Videos/Become a member script

    From The Document Foundation Wiki

    This page contains the scripts for the Become a member of TDF video.

    1. In the LibreOffice community, we often use the motto: free office suite, fun project, fantastic people.
    2. And it's important that our contributors have fun, especially when we get together at events, hackfests and the yearly LibreOffice Conference.
    3. While all contributions are greatly appreciated, if you want to get more involved with The Document Foundation, the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice, you can join us as a member of the Board of Trustees.
    4. TDF members are based around the world and contribute time, effort and skills, whether on a voluntary or paid basis.
    5. All members are equal, and as they come from a diverse set of backgrounds and locations, they provide The Document Foundation with a rich set of talent, experiences and ideas.
    6. As well as showing commitment to the goals of The Document Foundation, and contributing time and effort, members can also vote for the Board of Directors.
    7. Because the Board handles strategic planning and funding allocation in The Document Foundation, this voting process is important.
    8. Members can vote for Directors they believe represent their interests and those of the project as a whole.
    9. Oh, and as a bonus, members get a email address as well!
    10. While many members are LibreOffice developers, all contributors are welcome to join, as Gabriele Ponzo from the Membership Committee explains:
    11. This is really a beautiful community, really inclusive - there are many, many tasks you could do.
    12. So this is not a community of only developers.
    13. This is the most important thing, because sometimes people are scared and think - "why should I join this community when I'm not a developer for example, or a power user?"
    14. But sometimes it's enough to translate some text, for example, or make speeches, or videos, or what else... documentation.
    15. We have so many tasks you can be useful for, and we are open to new ideas as well.
    16. So you could join the community just to say: "hey, why don't we prepare a banner to show on beaches, for example!" Why not?
    17. And we say: "OK, so are you taking charge of that?"
    18. So there are many reasons to be a member of this community, which is really a happy community. We have fun. So probably we would say the best reason is: to have fun!
    19. So join us! If you're actively involved in LibreOffice or the Document Liberation Project, and plan to contribute for at least six months, visit
    20. We look forward to meeting you!