QA/Meetings/2013/August 02 NA Pub Chat

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    Informal Meeting of the QA Team (North America)

    no previous meeting - next

    Date and Time 15:00 EST (19:00 UTC)
    G+ Hangout [ See QA/IRC 5min before meeting starts ]
    Bartenders Joel Madero, Robinson Tryon
    Started 15:02 EST
    Adjourned 16:05
    Participants Robinson, Joel, Joe, Ken, Mas, Joren, Thomas
    Talkyoo Room Number 537138

    What is this?

    This meeting is a one-off trial run of having a monthly QA chat/informal BYOB Pub-style get-together for people who do QA work for LibreOffice (or who are interested in getting involved w/QA).

    Joel and Robinson will work on having some kind of agenda. Probably.

    If anything interesting or relevant is said at this meeting, or if we just want to remember it, we'll put it in an IPA-colored box... this!


    Agenda + Minutes


    • Meeting started at: 15:02
    • Participants: Robinson, Joel, Joe, Ken, Mas, Joren, Thomas


    • Joren will join once he finishes his moustache.
    • Joren didn't attached a moustache, but will try to find one next time

    Opening Diatribe

    This space is for the Bartenders......and by that, I mean mostly Joel :-)

    1. Introduction to Robinson and myself
    2. Other QA members - quickly introduce who isn't present but heavily involved
    3. Regular meeting time

    Joel and Robinson say hi.

    Joel does a lot of stuff [Ed. he's not officially "in charge," but he's basically the go-to guy for QA :-) ]

    We have a number of people on the QA Team: Joel - unofficial leader Rob - Technical side, BSA, etc.. Joren - Bjoern - Canonical Petr - Florian R - Server GUI ...and more!

    We're very active as a team

    1. What is QA -
      1. Main job is to make sure that code behaves as we expect it to behave
      2. How
        1. Facilitate conversation between users (our main finders of bugs) and developers (triaging)
        2. Test LibreOffice as much as possible – if not working on critical work we hope that QA uses a pre-release or master so that we can find bugs BEFORE users see the problem
        3. Facilitate bug reporting by keeping how to's up to date and maintaining BSA
      3. Links
        1. - bug tracker
    2. Triaging
      1. By far our largest responsibility is to triage bugs – confirm them or disprove them
      2. Why
        1. We are often the first contact user has with LibreOffice community
        2. To catch critical/blocker bugs this is the best method – users use LibreOffice in so many ways that we don't – they see bugs that we'd never see (you'd be amazed at the interesting things people do with LibreOffice)
      3. Goal
        1. Mostly a personal goal but I think most agree – No bug should go more than 30 days without someone from community – usually QA – getting in touch and trying to triage the bug.
      4. How to
        1. QA/BugTriage
      5. Prioritizing
        1. Not everyone does it but it's the goal that all bugs are prioritized so that we can move away from lists such as MAB and Hard Hacks (already retired)
        2. Prioritizing Bugs Flowchart.jpg
      6. Sample response

    QUESTION - How to get a bug to developers? Once it's confirmed and we set to 'NEW', what do we do next? Joel - Here's our flowchart: Flowchart

    Most people follow that process. Once the bug is NEW, we prioritize it and wait for the devs to pick it up.

    (Additional Info: We do have the MAB list, and if a bug is a blocker, we usually cc a dev)

    Joel - Had over 600 bugs reported since the end of the Triaging Contest.

    Joel - Currently over 1000 UNCONFIRMED bugs.

    QUESTION: UNCONFIRMED bugs reported a couple of years ago -- are most of those already fixed? Joel - Some of the bugs are so small or so unique (to a particular piece of hardware, etc...) that they might not yet have been addressed.

    QUESTION: Whiteboard -- what should go into this field (and what should NOT go in here?)

    Relevant links regarding the whiteboard:


    Mas - Engineer. Manages some servers. Thinking about 10-15 hours a week (working on multiple teams)

    Joe - Hopes to contribute some time.

    Discussion & To Do List

    (We probably won't have "Pending Items" -- anything pending can be pushed to the QA/Mailing List) or to the next biweekly QA Meeting)
    • We can discuss whatever people want...
    1. QA Website
      1. Proof reader for main page: (Joel)
      2. Page for Linux specific stuff (Joel)
      3. Page for macOS specific stuff (Joren)
    2. Wiki (Joel & Robinson)
      1. General feedback cleanup of all pages under QA heading QA
      2. Specifically these pages needs cleaned bad
        1. QA/BSA/BugReport Details
        2. QA/Projects (need to be in touch with all QA members – update the page, make it look nice, add new content)
    3. BSA
      1. Updating BSA to do new cool things (tech skills required – Robinson & Rob)
    4. FDO Alternative
      1. Currently we are playing around with the idea of migrating away from FDO (Robinson & Florian R)
    5. Triaging (Joel, Joren, Florian, Petr, Cor, etc...)
      1. We ask that all QA members do some triage work
    6. Testing master
      1. Download install master and/or daily – test the hell out of it, report any bugs – elevate any crasher bugs
    7. Duplicate search
      1. This is very much appreciated by devs – search through NEW (confirmed) bugs and find dupes
    8. Verify Fixes
      1. For bugs recently fixed it's good to test to make sure the bug actually fixed the problem - if you can verify we mark as VERIFIED - FIXED

    Joel - Wiki stuff is pretty simple. Point out any problems to the QA Mailing List.

    Joel - For testing, please use

    You might not want to use the daily/development builds for everyday use, as there might be bugs in them. You can avoid these issues by

    Joel - We're pretty informal in our channel. We have fun and joke around, but also get our work done.

    Joel - Some ideas that have been proposed (mostly not implemented yet):


    • ANNOUNCEMENT: Our next QA Meeting will take place on August 9th (Friday) at 13:00 UTC, unless otherwise noted on the QA/Mailing List.
    • ANNOUNCEMENT: Our next NA QA Pub Chat will take place in a month on September 6th (Friday) at 15:00 EDT.


    • Meeting adjourned at: 16:05