。
- 当在上述的空表头中输入内容时,已自动生成的列名称将会被更新。
- 每个表中的内部列名称是唯一的,会在显示已有的公式表达式中体现。
锁定最后一列/最后一行的锚定 Sticky end column/row anchors
tdf#92779 (Eike Rathke, Red Hat)
- 对于区域引用,若该引用跨越了至少两列或两列,且引用的终点位于工作表的最后一列或最后一行(例如AMJ或者1048576),则最后一列或最后一行将会被“锁定”,插入或者删除行或列时不会移动。
- 当插入或更新引用时,若最后一列或最后一列有可能到达工作表的行列范围之外从,则最后一行或最后一列的引用锚定将不再变化,从而避免产生
错误。- 例如,对于引用
错误)。 - 在上述例子中,行1048576被“锁定”了(Sticky)。
- 例如,对于引用
- 对于类似
与 ODF 1.2 的兼容性
函数WEEKNUM严格遵循 ODF 1.2规范,并引入了ISOWEEKNUM公式。 tdf#50950 (Winfried Donkers + Eike Rathke)
- 在用户界面上,WEEKNUM_ADD 公式被重命名为了WEEKNUM_EXCEL2003,以便与 Microsoft Excel 创建的文档兼容。
- 打开用老版本Microsoft Excel 创建的此类文档时,WEEKNUM 公式将被映射到 WEEKNUM_EXCEL2003.
- 保存为ODF格式或者OOXML格式写入WEEKNUM时,老版本的 LibreOffice 和 将其映射为 WEEKNUM_ADD.
- 对于新建的文档,将会使用WEEKNUM公式。
- WEEKNUM 现在支持 ODF OpenFormula (ODFF) 规范中定义的第二个参数的所有参数属性,见
- 引入了ISOWEEKNUM公式,用于计算基于ISO 8601的日历周数,见
- WEEKNUM_OOO provides compatibility with older LibreOffice and releases for cases that can not be mapped to WEEKNUM or ISOWEEKNUM as defined in the standard, specifically if the mode argument is 1 the old WEEKNUM implementation returned a week number calculated as if it was an ISO 8601 calculation but with the week starting on Sunday instead of Monday. This is not covered by any standard.
- Not offered in the Function Wizard to prevent accidental use. Use it only if interoperability with older LibreOffice or releases is required.
- Currently still saved wrongly as ISOWEEKNUM with 2 parameters for interoperability with older LibreOffice or releases.
- This will be changed in future for release 5.3 and the function will be saved as ORG.LIBREOFFICE.WEEKNUM_OOO, the current 5.1 release is already enabled to read that.
- Slide navigation and sorting commands were added with corresponding shortcut keys. tdf#91909 (Philippe Jung, Yousuf Philips)
- Master slide view appears in a different background color to normal view. tdf#87905 (Katarina Behrens, CIB)
- KDE, XFCE, and Mate ScreenSavers are now also inhibited when presenting (Andrzej Hunt).
Several modes were active in Impress:
- Page to edit slides content
- Page Master to edit slides container
- Notes to add Notes
- Notes Master to edit Notes container
- Plan to sketch a presentation
- Handout to define the handout format
- Slide sorter to organise presentation
It was hard to navigate between Master / non master modes. Tabs above the working area were jumping right and left, consuming screen space.
Now, two toolbox icons have been added:
- one to toggle Tab bar visibility. It is hidden by default. Clicking the toggle disables the new Mode Selection tool and restores the previous behaviour.
- one to Select the Working mode among the 7 modes listed above. It is divided in two zones: top zone is regular mode (dealing with content of the presentation), bottom zone is the Master mode (dealing with container).
Slide Design dialog in
▸ now affects all selected (standard) slides. (Caolán McNamara, Red Hat)使宽度/高度相等
When multiple objects are selected, the right click context menu Shapes submenu now supports Equalize Width and Equalize Height which adjusts the width/height of the selected objects to the width/height of the last selected object. (Caolán McNamara, Red Hat)
Right clicking a slide now supports saving a background image to file, this matches the pre-existing set background image option. (Caolán McNamara, Red Hat)
The Shape Properties dialog for enhanced shapes now lists and enables editing the control points. This is in addition to the preexisting mechanism of selecting with the mouse the yellow control handle of the shape, but enables viewing and fine control over the control values. (Caolán McNamara, Red Hat)
There is now a button on the presenter console to restart the timer of the slideshow without restarting the slideshow itself (see this blog entry) (Miklos Vajna, Collabora; Andreas Kainz)
OpenGL 幻灯片过渡
所有的OpenGL幻灯片过渡现已采用OpenGL 2.1+,该版本移除了对非常老旧的GPU的支持,同时对新的GPU提供更好的支持。加入了4个新的依赖OpenGL 3.2+的过渡效果。 (Emmanuel Gil Peyrot, Collabora; Tomaž Vajngerl, Collabora)
Math 数学公式
- 自动闭合括号现在属于可选的。 tdf#43090
从剪贴板导入 MathML
(Regina Henschel)
- The tool “Math Input Panel” in Windows or the context menu of a formula in a browser allow to copy the MathML source to clipboard. The Math module in LibreOffice has got a new item “Import MathML from Clipboard” in menu Tools to import such source and convert it into LibreOffice’s own formula syntax StarMath.
