QA/Meetings/2014/September 24

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    Meeting of the QA Team

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    Date and Time (UTC) 2014-09-24 17:30 UTC
    G+ Hangout
    Chair Robinson Tryon
    Secretary Robinson Tryon





    colonelqubit (Robinson)
    Reisi007 (Florian R.)

    Talkyoo Room Number 537138


    Agenda + Minutes


    Content from the meeting itself ("the minutes") will be displayed in blue boxes like this.

    Before we Start

    A few minutes before we officially start the call, we'll try to have a few people on hand to help assist newbies set up their teleconferencing gear, get things muted, and log on to all of our communication channels:


    Put start time and attendees list in the table

    IRC Minutes

    NOTE: We're going to continue with our much shorter meetings (15-30 min). Having the meeting in IRC worked out well for the last two weeks, so we may try that again.

    We'll touch on a few metrics such as UNCONFIRMED bug count and regressions, and then we'll have each person in the meeting bring up whatever QA topics they'd like to address.

    Some people like the current call time on Wednesdays, but if there's enough interest in change, we'll do it.


    Pending topics:

    • Multimedia in macOS
    • LibreFest Bug-Triaging event in Seattle - Advertising!
    • Bugzilla migration
    • Better docs for bug reporting/
    • New recruitment
      • Including talking to Ask.LibreOffice and Users list
      • [DONE] ACTION: Robinson will email oweng re: recruiting for QA from users list and Ask.LO

    Reisi007: colonelqubit: hi (01:27:25 PM)
    Reisi007: colonelqubit: can you open the hangout NOW
    Reisi007: I have to install some stuff before it is ready...
    colonelqubit: Reisi007: sooooo
    colonelqubit: Do people want to have a voice call, or chat in IRC?
    Reisi007: colonelqubit: I vote for voice
    colonelqubit: who's joining in?
    colonelqubit: I know this time isn't great for joel
    Reisi007: colonelqubit: /me
    TerrenceEnger: I am here, but more to listen than to contribute.

    • colonelqubit nods

    Reisi007: colonelqubit: listen, not reading ;) So 2 votes for call
    colonelqubit: Hmm, well if we're just a couple of people
    TerrenceEnger: I shudda said "read".

    • colonelqubit nods

    Reisi007: TerrenceEnger: noooo
    colonelqubit: Reisi007: So ideally we'd have a few more people in the meeting
    colonelqubit: Reisi007: let's at least start here in IRC (01:36:30 PM)
    Reisi007: :(
    colonelqubit: So from my side, I've been filling in as release engineer for the last couple of weeks
    Reisi007: So / me is turning off the pc
    colonelqubit: This has given me a unique perspective on QA, and (in particular) the desire to get bugs tested on older versions
    colonelqubit: When you make the release candidates, you feel more responsible when one of the new commits causes a bug!
    colonelqubit: As you guys may have seen, our UNCONFIRMED count is pushing up over 900 again. I'm going to spend some time after the meeting here to work on that number, and invite you (and everyone else in the channel) to join me
    colonelqubit: That's the big stuff from my side. Reisi007 -- how about you?
    Reisi007: colonelqubit: nothing
    TerrenceEnger: I feel like for every bug I confirm, I find another bug to file.
    colonelqubit: TerrenceEnger: hmm
    colonelqubit: TerrenceEnger: do you feel like these are small issues, or big issues?
    TerrenceEnger: Most of them small, definitely.
    colonelqubit: okay, that's good
    colonelqubit: TerrenceEnger: are you seeing some of them fixed, or are they mostly still open?
    TerrenceEnger: For example, while I was waiting here, I saw tdf#84287. Now, either I do not know how to show numbering or master does not show numbering.
    IZBot: LibreOffice-Writer minor/medium NEW EDITING: Cannot undo 1st line numbering tdf#84287
    TerrenceEnger: Lots of them seem to get fixed amazingingly quickly.
    colonelqubit: that really great, actually
    colonelqubit: confirming existing bugs is just one piece of the puzzle, obviously :-)
    colonelqubit: So finding and reporting other bugs is critical to the overall stability of the project
    colonelqubit: What we hope, of course, is that by finding and fixing these bugs, then tests can be added to ensure that regressions don't happen
    colonelqubit: Anyone else around who's been working on QA this week? samuel_m, mjayfrancis, ertai_NL_ ?
    TerrenceEnger: Ah, tests. I have tried a couple of times and failed. Discouraged
    samuel_m: I've worked on fixing bugs. If that's QA, then yes :)
    IZBot: News from asklibo: Hide numbering in Heading 1, only <> || In Base - text field is displayed as number <> || Vba code of opening a save as dialouge box and writing a string into it is not working in libreoffice <
    colonelqubit: samuel_m: Just interested in what people have been working on
    colonelqubit: Good to get an idea of where we are, and where we'd like to be in the next few wees
    colonelqubit: *weeks
    colonelqubit: Let's see... so 4.3.2 will be released tomorrow
    colonelqubit: If you haven't grabbed the RC2, please download it and use it. There have been only a handful of bugs reported against it, and nearly all of those are pre-existing bugs
    colonelqubit: As I mentioned, I'm going to do some triaging of UNCONFIRMED bugs right now, and y'all are welcome to join
    colonelqubit: Other than that, thanks for participating in the meeting! (01:54:30 PM)
    TerrenceEnger: Thanks, all. Life calls.

