LibreOffice 5.3: 发行注记

    From The Document Foundation Wiki



    After you add a release note, please also add this text into the Whiteboard field of the respective Bugzilla report, referencing the appropriate LibreOffice version: inReleaseNotes:xx.y


    • 您应当提供一段描述。该描述应当能够让某个非常繁忙的读者很容易地找到该特性所在的位置,并能很快地开始尝试该功能。请将您的目标读者看作是一位非常繁忙的、且对该软件几乎不怎么了解的人。因此,如果某个用户界面上的元素对了解该特性很重要,那么您应当显式地列出其访问路径,比如:菜单 ▸ 格式 ▸ 字符 ▸ 位置 [选项卡] ▸ “90度”
    • 您应当列出该特性的作者的名字。如果可能,请在该特性描述的最后以括号的形式列出。
    • 如果该特性能够用一个示例文档或者测试文档进行展示,那么您最好提供或者链接到一个示例文档。这有助于我们进行截图、并有助于读者自行进行测试。

    For more details, see the guidelines.




    • Writer中新增了编辑 ▸ 转到页面对话框,用于快速跳转到其它页面。该对话框也可通过快捷键Ctrl + G访问。 tdf#83054 (Akshay Deep, Yousuf Philips)



    详细的代码变更,请见这个博客文章. (Jakub Trzebiatowski, GSoC 2016; Miklos Vajna, Collabora; Jan Holešovský, Collabora; Yousuf Philips)



    • 在Writer中新增了一些之前只在Draw和Impress中才有的新的绘图工具。tdf#101390 (Gülşah Köse)


    • 现在可以通过工具栏按钮设置小体大写字母字符。博文. (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)

    显示无边框边距 (borderless padding)

    • 现在即使没有设置边框,页面/段落/字符/页眉/框架/图像等“到内容的距离”仍然会起作用。这是为了保持与其它ODF格式生成软件的兼容。 (Justin Luth, SIL)
    • 在5.4版本中将能够定义无边框内边距(padding)。tdf#41542


    • 现在可以在Writer的导航器窗口中一次性选取多个标题级别,然后统一对其进行升级降级等操作。要进行多个选取,您需要在导航器界面中激活“内容导航视图”,并使用SHIFT或者CTRL键。注意,在导航器窗口中可以通过拖放来重新组织章节的顺序(这是很早之前就已经有的功能)。(Michael Stahl) tdf#54834



    • 添加了新的绘图工具(这些工具之前只在Draw和Impress中才有)。 tdf#101390 (Gülşah Köse)


    • 对于全新安装,新建文档将启用“在公式中启用通配符”而不是正则表达式。这是为了更好的与其他电子表格软件兼容,并提升对正则表达式不熟悉的用户的使用体验。 tdf#88581 (Eike Rathke (Red Hat, Inc.)) 另请见5.2版本中有关通配符的发行注记.


    • EFFECTIVE的名称被更改为EFFECT,以与其它电子表格软件保持一致。 tdf#100641 (Eike Rathke (Red Hat, Inc.))

    与 ODF 1.2 的兼容性


    LibreOffice 5.1 之前的版本错误地将WEEKNUM在ODF格式中保存为ISOWEEKNUM. 5.1版本中采用了临时的解决方案,而5.3版本彻底解决了该问题。 (见 ReleaseNotes/5.1#Compatibility_with_ODF_1.2). (Eike Rathke (Red Hat, Inc.))

    • 当导入ISOWEEKNUM时,如果函数使用一个参数,则保持正确的ISOWEEKNUM.
    • 如果函数有两个参数,则决定第二个参数模式是否是数值1. 如果不是数值1,则将其映射为与具有一个参数的ISOWEEKNUM函数相同,因为之前的WEEKNUM函数对于该模式正好是这样对待的。
    • 如果第二个参数是其它不同的值,比如是数值1或者是一个表达式,则该函数将被映射到在LibreOffice 5.1中引入的兼容性函数WEEKNUM_OOO.
      • 函数WEEKNUM_OOO现在被保存为能被5.1和5.2版本读取的ORG.LIBREOFFICE.WEEKNUM_OOO.


