LibreOffice 4.3 发行注记
LibreOffice 4.3 中的变动
Writer 文本文档
将段落的字符数上限从16位(65,535个)提升到32位(2,147,483,647),尤其适合那些需要将会议记录在一个段落的locale。 tdf#30668, i#17171 (Caolán McNamara)
导航按钮从滚动条底部移动到了查找工具栏 (Samuel Mehrbrodt, UX-Advise Team)
- 移除增加字体大小按钮72pt的限制。 tdf#73414 (Maxim Monastirsky, Caolán McNamara)
- 在绘图对象中也增加了增加/减少字体功能。commit (Maxim Monastirsky)
DrawingML 导入/导出
为图形和文本框提供了全新的基于 DrawML的 DOCX导入/导出筛选器。详情请见这篇博客。 (Miklos Vajna)
试试这个 示例 DOCX 文档
为 ODF, DOC, DOCX 及 RTF 筛选器提供了导入/导出嵌套批注功能。 i#123792 (Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Apache: ODF筛选器DOCX的导入部分;Miklos Vajna: DOCX导出以及RTF/DOC筛选器部分)
现在图像默认是使用按比例缩放了,若要自由改变图像大小请按住⇧ Shift键。tdf#71669 (Tomaž Vajngerl)
使用"浅蓝色"显示不可打印字符。(macOS中该功能暂时不可用)currently not available on macOS). tdf#68071 (Tomaž Vajngerl)
相对文本框现在支持多种关系设置了,详细信息见这篇博客 (Miklos Vajna)
文本框目前支持文字(或者其它内容)垂直对齐了,这个设置可以在选项标签页中找到。 (Zolnai Tamás)
批注可以像显示在屏幕上那样打印在纸张的右侧边界上了。为了留出右侧的打印区域,每页都将被缩放。tdf#36815 (Caolán McNamara)
文档中的批注可以在一次性统一设置格式了。(Caolán McNamara)
Soft hyphens can result non-standard hyphenation, according to the Unicode standard, and (soft hyphen based) hyphenation dialog window suggests these hyphenation points, too. tdf#44314 (László Németh)
In the user-defined dictionaries, now it is possible to use a [] block instead of the = sign to specify character changes before the hyphenation break. Possible character changes:
- Extra characters, for example tug[g]gumi results the correct hyphenation “tugg- gummi” of the Swedish word “tuggummi”.
- Character removing specified by a digit, for example paral·[1]lel results correct hyphenation “paral- lel” of the Catalan word “paral·lel”, removing one character before the break point.
- Both removed and extra characters, for example cafee[2é]tje results correct hyphenation “café- tje” of the Dutch word “cafeetje”, removing two characters before the break point, and adding an extra one.
Note: also it is possible to complete the hyphenation of Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Catalan, Hungarian without the modification of the TeX-like hyphenation patterns, using a default shared user-defined dictionary file. (László Németh)
Improvements of LibreLogo, the Logo-like programming environment of LibreOffice for graphic design and education:
- Several user interface fixes
- New PENTRANSPARENCY, FILLTRANSPARENCY commands to set transparency after PENCOLOR, FILLCOLOR usage
- Color and transparency gradients are now supported via FILLCOLOR and FILLTRANSPARENCY commands. (introduction)
- For additional information, see the new portal for LibreLogo news and examples:
Calc 电子表格
- Border highlight on multiple instances of the same cell, when selecting a formula, now get same color. After calculating a long formula, the cells can be easily referenced with the formula, as they get the same color i.e., the highlight of the cell and the name of the cell in the formula. tdf#52461 (Rachit Gupta)
- When selecting cells, the number of selected rows and columns is shown in the status bar. tdf#64290 (Manmeet Singh)
- Sheet tab area: when expanding the space available for sheet tabs make better use of that. (Michael Meeks)
- Allow starting of cell edit with the content of the cell above it as its initial content. It is bound to the Ctrl + ' (single quote) key by default. (Note: On some locales this keyboard shortcut may conflict with the system default shortcuts. If the default shortcut does not work due to conflict, bind it to a different shortcut). (Kohei Yoshida)
Under this blog entry for some details. tdf#37132 and tdf#75834 related (Eike Rathke)
▸ ▸ ▸ in ▸ ▸ the user can select how textual cell content shall be treated in arithmetic operations. See also数据透视表布局改进
"数据“字段现在默认是在列上,可根据需要移动到行上。现在您可以从非常大的数据源快速生成有用的数据透视表。 tdf#77927 (Tomaž Vajngerl)
- Added GAMMA.DIST, GAMMA.INV and GAMMALN.PRECISE spreadsheet functions for Excel interoperability. tdf#71936 (Winfried Donkers)