    • colonelqubit waves

    The State of QA

    Including any Opening Discussion

    • xx- Bugzilla migration
      • Updates...
      • Re: need to reset passwords
        • Email notification ahead of migration
        • Tweak the change-password page and the front page to indicate that people will need to reset their passwords
        • Create an 'About our new Bugzilla' video as a part of our 'Intro to QA' series
    • Bugzilla:
      • SUGGESTION: Use to host Bugzilla
      • We can have both LibreOffice and some of the Document Liberation Project libraries all exist as top-level products in the bugtracker
    • QUESTION: Should we refocus ourselves as the TDF QA Team (to cover LibreOffice, DLP, etc.. ?)
    • ACTION: Send thank-yous to Xamarin and Michael's brother (Joel)

    weekly status

    Pending Items

    PENDING ITEM: Auto-updates for regular users and QA Testing

    • ACTION: Investigate auto-updates for regular users and/or for QA/testing purposes (Robinson)
    • ACTION: Open discussion again re:auto-update for QA on the mailing list (Robinson)
      • Related: tdf#78592 - "LibreOffice-Installation enhancement/medium NEW UI: Provide RSS feed for torrent downloads" (Joel)
    • PUNTED: Bring up proposal to use Mozilla updater tooling for LibreOffice (Robinson)

    PENDING ITEM: Bugzilla Migration etc.

    • ACTION: Organize time to stress-test new Bugzilla VM (Joel)
    • ACTION: Make sure to suppress outgoing email during our testing of the test Bugzilla (Robinson)
    • ACTION: Perhaps add Simple HTTP Auth (htaccess) control restricting access to (Robinson/Norbert)
    • ACTION: Resolve url for hosting our Bugzilla instance (Joel)
      • Deal with acronym if using url (tdf# ?)
    • ACTION: Set up call and/or thread(s) with the useful people on a mailing list (Robinson)
      • May 22 - Started process
      • June - Need to follow-up again with key people re: current progress (Robinson)

    PENDING ITEM: Bibisect Repositories

    • ACTION: Chat w/Bjoern, etc... re: updates to bibisect repos (Robinson)
      • Propose docs on testing w/3.3.0 separately to place bugs in pre-LO category (Robinson)
    • ACTION: Provide documentation for mac bibisect on wiki (Norbert)
      • Perhaps ask Cloph for help re: Bibisect stuff, and keep Norbert's cycles free for Bugzilla migration

    To review:

    • IDEA: Add bibisect into regular Developer workflow
    • IDEA: Create graph/tool to show which builds contain a given commit

    PENDING ITEM: GUI for Bibisect

    • ACTION: Review BibiGUI -- any Windows/C# Python volunteer dev (Bjoern)
      • June 19 - Joel may have found a volunteer?
    • ACTION: Create an EasyHack a bug for the process of rewriting the existing C# code in Python (or Java) (Florian R.)
    • ACTION: Joel will poke the new guy again on email that showed up with dev experience


    • ACTION: SI-GUI: Contact the people running "interesting" Windows tinderboxes and ask for their assistance (Florian R.)

    PENDING ITEM: Hackfests

    • ACTION: Check on status of LibreOffice building in the cloud for hackfests (Robinson)
      • Included in the notes for hackfest planning

    Update on:

    PENDING ITEM: Whiteboard Naming Conventions

    • ACTION: Update tags in the whiteboard to use 'wimpyCaps' (ALL)
      • We had a discussion about filter:xxx, and not sure we found a perfect resolution...
    • Also continue to clarify the use of capitals in the whiteboard, etc..

    PENDING ITEM: Discuss usefulness of QA project in Redmine


    Some ideas for our possible QA Budget

    • Host bibisect repo in the cloud -- use VNC to connect
      • Testing builds in the cloud @ the Boston Hackfest -- good for 1-off testing, but slow for 10 bibisects in a row (Robinson)
      • Perhaps a good target for onboarding (Bjoern)
        • Makes things run very quickly, get people hooked
      • We can spin-up a new machine for each person we're onboarding
    • Daily builds (also in the cloud?)
    • SDK tutorial?
      • Get python community interested in LibreOffice
      • Python IDE support for creating LibreOffice extensions?
        • Can be beneficial for both communities
      • Need to find someone in Python community to help move this forward
    • Hackfest hardware
      • Especially helpful when we don't have good bandwidth/stable connection
    • Other items
      • Crash reporter for Windows
      • Moztrap improvements
        • Ask sophie about a solid proposal for what could be done
      • Native-lang BSA for more projects
        • Biggest hurdle is getting native-lang communities to sign-up for long-term commitment to deal with bug reports (Robinson)

    Long-term/Frozen Pending Items

    These are long-term or frozen items (i.e. on ice until something else happens) that we don't want to forget about...

    PENDING ITEM: MozTrap Localization

    • ACTION: MozTrap translation (GUI and tests) continues to be high-priority for QA (Needs someone to shepherd)

    To review:

    • Other project who might want to work on translating GUI w/us?

    PENDING ITEM: Feedback pages

    • ACTION: Sophie will shepherd native-lang versions of Feedback page

    To review:

    • Next steps for NL versions (bug #?)

    PENDING ITEM: US Merch Store

    • (Future progress)

    PENDING ITEM: Most Annoying Bug List

    • ACTION: Joel will propose stricter guidelines for what qualifies as a MAB

    To review:

    • How is the test going? (using the 'Priority' field in Bugzilla)


    PENDING ITEM: Talk to CS Department/others at University

    • ACTION: Put up a message on the message board at his University and see who is interested (Joel)
      • Need to meet w/Charlie R. to talk with his Uni contacts as well

    New Action Items

    All items proposed between meetings go here

    New Items (Proposed/Discussed at the Meeting)

    NEW ITEM: description (your name)



    Put meeting-adjourned time in the table


    (Add topics below and reference them as #Example Topic in the Agenda/Minutes above)

    Example Topic