    • 分数格式 (Laurent BP)
      • 格式码 #, ?0 中的任何一个均可以被用作任何整数、分子或分母的格式码。
    例如,格式码 # ?/#00 会将数字3.5显示为 3 1/02, 会将圆周率 PI 显示为 3 16/113 tdf#100755 tdf#31449
    • 任何字符串均可以被用作整数和分数部分之间的分隔符:
    #" plus fraction "?/? 会将圆周率 PI 显示为 3 plus fraction 1/7 tdf#100834
    • 引入了新的算法,从而能显示更精确的分数值。 tdf#99996 (Wolfgang Jäger)
    • 新的强制显示分母的格式。 tdf#100592
    • 如果分母的数值中的位数比格式码中的占位符数少,则将被向左对齐 tdf#102507:格式码 # ?/??? 会将数值3.5显示为
    3 1/2 (分数之后有两个空格), 而不是
    3 1/ 2 (之前的行为)
    • 格式选项现在可在UI界面格式 ▸ 单元格 ▸ 数字和侧边栏中找到


    • 默认的单元格样式会从用户配置文件夹中的一个文件中载入 (Jaskaran Singh (GSoC))
      • 语法基于ODF,而且是从 orcus 载入
      • 现在可以很容易地定义自己的默认单元格样式
    • 新的改进的默认单元格样式,tdf#90937 (UX team, Jaskaran Singh)


    • Median函数已被添加到了数据透视表中的可用函数清单里,这对于数据字段及行列字段(subtotal)很有用。当前这种类型的数据透视表只能在ODS格式的文档中保存和载入。 tdf#61700 (Tamás Zolnai)


    • 合并非空白单元格 格式 ▸ 合并单元格 ▸ 合并单元格 现在有了一个新选项: tdf#30456 (Laurent BP)
      • 在LibO 5.3之前,如果检测到了内容,可以将其移动到第一个单元格中。如果没有,则内容只是被隐藏了,而没有移除。
    • 从LibO 5.3开始,有了一个新的选项:清空隐藏的单元格,从而引用到这些单元格的公式会被更新。
    • 现在可以从函数列表中搜索函数(插入 ▸ 函数tdf#67974.


    • 通过插入 ▸ 媒体 ▸ 图片库插入的图像现在可以选择链接模式,而不是嵌入到文档中。 tdf#65356 (Samuel Mehrbrodt, CIB)
    • 母版幻灯片模式下侧边栏中的幻灯片属性面板。 tdf#89466 (Susobhan Ghosh, GSoC 2016; Katarina Behrens, CIB; Yousuf Philips)


    在启动Impress时,会弹出“模板选择器”对话框,允许您选择一个模板用来创建演示文稿。(Akshay Deep, GSoC; Samuel Mehrbrodt, CIB)



    • 新增了两个默认模板: VividPencil:


    • 新的箭头结尾形状,包括Crow's foot(鱼尾纹)式的箭头结尾。在其他组件中也可用。 (Yan Pashkovsky, Dipankar Niranjan) tdf#93782 tdf#92152


    • Firebird has been upgraded to version 3.0.0. It is unable to read back Firebird 2.5 data, so embedded firebird odb files created in LibreOffice version up to 5.2 cannot be opened with LibreOffice 5.3. Since a future version of firebird will have a backwards compatibility module, some future version of LibreOffice (embedding this future version of firebird) will also be able to open these older files.
    • Embedded firebird switched to Firebird's "archive" format, which is version and endianness independent, so this issue won't happen again.
    • ODB files created by LibreOffice < 5.3 can be manually converted to LibreOffice 5.3 format by using Firebird 2.5 to convert the data to archive format, and replacing the database data within the ODB by the archive format version. To do this, install a stand-alone Firebird 2.5, and use its "gbak" tool to convert the file "database.fdb" to "database.fbk" within the odb file. Don't forget to remove the .fdb file.


    • 趋势线(回归)等式:
      • Y轴的名称(默认是"f(x)")以及X轴的名称(默认是"x")可以由用户自己指定。 tdf#100547 (Laurent BP)


    • Dynamically-sized integral intd now allows sub/superscripts. (Takeshi Abe) tdf#53472 tdf#102268
    • New command "Evaluated At" in "Brackets" section of Elements window has been added. (Takeshi Abe) tdf#44839
    • Improved MathML import (Takeshi Abe)
    • Improved MathML export (Takeshi Abe)
      • Export dynamically-sized integral intd to MathML tdf#97049
      • Export Greek symbols to MathML with correct mathvariant attribute tdf#101022