- MathML and StarMath have some differences and therefore sometimes corrections on the imported formula are needed, but most of the formula should be correct. If a conversion is not possible, nothing happens.
- The import expects, that a <math> element exists, which has an attribute xmlns="".
Base 数据库
Ancient SeaMonkey based mozab driver was only used on Windows 32 bit and is removed now. This functionality is replaced with mork driver, that supports Thunderbird address book.
Given that SeaMonkey based mozab driver also provided Outlook and Outlook Express address book integration, that Windows 32 bit only feature is lost for now. Note that Windows 64 bit never supported ancient SeaMonkey based mozab driver.
Chart 图表
- Exponential and Power trend lines accept negative Y values tdf#70673 (Laurent BP)
- Improve equation rendering by removing some useless 1: (Laurent BP)
- polynomial:
f(x) = 1x^2 + 1x +1
=>f(x) = x^2 + x +1
- exponential:
f(x) = exp( 1 x )
=>f(x) = exp( x )
- polynomial:
Core 核心
使用Alt + X输入Unicode字符
Some Windows applications, such as Microsoft Word and WordPad, permit the user to input arbitrary Unicode characters by typing an hexadecimal code point (for example, 2026
for …
) and then pressing Alt + X. LibreOffice now includes this functionality as well. (Note: This feature adds to the long-existing, equivalent Linux/GTK functionality of pressing Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + U+hexadecimal code point.) tdf#73691 (SIL)
- Toggles (switches back and forth) between the character before the cursor and its Unicode notation.
- Intelligently handles combining characters, expanding the entire character immediately.
- Selection is not necessary, but if used will limit the input to those characters. (Draw/Impress/Calc have the final result selected, but not Writer.)
- Handles all 16 Unicode planes
- Available in Writer, Draw, Impress, Calc and Math.
- Re-assignable keyboard shortcut: ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ . Defaults to Alt + X assigned at the global level. (Alt + C used for Basque/Dutch/Galician/German/Brazilian-Portugese locales and ⌘ Command + ⌥ Option + X used for MacOS).
WebDav 功能改进
- Better LOCK/UNLOCK support tdf#82744 (Giuseppe Castagno)
- Support a (
URL scheme in addition to the non-standard (http
scheme, d3de490437df4c9093f32e97fc185066d64c0f46 (Stephan Bergmann, Red Hat)
Options / General
- Support for the HKEY_CURRENT_USER Windows registry hierarchy which enables per-user configuration policies (Michael Meeks, Collabora)
- 现在LibreOffice已官方支持Gnumeric格式的导入(在Windows下无效,见tdf#94834) (之前该格式的导入只是作为实验性功能被支持) (Markus Mohrhard)
- 现在可以通过libwps导入Microsoft Write (.wri文档) 格式。(Sean Young)
- 现在可以通过libetonyek导入Apple Keynote 6文件。tdf#88682 (David Tardon, Red Hat)
- Export of the modified VBA stream back to binary Microsoft formats and OOXML (Rosemary Sebastian, Markus Mohrhard)
- There is a new configuration value that allows to control whether to use this feature (by default yes) or switch back to the old behavior of discarding or writing back the unchanged stream
- The following features are not yet (completely) supported: Protected macros, macro sheets, active x and some of the designer features.