- Added LOGNORM.DIST, LOGNORM.INV, NORM.DIST, NORM.INV, NORM.S.DIST and NORM.S.INV spreadsheet functions for Excel interoperability. tdf#72158 (Winfried Donkers)
- Added T.DIST, T.DIST.2T, T.DIST.RT, T.INV, T.INV.2T and T.TEST spreadsheet functions for Excel interoperability. tdf#72793 (Winfried Donkers)
- Added PERCENTILE.EXC, PERCENTILE.INC, PERCENTRANK.EXC, PERCENTRANK.INC, QUARTILE.EXC, QUARTILE.INC, RANK.EQ and RANK.AVG spreadsheet functions for Excel interoperability. tdf#73146 (Winfried Donkers)
- Added MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, NEGBINOM.DIST and Z.TEST spreadsheet functions for Excel interoperability. tdf#72197 (Winfried Donkers)
- Added FLOOR.PRECISE, CEILING.PRECISE and ISO.CEILING spreadsheet functions for Excel interoperability. tdf#71720 (Winfried Donkers, Eike Rathke)
- Added NETWORKDAYS.INTL and WORKDAY.INTL spreadsheet functions for Excel interoperability. tdf#73147 (Winfried Donkers)
- Added ERF.PRECISE and ERFC.PRECISE spreadsheet functions for Excel interoperability. tdf#73149 (Winfried Donkers)
启用 CoinMP 求解器
Previously LibreOffice shipped the lpsolve solver, now we can build both the lpsolve and coin-mp solvers. (Matúš Kukan)
统计向导 (类似于Excel的增强组件"Analysis ToolPak")
In Statistics Wizard
▸- added Two factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (Tomaž Vajngerl)
- added F-test. tdf#74663 (Tomaž Vajngerl)
- added t-test. tdf#74668 (Tomaž Vajngerl)
In random number generation dialog box tdf#76718 (Tomaž Vajngerl)
▸ ▸ , now user can optionally limit the number of decimal places in the generated random number.Impress演示文稿 和 Draw绘图
隐藏的幻灯片不再包含在页面计数中,以避免误解。 tdf#74383 (J. Fernando Lagrange)
在状态列增设一按钮,可一键缩放幻灯片以适应当前窗口。(Caolán McNamara)
It is now possible to distinguish between selected and unselected slides when the mouse over highlight activates. rhbz#1096295 (Caolán McNamara)
3D 模型
LibreOffice now supports inserting 3D models in the glTF format into presentations (using libgltf). To use this feature, go to ▸ ▸ . Currently this option is available for Windows and Linux. (Zolnai Tamás, Jan Holesovsky, Markus Mohrhard).
- Static model: Duck
- Animated model: Monster
Limited support for 3D models in *.dae and *.kmz formats (using collada2gltf). (Zolnai Tamás, Matúš Kukan).
Base 数据库
- LibreOffice bundles a new version of Access2Base, see Scripting / Base for details.
Chart 图表
Added property mapping functionality for charts, allowing to change data series properties based on spreadsheet values. For more details see this blog entry (Markus Mohrhard)
Core 核心
- On Windows, IAccessible2 is now the only assistive technology support option. Support for the Java Accessibility Bridge has been removed, and turning on experimental features is no longer necessary in the Advanced options to enable assistive technology support.
- Added new, specialized roles for specific text, spreadsheet and presentation documents. tdf#39944 (blog post) (Jacobo Aragunde)
- Improve mapping of ATK and LibreOffice roles, matching new(ish) ATK roles with existing UNO ones. tdf#39944 (blog post) (Jacobo Aragunde)
- Expose the role change between a heading and a paragraph through a new UNO accessibility event. tdf#35105 (blog post) (Jacobo Aragunde)
- Remove unnecessary text-attributes-changed events when typing. tdf#71556 (Jacobo Aragunde)
- Notify misspelled words to accessibility. tdf#71558 (Jacobo Aragunde)
- Use quick help text as the accessible name for toolbar buttons if not explicitly set. tdf#74681 (Jacobo Aragunde)
VCL (GUI Toolkit)
- Major refactoring and cleanup of the VCL code (Chris Sherlock)
选项 / 常规
CUPS, 传真机 和 spadmin
LibreOffice will now autodetect that fax4CUPS printers are fax machines and prompt for the fax number to use when you print to them. Multiple numbers, separated by commas, can be entered.