    核心 / 常规

    • 关闭 LibreOffice 将不再结束活动的 UNO 连接 (Samuel Mehrbrodt, CIB)。tdf#102274


    • 新的跨平台文本排版引擎使用 HarfBuzz 在所有平台呈现一致的文本布局(Akash Jain, GSoC 2016; Khaled Hosny)tdf#89870
      • OpenType 排版现在在所有平台上得到支持,并且默认的 OpenType 功能面向所有语言启用。
      • Graphite 排版现在在 macOS 上得到很好的支持,而不仅仅是在 Linux 和 Windows。
      • OpenType 排版功能可以通过以前仅仅用于 Graphite 字体的句法来控制。
      • 改进了阿拉伯文字的 Kashida 对齐方式。
      • 使用 HarfBuzz 而非本土化的解决方案改进了中日韩文字竖式文本布局。
      • 所有文本排布现在都通过 HarfBuzz,所谓的简单文本和复杂文本之间已不再有分别。
      • 许多 Windows 和 macOS 特有的文本排布 bug 已经修复。
    通过新的文本排版引擎在 macOS 上使用 Graphite 字体 Awami Nastaliq
    STIX Two Text 字体显示小型大写字母、不等宽数字和分数已经被激活
    • 改进并统合跨平台的行间隔计算(Khaled Hosny)tdf#55469
    • 启用从左到右的竖排方向,用于传统蒙古文和满文(Khaled Hosny)tdf#33278


    见这个 博客文章

    • 修正最近使用的颜色。
    • 新增“自定义调色板”,允许用户在区域样式对话框中添加自定义颜色。
    • 由于引入了“自定义调色板”,原来的 工具 ▸ 选项 ▸ LibreOffice ▸ 颜色 已经没有必要存在,因此已将其从选项中移除。
    • 调色板 gallery, web, cmyk, 以及 scribus 已被移除,由于其缺乏标准,而且名称起的太随意。
    • Tangohtml 调色板的标签和颜色排列进行了改进。
    • 标准 调色板也被更新。The first row starts now with 12 shades of gray followed by 12 basic colors from the HSV color wheel. The next rows are variations of these basic colors in respect to saturation and luminance by 66%, 50%, and 25%. The final 12×8 arrangement fits perfectly into our color picker grid
    • breeze 已被加入到了默认调色板集中。It comprises all values known from the KDE human interface guidelines as an alternative to tango
    • 新增 tonal 调色板。It aims to provide a set of colors with the same luminance respective color contrast
    • 新增 freecolour-hlc 调色板,它基于 CIE LAB 颜色模型。Its purpose is to provide a cross-media safe set of colors targeting expert publishers


    • The bundled libxmlsec library has been upgraded to 1.2.23, including our "OOXML Relationships Transform Algorithm" implementation upstream. blog entry (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
    • Added support for PDF signature import/export. blog entry. (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)
    A verified PDF signature.


    新增了“安全模式”功能,该模式允许用户暂时以全新的用户配置文件启动 LibreOffide, 并帮助用户恢复已损坏的配置。(Armin Le Grand, CIB; Samuel Mehrbrodt, CIB)


    • 通过菜单命令: 帮助 ▸ 以安全模式重新启动...
    • 使用 --safe-mode 命令行参数。
    • 在 Windows 下: 使用 LibreOffice (安全模式) 开始菜单启动项。


    • 帮助文档的内容现在会尽可能地使用操作系统的默认字体来渲染。(i.e., Windows下是Segoe UI,Ubuntu下是Ubuntu,Fedora下是Cantarell), 已保持一致性。(Adolfo Jayme Barrientos)

    Office URI Schemes 支持

    • Libreoffice现在支持以下注册的 Office URI Schemes (Mike Kaganski, Collabora) (commit 1 commit 2):
      • ms-word:
      • ms-powerpoint:
      • ms-excel:
      • ms-visio:
      • ms-access:
    • 另外,新的自定义 Libreoffice-specific scheme 被引入:
      • vnd.libreoffice.command:
    • 当前,默认的保存文件夹参数被忽略。
    • 这些 schemes handler 在 Win 下是通过安装包在系统上注册的。MS-specific schemes 仅在用 LibreOffice 打开微软格式的文件选项被勾选时才会被注册。(commit)
    • 这会导致与例如 SharePoint 等的更好集成。