- Improved export of embedded objects to DOCX and PPTX, including export of Math formulas (Michael Stahl, Red Hat)
- Numerous other improvements to the Microsoft OOXML import and export filters, the Microsoft Office binary file formats and the RTF format. Details:
MS Visio 筛选器的改进
- Implement overriding of colour of lines and of text from layer properties and the visibility and/or printability of a layer. tdf#50309, tdf#68392 (Fridrich Strba)
- Fix incorrect handling of stencil text. tdf#90154 (Fridrich Strba)
- Basic initial implementation of hatch fill. tdf#44552, tdf#76835 (Fridrich Strba)
- Implement support of bullets/lists. tdf#92349 (Fridrich Strba)
- Implement support of default tab-stops and custom tab-sets in paragraph properties. (Fridrich Strba)
- Instead of line-break, spit out a new paragraph when a paragraph break is found. (Fridrich Strba)
- Initial emulation of line rounding property. (tdf#90603) (Fridrich Strba)
- VSDX theme color import fix (tdf#92270) (Andras Timar, Collabora)
- fix VSDX char background handling (tdf#92271) (Andras Timar, Collabora)
CorelDRAW 筛选器的改进
- Do not drop empty text lines. tdf#67873 (David Tardon)
GUI 用户界面
- In dialog ▸ ▸ ▸ was added displays the current status OpenGL: Enabled or Disabled
The main menus in Writer, Calc and Impress were reorganized to improve usability, group similar functions together, add functions that were not present and sorting items based on their usage and importance. blog entry
- Reorganization of the menus in Writer, including the addition of a Styles menu tdf#91781 (Yousuf Philips)
- Reorganization of the menus in Calc, including the addition of a Sheet menu tdf#91820 (Yousuf Philips)
- Reorganization of the menus in Impress, including the addition of a Slide menu tdf#91857 (Yousuf Philips)
- 在开始界面以及tdf#86703 blog entry (Szymon Kłos, GSoC 2015; Yousuf Philips, Heiko Tietze) 菜单中加入了 ,用于打开诸如Google Drive, OneDrive, SharePoint等云端文件。
- 在 菜单中加入了 ,用于将文件保存到诸如Google Drive, OneDrive, SharePoint等云端。
- Blog entry
- Sidebar Deck and Panel states are saved between sessions tdf#67770 (Laurent Godard)
- Using the Scrollwheel over the Sidebar tabs now swipes through decks, instead of scroll the document in the main window (Bjoern Michaelsen)
- Reorganize the Area content panel found in the Properties deck. tdf#90078 (Rishabh Kumar, GSoC 2015; Yousuf Philips)
- Reorganize the Line content panel found in the Properties deck. tdf#89543 (Rishabh Kumar, GSoC 2015; Yousuf Philips, Katarina Behrens [CIB])
- Creation of a Shadow content panel found in the Properties deck in Calc, Impress and Draw. tdf#87702 (Rishabh Kumar, GSoC 2015; Yousuf Philips)
- Addition of new contour and spacing controls to the Wrap content panel in Writer. 30c2ae28eecb3f1a4454784974c0c2bffc60334e tdf#93775 (Rishabh Kumar, GSoC 2015; Yousuf Philips)
- Increase and decrease font size buttons added to sidebar properties pane in Calc. tdf#86179 (Maxim Monastirsky)
- Cell reference edge added to alignment section of sidebar in Calc. tdf#91802 (Rishabh Kumar, GSoC 2015)
- Cell styles added to properties pane in Calc. tdf#73071 (Rishabh Kumar, GSoC 2015; Yousuf Philips, Maxim Monastirsky)
- Grouped Slide Transitions for easy selection and added icon based selection palette to Sidebar in Impress tdf#36946 (Tor Lillqvist, Collabora; Michael Meeks, Collabora; Andreas Kainz, Yousuf Philips)
- New Chart sidebar tdf#91063 (Markus Mohrhard, Yousuf Philips, Heiko Tietze)
- Some limitations still apply
- Image flip buttons are now available in Writer also (Samuel Mehrbrodt [CIB])
- Icons now honor RTL/Vertical Text settings and rotate/flip accordingly, as in the toolbar. tdf#85767 (Samuel Mehrbrodt [CIB])
- An "AutoCorrect Options" item has been added in the spell checking context menu. Users can now directly enter the autocorrect replacement table when there's no satisfying suggestion in the "Always correct to" submenu. tdf#92341 (Yousuf Philips, Samuel Mehrbrodt [CIB])
- The Spelling Dialog now has a toolbar for pasting and inserting special characters. tdf#95682 (Caolán McNamara, Red Hat, Inc.)
- 启用gtk的自动加速行为 tdf#92630 (Simon Long, Raspberry Pi)
- 在插入特殊字符对话框中,可以通过输入十六进制或十进制代码来插入特殊字符。 tdf#34882 (Steve Hart; Adolfo Jayme Barrientos)
Available as default document language and for locale specific formatting.
- Added locale data for Arabic [ar-BH] [ar-IQ] [ar-JO] [ar-LY] [ar-MA] [ar-QA] [ar-SY] [ar-YE]. tdf#95485 (Ghasan Al-Sakkaf and Eike Rathke)
Improvements to proofing tools and language support
- Proofing tools for German language (de-AT, de-CH, de-DE) have been largely improved (tdf#96782):
- The spell-check dictionary now contains over 250,000 words. The new version adds over 20,000 new words.