Other printer drivers that contain custom options which can take arbitrary text or numbers are now supported. So to set the phone number for printer drivers for fax machines that utilize a custom option for that purpose the number can be entered in the device tab of the printer properties.
The graphical utility spadmin is now removed in favor of these new features and the operating system's standard printer administration tools. (Caolán McNamara)
- Import Line Join and Cap. tdf#45003 (Vort, Sponsored Feature)
- Improve display and editing of rotated text. tdf#77105, tdf#45001 (Vort, Sponsored Feature)
- Correctly detect whitespace. tdf#35143 (Vort, Sponsored Feature)
- Correctly detect colors. tdf#37246 (Vort, Sponsored Feature)
- Correctly position rotated text. tdf#44710 (Vort, Sponsored Feature)
- Fix problem with lines getting stacked. tdf#49431 (Vort, Sponsored Feature)
- Add dashes support. tdf#78241 (Vort, Sponsored Feature)
改进了对 OOXML 的支持
- Initial import support for OOXML Strict in the DOCX, XLSX and PPTX formats. For more details, see this blog entry. (Markus Mohrhard, Miklos Vajna)
- Theme fonts support: detect and render the proper fonts and preserve font theme attributes. Details in this blog entry. (Jacobo Aragunde)
- Preserve theme colors on fonts, paragraphs and table cells. (Jacobo Aragunde, blog entry)
- Preserve style attribute on shapes and tables. (Jacobo Aragunde)
- Preserve line and fill theme colors on shapes, including color transformations. (Jacobo Aragunde, blog entry)
- Preserve gradient shape fill, although the render is not accurate the gradient information is completely preserved on export. (Jacobo Aragunde, blog entry)
- Save embedded spreadsheets, presentations, etc. in docx documents. (Jacobo Aragunde)
- Improved Standard Document Tags support: fix export of date and checkbox controls, fix import of combobox controls reusing dropdown control and preserve the other kinds of tags. (Jacobo Aragunde)
- Preserve effects on shapes and pictures, including 3D effects and artistic effects. (Jacobo Aragunde, blog entry)
- Improved handling of Writer track changes in groupshape text. (Miklos Vajna, blog entry)
- Shape adjustment names are now exported according to the specification. tdf#73215 (Miklos Vajna)
- VML import now handles optional command parameters. commit (Miklos Vajna)
- Improved drawingML export of pattern fill for shapes. commit (Miklos Vajna)
- DOCX import now handles explicit horizontal merges of table cells. tdf#65090 (Miklos Vajna)
- DOCX import now handles floating tables anchored inside tables. tdf#74357 (Miklos Vajna)
- Microsoft Works spreadsheets and databases (Laurent Alonso)
- A host of legacy Mac formats (Laurent Alonso)
- spreadsheets: BeagleWorks, ClarisWorks, Claris Resolve, GreatWorks, MacWorks, Wingz
- vector and bitmap images: BeagleWorks, ClarisWorks, GreatWorks, MacPaint, MacWorks, SuperPaint
GUI 图形界面
The default Tango icon set has received a general update, including the addition of new icons for the Sidebar. (Alexander Wilms, Miroslav Mazel)
在macOS系统中,工具栏使用系统原生渲染背景. tdf#69358 (Joren De Cuyper, Jan Holesovsky, Tor Lillqvist)
- Line color picker now uses a color palette instead of a list. tdf#46839 (Maxim Monastirsky)
- Several color pickers were converted to split buttons, making it possible to apply the last used color with one mouse click. This includes: Font color (Impress, Draw), Font color of drawing objects (Writer, Calc), Line color, 3D Extrusion color. commit (Maxim Monastirsky)
- 在启动中心预览所有的文件类型,不只是ODF。 tdf#72469 (Jan Holesovsky)
- 选择性地删除最近的文档 (Jan Holesovsky)
- Some HiDPI support for Linux and Windows, most of the patches have been backported to 4.2.3 (Keith Curtis, Jan Holesovsky, Caolán McNamara, Andrzej Hunt)
- DOCX import now has a progressbar. tdf#58044 (Miklos Vajna)
- (从4.3.1版开始支持) 我们现在推出适用於相当多种语系的 Adobe Source Sans Pro 2.0字体。而此字体现在开始支持西里尔文(Cyrillic)、希腊文和国际音标等书写系统,调整了几个变音符号,新增俄罗斯的卢比符号(
, 自Unicode 7.0後被含括。)tdf#81095 (András Tímar)
- 增添东部马林克语(Maninkakan, Eastern)[emk-Latn-GN]. tdf#74672 (Eike Rathke)
- 增添阿瓦尔语(Avar) [av-RU]. tdf#75161 (Eike Rathke)
- 增添平原克里语(Cree, Plains)[crk-Latn-CN] and Syllabics [crk-Cans-CN]. tdf#73973 (Eike Rathke)
Available as default document language and for locale specific formatting.