    • 对导入/保存为 .xlsx 或 .xls 格式的筛选器的改进:
      • Fix for looses width for hidden/collapsed grouped columns after export to .xlsx or .xls tdf#51524 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
      • Landscape orientation are now properly saved after export to .xlsx (MS Excel compatible) tdf#48767 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
      • Hidden and empty rows became hidden when export to .XLSX or .XLS file tdf#98106 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
      • Outline columns and rows are saved correctly after export to XLSX tdf#100347 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
      • During .xlsx export, XML_outlineLevelRow, XML_outlineLevelCol keys are now saved (Office365 compatible) tdf#101135 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
      • Fix column width on MS Excel for macOS, after export to XLSX and XLS tdf#100946 (Bartosz Kosiorek; Markus Mohrhard)
      • Fix precision of column width according to MS specification tdf#101363 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
      • Fix for User Defined Custom Formatting which was not applied during importing XLSX documents tdf#70565 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
      • Fix exporting of coloured empty cells to .xlsx and .xls documents tdf#46738 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
      • Fix compatibility issue with Excel 2007 after export to .xlsx tdf#101059 (Bartosz Kosiorek)
      • Fix slow import of grouped pivot tables in .xlsx tdf#102694 (Tamás Zolnai)
      • Number formats:
        • preserve escape characters tdf#81939 (Laurent BP)
        • fraction format accepts '0' in addition to '#' and '?' tdf#100755 (Laurent BP)
        • extended LCID can be imported. Extended LCID is used to export calendar and local numerals tdf#36038 (Laurent BP)


    • 现在,“插入 - 图像”对话框中多了一个PDF文档的选项,可以将PDF文档作为图像插入到文档中了 请参考这个博客文章. (Miklos Vajna, Collabora)

    对二进制 Microsoft Office筛选器的改进

    • 对导入 .doc 和 .xls 格式的筛选器的更改:
      • The contemporary Microsoft Office default Binary Document encryption "RC4 CryptoAPI Encryption" is now supported (Caolán McNamara, Red Hat, Inc.)


    • .sdc, .sda 以及 .sdw 格式现在又可以通过 libstaroffice 来导入了。目前,这个筛选器是从零开始设计的,正处于前期开发阶段,因此转换简单的文档可能没有问题,但是在转换复杂一些的文档时可能会失败。(Laurent Alonso)
      • 对于.sdw 文件:程序将会尝试获取主文本和格式。
      • 对于.sda 文件:程序将会尝试获取不同的形状/文本框,以及一些图像...
      • 对于.sdc 文件:程序将会尝试获取所有内容,除了图表。

    GUI 用户界面

    • Keyboard shortcuts now appear in context menus and its visibility can be set in Tools ▸ Options ▸ View ▸ Menu. tdf#74377 (Maxim Monastirsky)
    Shortcuts in context menu. Left - disable, right - enable
    • Document recovery dialog has been simplified; it looks better and less complicated now. tdf#99341 (Muhammet Kara, Pardus)
    Document recovery dialog. Left - start, center - in progress, right - finished)
    • Revamped the Extension Manager dialog; replaced the customly-implemented error-prone buttons and behaviours with compatible standard widgets and behaviours, and fixed various bugs in the process. The Extension Manager now provides better user experience and accessibility. tdf#103146 tdf#102004 (Muhammet Kara, Pardus; Yousuf Philips)
    The revamped Extension Manager Dialog


    • 工具栏支持 32px 图标(特大)。目前仅Breeze图标集含有32px图标。(Tomaž Vajngerl, Collabora)
    • 支持 SVG 图标, 然而因为一些小问题的存在,目前还没有内置的图标包含SVG图标,这只是个实验性功能。 (Tomaž Vajngerl, Collabora)


    • 对颜色、渐变、阴影线及位图选项卡进行了重新设计,并新增了一个“图案”选项卡。 tdf#94551 (Rishabh Kumar, GSoC 2016; Katarina Behrens, CIB; Heiko Tietze; Yousuf Philips)
    • 默认的图案集。 tdf#94547 (Yousuf Philips)