- The thesaurus now contains over 135,000 words in over 35,000 meaning groups. The new version adds ~ 35,000 new words.
- The hyphenation patterns have been updated and contain an improved exception list.
- Updated Slovenian thesaurus (Martin Srebotnjak)
- New Guarani (gug-PY) thesaurus (Giovanni Caligaris and Olivier Hallot)
- Updated Hungarian spell-check dictionary (tdf#95024), major update, implemented the spelling reform defined by the 12th edition of Rules of Hungarian Spelling (by the Hungarian Academy of Science, 2015) (László Németh, Collabora)
- Updated Greek spell-check dictionary (tdf#94415)
- Updated Portuguese (pt-PT) spell-check dictionary
- Updated Swedish spell-check dictionary
- Updated Spanish spellcheck dictionary (Ricardo Palomares)
- SUM function now uses optimized arithemetic and SSE3 if present, giving a ~5x win for large sums (Michael Meeks, Collabora, Tomaz Vajngerl, Collabora)
- Formula Group SoftwareInterpreter used for simple functions: +, -, *, /, Sum, Product giving a 2x+ win for large function runs (Jan Holesovsky, Collabora)
Python 和 Basic 脚本
PyUNO 现在更加像Python了
(Matthew J. Francis)
- Simplifies working with UNO objects by giving the behaviour of Python lists, dicts and iterators to objects which implement UNO container interfaces
- Applies a custom behaviour to allow objects which implement com::sun::star::table::XCellRange to yield cells and cell ranges by subscript
- When UNO container objects are addressed in the new style, eliminates the requirement to manually construct Any objects for contained elements which are typed sequences
- Allows lists and iterators to be passed wherever a UNO method accepts a sequence
- Relaxes the requirements for initialising UNO structs to allow some members to be skipped when all initialisers are passed by name
更新了 Access2Base
Access2Base, the Basic library for Base users, is now available in its version 1.4.0 (Jean-Pierre Ledure).
The main improvements are related to the OutputTo action, which makes it easy now to export the data contained in a Base table or query to Calc, Text or HTML pages. Examples of HTML output are available on the documentation site.
更方便地访问 LibreOffice API 的在线文档
There is a theServiceDocumenter
singleton available now. It provides the showServiceDocs()
method, that opens the documentation of any UNO service passed to it. This allows faster orientation in rapid application development -- esp. in Basic or Python scripting or extension development. There is a short video of a talk at the LibreOffice conference available, which both discusses basic concepts of the UNO API and how the new documenter helps developers.
Feature removal / deprecation
- Embedding NPAPI Plugins (mostly Adobe Flash) in documents now warns you this is deprecated. It will not work in all environments and support for NPAPI is being removed in the 5.2 release.
- ActiveX support is considered deprecated and may be removed in the future. If this change negatively affects your Windows application please email the LibreOffice development list with your use case and plan for moving off of ActiveX. We specifically want feedback if you use ActiveX to embed LibreOffice components into your application.
API changes
Removed configuration options
- Removed
. Saving is now always allowed. (Maxim Monastirsky) 22328a224df4619218b88205838307f70612207e
Java UNO language binding
- Removed the deprecated class
, 366e1238bd41eecf6727784402592fd5c278fe8f - Java UNO bootstrap (
) now accepts custom commandline arguments for bootstrapped soffice tdf#86784 (Katarina Behrens, CIB)- Example of usage:
List list = Arrays.asList( Bootstrap.getDefaultOptions() );
Bootstrap.bootstrap( list.toArray( new String[list.size()] );
- URE and officebean JARs (juh, jurt, ridl, unoil, unoloader, officebean) uploaded to Maven central repository and can be deployed from there (David Ostrovsky, Katarina & Thorsten Behrens, CIB)
UNO API changes
- Data points now also provide the service. (Markus Mohrhard)
- Sidebar has now an API (Laurent Godard)
Dispatch commands
- Removed dispatch command:
- Impress:
removed. Deprecated since 2004 by i#35731. (Philippe Jung) d30a44aff1fb049a71e4eb2612be65a735fbe918
- Impress:
Platform compatibility
- 已知问题: 在macOS下,安装语言包之前需要先启动一次LibreOffice,见tdf#89657.
- 加入了对flat ODF格式的支持。blog entry (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
- new baseline (Cent OS 6): requires kernel 2.6.32 or newer, glibc 2.12 or newer