- Added Lengo [lgr-SB] locale data. tdf#72512 (pcunger, Eike Rathke)
- Added Moore [mos-BF] locale data. tdf#78647 (David Delma, Eike Rathke)
- Added French (Côte d'Ivoire) [fr-CI] locale data. tdf#79348 (David Delma, Eike Rathke)
- Added French (Mali) [fr-ML] locale data. tdf#79349 (David Delma, Eike Rathke)
- Added French (Senegal) [fr-SN] locale data. tdf#79350 (David Delma, Eike Rathke)
- Added French (Benin) [fr-BJ] locale data. tdf#79351 (David Delma, Eike Rathke)
- Added French (Niger) [fr-NE] locale data. tdf#79352 (David Delma, Eike Rathke)
- Added French (Togo) [fr-TG] locale data. tdf#79353 (David Delma, Eike Rathke)
In character attribution dialogues the language list box (of the Western text font if CJK or CTL are enabled) is now a combo box with an edit field where the user can specify a valid BCP 47 language tag to define a text language attribute if the language they wants to assign is not available from the selectable list. (Eike Rathke)
- 排序数据的重排算法经过了大改。现在排序大的数据集明显加快。 (Kohei Yoshida, Michael Meeks)
- 导入包含很多关联属性的OOXML文档更加快速。 (Michael Meeks)
- 更快的DOCX超链接导入。 tdf#76563 (Miklos Vajna)
脚本编程 / Base数据库
新版本的 Access2Base
LibreOffice bundles Access2Base V1.1.0, a simplified API for scripting of Base (and database forms stored in Writer, Calc, ... documents) in the Basic programming language. It is more concise and easier to learn than the cross-language standard UNO API. The current version allows dynamic data access from any Basic macro, including, just as an example, from a user-defined function invoked in a Calc cell formula. (Jean-Pierre Ledure)
- Exporting to the 1.0 XML file format was removed; users are recommended to save in ODF, which is a perfect substitute that is better in all respects. Import of old files is still possible. (Bryan Quigley)
- The Sidebar in Draw doesn't have an "Insert Shapes" panel anymore. tdf#73070 (Rob Snelders)
ODF 变更
API 变更
OSL macro 清理
- Remove _OSL_GLOBAL df2c663fef3435a8c3d541b364780876229ccd29
- Remove OSL_DEBUG_ONLY 22ab56f5e35dff58e1923b693dc33ff252293557
C++ UNO 语言绑定以及 URE 库
- All inline C++ functions that took a
parameter by value or returnedsal_Bool
have been changed to usebool
instead. This should effectively be transparent to client code, and potentially helps static analyzers produce better diagnostics.
从一个服务中移除了 XInitializationRemoving
- dbd640e501b559e6910950d33b0cfd297d3a1cfd
- 9f6534100c470fb7d15b5d72821ea33fcce01983
- 7dca32d575ab974e5f42f579bdeda21d2e445efe
- 21bc6014f7d334c84288c748b8012484dcbe4ca7
- 90a1232fb3a38bcf67ed2b1f195206041bca4174
- 8c6342c25896e515869500f538370de336b123c7
- 72b5343bd16deec540d8cd148cd7aebd74e92c16
- 42fc427d047a263185d89528953f980019ef815f
Implementations should just always return an empty sequence, and clients should be prepared to routinely obtain empty sequences (which already could have happened in the past) or (better) not call this method at all. dd1050b182260a26a1d0ba6d0ef3a6fecc3f4e07
UNO API 中的移除
- Updated build environment on Windows (Windows Server 2012R2 with Visual Studio 2012).