    • “打开模板”命令已被加入到了工具栏中的“打开”下拉列表中。 (Samuel Mehrbrodt, CIB) eb4ad667b


    • Introduction of the Page Deck in the sidebar in Writer, housing four panels - Page Format Panel, Styles Panel, Header Panel and Footer Panel (see this blog entry) tdf#83830 (Susobhan Ghosh, GSoC 2016; Katarina Behrens, CIB; Yousuf Philips)
    Writer Page Deck
    • Added "Import Bitmap" functionality to the Area Content Panel found in the Properties deck. tdf#90078 (Susobhan Ghosh, GSoC 2016; Katarina Behrens, CIB; Yousuf Philips)
    Import Bitmap Button in Area Content Panel
    • Added Styles Preview checkbox functionality to the Styles & Formatting Sidebar Deck. tdf#93845 (Susobhan Ghosh, GSoC 2016; Katarina Behrens, CIB; Yousuf Philips)
    Import Bitmap Button in Area Content Panel
    • Introduction of the new "Media Playback Panel" found in Properties deck when Media is selected (see this blog entry). tdf#87794 (Susobhan Ghosh, GSoC 2016; Katarina Behrens, CIB; Yousuf Philips)
    Media Playback Panel
    • Introduction of the "Default Shapes Panel" in the new Shapes Deck (currently experimental) for Draw (see this blog entry). tdf#87643 (Susobhan Ghosh, GSoC 2016; Katarina Behrens, CIB; Yousuf Philips)
    Default Shapes Panel in new Shapes Deck


    • New entry Help ▸ User Guides.... Direct link to user guides and collateral documentation (Olivier Hallot, Christian Lohmaier, Heiko Tietze, Yousuf Philips, Samuel Mehrbrodt,Katarina Behrens )
    • New entry Help ▸ Get Help Online.... Direct link to community-supported forums and knowledge base (Olivier Hallot, Christian Lohmaier, Heiko Tietze, Yousuf Philips)
    Link to community-supported forums and user guides


    • Theme Selection dialog has been fixed, and the search box and the category buttons are properly working once again. You can now colorize your LibreOffice environment to your liking by following the Tools ▸ Options... ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Personalization ▸ Select Theme path. tdf#87597 ecc43f06a94587e8808c7edf73eae23e5243dc85 (Muhammet Kara, Pardus)
    Firefox theme selection dialog
    • Customization dialog is more accessible, and user friendly since it now shows the options which were hidden with the split buttons previously. tdf#82840 tdf#103160 (Muhammet Kara, Pardus; Yousuf Philips)
    Menus and Toolbar Tabs of the Customization Dialog


    • BASIC IDE编辑器现在将会使用您在工具 ▸ 选项 ▸ LibreOffice ▸ 应用程序颜色中为“字体颜色”和“文档背景”设置的颜色。tdf#103209 (Takeshi Abe)


    • Everyone can now improve accessibility as almost all a11y relations are now easily editable with Glade. tdf#87026 (Muhammet Kara, Pardus)

    LibreOffice Online

    This release features the first source release of LibreOffice Online - which provides basic collaborative editing of documents in a browser by re-using the LibreOffice core. Rendering fidelity should be excellent, and interoperability match that of LibreOffice. This is however, fundamentally a server service, best installed and configured by someone au-fait with SSL certificate creation, and is most useful when integrated with another solution.

    公共 LibreOffice Online Docker 镜像

    You can grab the latest docker image from Docker Hub here:

    Or grab it like this:

    $ docker pull libreoffice/online
    $ docker run -t -d -p -e "domain=<your-dot-escaped-domain>" --cap-add MKNOD libreoffice/online


    This docker image does not work on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, because Ubuntu 14.04 LTS has missing kernel compile option CONFIG_AUFS_XATTR=y, which is leading to setcap not working on docker’s aufs storage. Upstream bug:


    • 帮助文档的内容有了很多持续的改进。(Gabor Kelemen, Olivier Hallot, Lera Goncharuk, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos, Jean Spiteri, Andras Timar)


    • The accent mark in Calc function names in the Spanish language (e.g. DÍA(), MÁX()) has been removed in version 5.2.3, as alignment to other spreadsheet implementations tdf#101981 (Adolfo Jayme Barrientos, Johnny_M)


    Available for text attribution.

    • Silesian [szl-PL], tdf#101540 (Eike Rathke (Red Hat, Inc.))
    • Hungarian Rovas [hu-Hung-HU], tdf#97406 (Eike Rathke (Red Hat, Inc.))


    • European Portuguese language auto-correction files were synchronized with Brazilian Portuguese files tdf#97439 (Tiago Santos)
      • adds 1936 automatic replacement entries, 11 new two caps word exceptions and 1726 new abbreviations.
    • Croatian sentence exception list updated: added 66 new abbreviations.
    • Proofing tools for German language (de-AT, de-CH, de-DE) have been largely improved (tdf#105396):
      • The spell-check dictionary now contains over 258,000 words. This new version adds over 7,300 new words.
      • The hyphenation patterns have been improved. The new version includes 700 corrected and new hyphenation patterns. Hyphenation uses the new COMPOUND feature and contains a list with over 69,000 words and compounds.
      • The thesaurus now contains over 146,000 words in over 37,000 meaning groups. The new version adds ~11,000 new words. The thesaurus includes now 11,400 associations and 1,900 antonyms.

