Kaip versti "LibreOffice"
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"LibreOffice" vertimas yra gana paprastas. Siūlome tai dartyi naudojant "Weblate" (mūsų vertimo portalą internete). Viskas, ko jums reikia lokalizavimui naudojant šį metodą - tai naršyklė ir interneto prieiga. Jei norėtumėte dirbti neprisijungus prie interneto, tai irgi yra įmanoma (žr. toliau). Prieš pradėdami lokalizavimą, pasiteiraukite Kalbos komandos, ar lokalizavimas jau nėra atliktas.
Žiūrėk Versijų išleidimo planą. Versijų išleidimo planas rodo datas, kada pirminis kodas bus pažymėtas kaip "beta", "RC" (kandidatas) arba "galutinai išleistas". Vertimo galutinis terminas visada yra likus 2 dienoms iki paskelbtos pažymėjimo datos. Turėkite omenyje, kad kandidato (RC3) paskutinės x.y.0 laidos vertimo terminas yra kartu ir galutinės x.y.0 laidos vertimo terminas.
Kiekvienai laidai:
- Vertimai išgaunami iš "Wablate" antradienį
- Prieš žymėjimą jie įrašomi į "Git", kiekvienos žymos galutinis terminas - pirmadienis
Taigi, prašome įdėti savo pakeitimus į "Weblate" pirmadienį, kad jie būtinai būtų įtraukti.
For more information about the tool itself, please see https://weblate.org/en/ and its documentation https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/
TDF’s nuosavas "Weblate" visada turi atnaujintų lokalizuojamų eilučių. "Weblate" administratoriai atnaujina jas gana dažnai.
Čia rasite Gidą kaip naudotis "Weblate" verčiant "LibreOffice".
"Weblate" pradinio puslapio viršuje, spustelėkite "Kalbos" ir pasirinkite "Parodyti visas kalbas". Pamatysite šiuo metu galimų versti projektų sąrašą. Iš pavadinimų lengva suprasti projektų tematiką. Norėdami lokalizuoti "LibreOffice", turėsite dirbti su tokiais projektais, kaip LibreOffice master - UI, 'LibreOffice master - Help, LibreOffice x.x.x - UI ir LibreOffice x.x.x - Help. Apskritai, jei tik pradedate dirbti, prasimngiasia dirbti "master" šakoje, tačiau jei norite ištaisyti keletą nemalonių L10n klaidų dabartinėje LibO versijoje, galite tai padaryti ir šioje šakoje.
Ką reiškia versti "pagrindinį" :
The workflow has changed between 4.4 and 5.0, instead of working only on branches, the work can start earlier in between branches by working on master. Once there is a code branch, then it is reflected on Weblate branch and the work done on master is copied to the new created branch:
Regular code workflow:
─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────> master │ │ │ │ └─────> libreoffice-6-3 │ │ │ └───────────> libreoffice-6-2 │ │ └────────────────> libreoffice-6-1 │ └─────────────────────> libreoffice-6-0 └──────────────────────────> libreoffice-5-4
All branches were once "master", and then were split up to refine stuff. Translations were special project, as basically there was no "in between" updates. Translations did jump from 4-2 to 4-3, from 4-3 to 4-4 without any intermediate updates in between.
Master-based workflow would mean that when libreoffice-5-0 is created, the translations of master will be copied over and reused for that, and master then would be ongoing for libreoffice-5-1. See the whole explanation of Christian in this thread
If you prefer to translate offline, you can download PO files from Weblate and use your favourite tool(s) to work on them. You'll find the links in the “Files” dropdown menu of the desired language/project combination. Assuming you have the appropriate rights for your language, you should be able to upload PO or ZIP files back anytime (in case of ZIP, you must make sure to keep the initial directory structure intact).
You'll notice there are a few more projects available on Weblate. Here's a short overview of them:
- Impress Remote: here you can localize the Impress Remote mobile applications.
- Online: here are the LibreOffice Online web and mobile applications.
- Website: this small project contains localization files that relate to websites. In particular, the mysite file contains our custom strings that appear in libreoffice.org websites (mostly related to the download page experience), the faqs file contains localization of the FAQs module that might (or might not) be used on local websites, extensionssite contains localization for extensions.libreoffice.org, and googleplay contains the strings we use in Google Play store. You don't have to translate all of these files, especially if you know you won't need some of them. Note that many generic things related to the CMS of libreoffice.org are being localized elsewhere. Also, please note that by completing this module, you don't get a "translated website". However, if you want to host a LibreOffice website in your language, you'll most likely want to translate at least the mysite file.
- When uploading a file, I have an error "Please fix errors in the form. Error in parameter method: This field is required"
- Make sure you have marked one of the fields in the File upload mode area
- How do I search for a KeyID?
- Make sure you have picked Exact match in the Search type and check Comment strings
- How do I add members to my language group?
- Currently, only Weblate admins are able to add members to languages groups, either send a mail to the l10n list or to Sophie
POT and PO files
Latest POT files extracted from the source can always be found here:
PO files for each supported language are stored in the source code repository in the module called 'translations'. This module is maintained by Christian Lohmaier and András Tímár, who will get translations from Weblate (or alternative sources) before each release and will push them to git.
- You are encouraged to subscribe to l10n
global.libreoffice.org mailing list. Apart from being a support channel for localizers, it's also the medium where important information for translators (such as string updates and deadlines) is announced. You can also ask 'timar' on irc.libera.chat in the #libreoffice-dev channel.
- You may edit new .ui files using Glade to see them in context. For that install Glade for your distribution (I only know for Linux, so fix it if you know for other distributions) and either a version from master or the last dev build you want to translate.
- then enter in your terminal:
export GLADE_CATALOG_SEARCH_PATH=/opt/libreofficedev4.2/share/glade/
- then enter the path of the file you want to display:
glade /opt/libreofficedev4.2/share/config/soffice.cfg/cui/ui/pageformatpage.ui
Other Aspects of Localization
More aspects of LibreOffice localization are covered in the LibreOffice Localization Guide.
Some other aspects are covered in the UI and Help files Content Guide which details what has or has not to be translated, like variables or xml content.