    Note pin.svg

    If you speak an endangered language and wants to help us to achieve our goal of providing free tools for every single person on the Earth, please join us.

    脚本: Python和Basic

    Access2Base 更新

    Access2Base, the Basic library for Base users, is now available in its version 1.6.0 (Jean-Pierre Ledure).

    The main improvements are related to the management of (long) binary fields with the GetChunk and AppendChunk methods. Also the scope of the CopyObject method has been extended to the duplication of complete tables between distinct databases. As an experimental feature, the tables might belong to databases built above distinct database systems (f.i. from HSQLDB to MySql or the opposite). Additionally a spanish translation of the UI has been provided by Iñigo Zuluaga. Full documentation is available on the documentation website.




    • Windows下的LibreOffice安装包 (MSI) 现在支持Windows Vista及更高版本操作系统下的“启动管理器”特性 (commit) (Mike Kaganski, Collabora). 这使得安装程序可以自动关闭并重新启动占用了LibreOffice安装过程中需要更新的文件的进程,由此用户将不再需要在安装完LibreOffice之后重新启动计算机。


    These features are not finalized, yet can be tried by early adopters. They can be enabled in Tools ▸ Options ▸ LibreOffice ▸ Advanced ▸ Enable experimental features.


    • 加入了四个工具栏模式供用户选择,从而可以轻松地在不同的可见工具栏模式之间切换。对应的工具栏选项是 视图 ▸ 工具栏布局. tdf#101249 (Szymon Kłos, GSoC 2016; Yousuf Philips)
    • 实现 Extended Toolbar framework (见这个 博客文章) (Szymon Kłos, GSoC 2016; Jan Holešovský, Collabora; Samuel Mehrbrodt, CIB; Yousuf Philips)
    • 实现Extended Toolbar中的3个布局。(Szymon Kłos, GSoC 2016; Yousuf Philips; Heiko Tietze)
    • 在Impress中,标准(单一工具栏模式) 工具栏被加入,以提供单一工具栏选项,里面包含了一些常用的功能。该模式可以通过 视图 ▸ 工具栏模式 ▸ 单一. tdf#92218 启用。(Yousuf Philips)
    New Standard (Single Mode) toolbar in Impress 5.3


    • 在Writer的侧边栏中加入了 管理更改 面板。


    • 在工具栏上添加了用于插入 Emoji 表情的控件。默认情况下这个控件是隐藏的,如果需要这个功能,您需要自定义您的标准工具栏,勾选“Emoji表情”从而将其激活。 tdf#100100 (Akshay Deep, GSoC; Samuel Mehrbrodt, CIB)




    • 移除了 'Human' 图标主题 (Samuel Mehrbrodt, CIB) d1f4b84fa
    • 移除了Windows下对 bitmap-only 字体的支持 (Khaled Hosny) tdf#103514
    • 移除了对 Type 1 字体的支持 (Khaled Hosny) 48304c


    • The File ▸ Wizards ▸ Presentation wizard has been removed. Instead a new template selection dialog is available when launching Impress (see #Template_Selector). (Akshay Deep) bb8040595c9b6f0ccde39e6833f27a50abb891d8
    • The simple gradient templates AbstractGreen, AbstractRed and AbstractYellow have been removed (Yousuf Philips)

    Under the Hood

    See what changed under the hood.



    • /org.openoffice.Office/Substitution configuration schema 已被移除,而且 服务已经不支持在 /org.openoffice.Office/Substitution/SharePoints 中定义的配置集中的替代选项。 tdf#102630
    • /org.openoffice.Office/Common/View/Localisation/AutoMnemonic configuration schema 已被移除。 a97d67cd0bf0819d4559fa79d5fcbcd86222fe6a
    • /org.openoffice.Office/Common/View/Localisation/DialogScale configuration schema 已被移除。 4bc99ab1ac4bed1df66d1df8b1ca3168e7e3d8f4
    • /org.openoffice.Office/Common/View/FontScaling configuration schema 已被移除。 ec950f8ebb2745ccff2275dcc09d2034cd73dfeb
    • /org.openoffice.Office/Common/FirstStartWizard configuration schema 已被移除。


    UNO API 更改

    Java UNO 语言绑定

    • 移除了一些不赞成的 interface 970b0ebb67d4033d70795e586a26c7a695c14194

    SDK 更改